2.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { EndpointOptions, RequestParameters as RequestParametersType, EndpointInterface } from "@octokit/types";
2export type GraphQlEndpointOptions = EndpointOptions & {
3 variables?: {
4 [key: string]: unknown;
5 };
7export type RequestParameters = RequestParametersType;
8export type Query = string;
9export interface graphql {
10 /**
11 * Sends a GraphQL query request based on endpoint options
12 * The GraphQL query must be specified in `options`.
13 *
14 * @param {object} endpoint Must set `method` and `url`. Plus URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
15 */
16 <ResponseData>(options: RequestParameters): GraphQlResponse<ResponseData>;
17 /**
18 * Sends a GraphQL query request based on endpoint options
19 *
20 * @param {string} query GraphQL query. Example: `'query { viewer { login } }'`.
21 * @param {object} [parameters] URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
22 */
23 <ResponseData>(query: Query, parameters?: RequestParameters): GraphQlResponse<ResponseData>;
24 /**
25 * Returns a new `endpoint` with updated route and parameters
26 */
27 defaults: (newDefaults: RequestParameters) => graphql;
28 /**
29 * Octokit endpoint API, see {@link https://github.com/octokit/endpoint.js|@octokit/endpoint}
30 */
31 endpoint: EndpointInterface;
33export type GraphQlResponse<ResponseData> = Promise<ResponseData>;
34export type GraphQlQueryResponseData = {
35 [key: string]: any;
37export type GraphQlQueryResponse<ResponseData> = {
38 data: ResponseData;
39 errors?: [
40 {
41 type: string;
42 message: string;
43 path: [string];
44 extensions: {
45 [key: string]: any;
46 };
47 locations: [
48 {
49 line: number;
50 column: number;
51 }
52 ];
53 }
54 ];