1 | # on-change
2 |
3 | [![install size](https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=@olegjs/on-change)](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=@olegjs/on-change)
4 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/olegjs/on-change.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/olegjs/on-change)
5 | [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/olegjs/on-change/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/olegjs/on-change?branch=master)
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9 |
10 | CLI tool to run a command if file has changed since the last time that command
11 | was run.
12 |
13 | Forgetting to run `npm i` every time after `git pull` and getting
14 | `Error: Cannot find module...`? Add the following to `package.json` to automate
15 | this chore.
16 |
17 | ```json
18 | {
19 | "scripts": {
20 | "prestart": "on-change --file package-lock.json npm ci"
21 | }
22 | }
23 | ```
24 |
25 | This CLI tool stores a file checksum in a hidden `sha` file every time it run a
26 | given command. Made to automate running `npm ci` after pulling modified
27 | `package-lock.json`.
28 |
29 | ## Install
30 |
31 | ```sh
32 | npm install --save-dev @olegjs/on-change
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ## Usage
36 |
37 | ```sh
38 | npx @olegjs/on-change --help
39 | # Usage: on-file-change --file [file] [command]
40 | #
41 | # Options:
42 | # --help Show help [boolean]
43 | # --version Show version number [boolean]
44 | # --file, -f Path to file to check for changes [string] [required]
45 | #
46 | # Examples:
47 | # on-file-change --file package-lock.json Reinstall dependencies on changed
48 | # npm ci package-lock.json
49 | ```