10.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import { StatsEventListener } from '../exporters/types';
17import { Metric } from '../metrics/export/types';
18import { TagMap } from '../tags/tag-map';
19import { TagKey, TagValue } from '../tags/types';
20/** Default type for functions */
21declare type Func<T> = (...args: any[]) => T;
22/** Main interface for stats. */
23export interface Stats {
24 /**
25 * Creates a view.
26 * @param name The view name
27 * @param measure The view measure
28 * @param aggregation The view aggregation type
29 * @param tagKeys The view columns (tag keys)
30 * @param description The view description
31 * @param bucketBoundaries The view bucket boundaries for a distribution
32 * aggregation type
33 */
34 createView(name: string, measure: Measure, aggregation: AggregationType, tagKeys: TagKey[], description: string, bucketBoundaries?: number[]): View;
35 /**
36 * Registers a view to listen to new measurements in its measure.
37 * @param view The view to be registered
38 */
39 registerView(view: View): void;
40 /**
41 * Creates a measure of type Double.
42 * @param name The measure name
43 * @param unit The measure unit
44 * @param description The measure description
45 */
46 createMeasureDouble(name: string, unit: MeasureUnit, description?: string): Measure;
47 /**
48 * Creates a measure of type Int64. Values must be integers up to
50 * @param name The measure name
51 * @param unit The measure unit
52 * @param description The measure description
53 */
54 createMeasureInt64(name: string, unit: MeasureUnit, description?: string): Measure;
55 /**
56 * Updates all views with the new measurements.
57 * @param measurements A list of measurements to record
58 * @param tags optional The tags to which the value is applied.
59 * tags could either be explicitly passed to the method, or implicitly
60 * read from current execution context.
61 * @param attachments optional The contextual information associated with an
62 * example value. The contextual information is represented as key - value
63 * string pairs.
64 */
65 record(measurements: Measurement[], tags?: TagMap, attachments?: {
66 [key: string]: string;
67 }): void;
68 /**
69 * Remove all registered Views and exporters from the stats.
70 */
71 clear(): void;
72 /**
73 * Gets a collection of produced Metric`s to be exported.
74 * @returns The List of metrics.
75 */
76 getMetrics(): Metric[];
77 /**
78 * Registers an exporter to send stats data to a service.
79 * @param exporter An stats exporter
80 */
81 registerExporter(exporter: StatsEventListener): void;
82 /**
83 * Unregisters an exporter. It should be called whenever the exporter is not
84 * needed anymore.
85 * @param exporter An stats exporter
86 */
87 unregisterExporter(exporter: StatsEventListener): void;
88 /**
89 * Enters the scope of code where the given `TagMap` is in the current context
90 * (replacing the previous `TagMap`).
91 * @param tags The TagMap to be set to the current context.
92 * @param fn Callback function.
93 * @returns The callback return.
94 */
95 withTagContext<T>(tags: TagMap, fn: Func<T>): T;
96 /** Gets the current tag context. */
97 getCurrentTagContext(): TagMap;
100 * Describes the type of the individual values/measurements recorded by an
101 * application. It includes information such as the type of measurement, the
102 * units of measurement and descriptive names for the data. This provides the
103 * fundamental type used for recording data.
104 */
105export interface Measure {
106 /**
107 * A string by which the measure will be referred to, e.g.
108 * "rpc_server_latency". Names MUST be unique within the library.
109 */
110 readonly name: string;
111 /** Describes the measure, e.g. "RPC latency in seconds". */
112 readonly description?: string;
113 /**
114 * Describes the unit used for the Measure. Follows the format described by
115 * http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html.
116 */
117 readonly unit: MeasureUnit;
118 /** The type used for this Measure. */
119 readonly type: MeasureType;
122 * Describes the unit used for the Measure. Should follows the format described
123 * by http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html.
124 */
125export declare enum MeasureUnit {
126 UNIT = "1",
127 BYTE = "by",
128 KBYTE = "kb",
129 SEC = "s",
130 MS = "ms",
131 NS = "ns"
133/** Describes the types of a Measure. It can be Int64 or a Double type. */
134export declare enum MeasureType {
135 INT64 = "INT64",
138/** Describes a data point to be collected for a Measure. */
139export interface Measurement {
140 /** The measure to which the value is applied */
141 readonly measure: Measure;
142 /**
143 * The recorded value. If the measure has type INT64, value must be an integer
144 * up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTERGER.
145 */
146 readonly value: number;
149 * Defines how individual measurements are broken down by tags and aggregated.
150 */
151export interface View {
152 /**
153 * A string by which the View will be referred to, e.g. "rpc_latency". Names
154 * MUST be unique within the library.
155 */
156 readonly name: string;
157 /** Describes the view, e.g. "RPC latency distribution" */
158 readonly description: string;
159 /** The Measure to which this view is applied. */
160 readonly measure: Measure;
161 /**
162 * An Aggregation describes how data collected is aggregated.
163 * There are four aggregation types: count, sum, lastValue and distirbution.
164 */
165 readonly aggregation: AggregationType;
166 /** The start time for this view */
167 readonly startTime: number;
168 /**
169 * The end time for this view - represents the last time a value was recorded
170 */
171 endTime?: number;
172 /** true if the view was registered */
173 registered: boolean;
174 /**
175 * Records a measurement in the proper view's row. This method is used by
176 * Stats. User should prefer using Stats.record() instead.
177 *
178 * Measurements with measurement type INT64 will have its value truncated.
179 * @param measurement The measurement to record
180 * @param tags The tags to which the value is applied
181 * @param attachments optional The contextual information associated with an
182 * example value. THe contextual information is represented as key - value
183 * string pairs.
184 */
185 recordMeasurement(measurement: Measurement, tags: TagMap, attachments?: {
186 [key: string]: string;
187 }): void;
188 /**
189 * Returns a snapshot of an AggregationData for that tags/labels values.
190 * @param tagValues The desired data's tag values.
191 */
192 getSnapshot(tagValues: Array<TagValue | null>): AggregationData;
193 /** Gets the view's tag keys */
194 getColumns(): TagKey[];
195 /** Gets view`s metric */
196 getMetric(start: number): Metric;
199 * Informs the type of the aggregation. It can be: count, sum, lastValue or
200 * distribution.
201 */
202export declare enum AggregationType {
203 COUNT = 0,
204 SUM = 1,
205 LAST_VALUE = 2,
208/** Defines how data is collected and aggregated */
209export interface AggregationMetadata {
210 /** The aggregation type of the aggregation data */
211 readonly type: AggregationType;
212 /** The tagValues that this AggregationData collects and aggregates */
213 readonly tagValues: Array<TagValue | null>;
214 /** The latest timestamp a new data point was recorded */
215 timestamp: number;
218 * Data collected and aggregated with this AggregationData will be summed
219 * up.
220 */
221export interface SumData extends AggregationMetadata {
222 type: AggregationType.SUM;
223 /** The current accumulated value */
224 value: number;
227 * This AggregationData counts the number of measurements recorded.
228 */
229export interface CountData extends AggregationMetadata {
230 type: AggregationType.COUNT;
231 /** The current counted value */
232 value: number;
235 * This AggregationData represents the last recorded value. This is useful
236 * when giving support to Gauges.
237 */
238export interface LastValueData extends AggregationMetadata {
239 type: AggregationType.LAST_VALUE;
240 /** The last recorded value */
241 value: number;
243/** This AggregationData contains a histogram of the collected values. */
244export interface DistributionData extends AggregationMetadata {
245 type: AggregationType.DISTRIBUTION;
246 /** The first timestamp a datapoint was added */
247 readonly startTime: number;
248 /** Get the total count of all recorded values in the histogram */
249 count: number;
250 /** Sum of all recorded values in the histogram */
251 sum: number;
252 /** Get the computed mean value of all recorded values in the histogram */
253 mean: number;
254 /**
255 * Get the computed standard deviation of all recorded values in the
256 * histogram
257 */
258 stdDeviation: number;
259 /**
260 * Get the computed sum of squared deviations of all recorded values in the
261 * histogram.
262 */
263 sumOfSquaredDeviation: number;
264 /** Bucket distribution of the histogram */
265 buckets: Bucket[];
266 /** Buckets count */
267 bucketCounts?: number[];
268 /** If the distribution does not have a histogram, then omit this field. */
269 exemplars?: StatsExemplar[];
272 * Exemplars are example points that may be used to annotate aggregated
273 * Distribution values. They are metadata that gives information about a
274 * particular value added to a Distribution bucket.
275 */
276export interface StatsExemplar {
277 /**
278 * Value of the exemplar point. It determines which bucket the exemplar
279 * belongs to.
280 */
281 readonly value: number;
282 /** The observation (sampling) time of the above value. */
283 readonly timestamp: number;
284 /** Contextual information about the example value. */
285 readonly attachments: {
286 [key: string]: string;
287 };
289export declare type Bucket = number;
290export declare type AggregationData = SumData | CountData | LastValueData | DistributionData;
291export {};