1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | const { yellow, magenta } = require('chalk')
4 | const { spawnSync } = require('child_process')
5 | const { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs')
6 |
7 | const {
8 | checksum: getChecksum,
9 | checksumFilePath: getChecksumFilePath,
10 | hashFromFileContent,
11 | } = require('./checksum')
12 |
13 | const argv = require('yargs')
14 | .scriptName('on-file-change')
15 | .usage('Usage: $0 --file [file] [command]')
16 | .example(
17 | '$0 --file package-lock.json npm ci',
18 | 'Reinstall dependencies on changed package-lock.json',
19 | )
20 | .option('file', {
21 | alias: 'f',
22 | demandOption: true,
23 | describe: 'Path to file to check for changes',
24 | type: 'string',
25 | })
26 | .demandCommand(1).argv
27 |
28 | const UTF = 'utf8'
29 |
30 | const getPastChecksum = path =>
31 | existsSync(path) ? hashFromFileContent(readFileSync(path, UTF)) : null
32 |
33 | const checksum = getChecksum(readFileSync(argv.file, UTF))
34 | const checksumFilePath = getChecksumFilePath(argv.file)
35 | const pastChecksum = getPastChecksum(checksumFilePath)
36 |
37 | if (checksum !== pastChecksum) {
38 | console.log(
39 | `File "${magenta(argv.file)}" has changed.`,
40 | `Running "${yellow(argv._.join(' '))}"...`,
41 | )
42 |
43 | const [command, ...args] = argv._
44 | spawnSync(command, args, { encoding: UTF, stdio: 'inherit' })
45 | writeFileSync(checksumFilePath, `${checksum} ${argv.file}`)
46 | }