4.02 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Exception } from '../common/Exception';
2import { TimeInput } from '../common/Time';
3import { SpanAttributes, SpanAttributeValue } from './attributes';
4import { SpanContext } from './span_context';
5import { SpanStatus } from './status';
7 * An interface that represents a span. A span represents a single operation
8 * within a trace. Examples of span might include remote procedure calls or a
9 * in-process function calls to sub-components. A Trace has a single, top-level
10 * "root" Span that in turn may have zero or more child Spans, which in turn
11 * may have children.
12 *
13 * Spans are created by the {@link Tracer.startSpan} method.
14 */
15export interface Span {
16 /**
17 * Returns the {@link SpanContext} object associated with this Span.
18 *
19 * Get an immutable, serializable identifier for this span that can be used
20 * to create new child spans. Returned SpanContext is usable even after the
21 * span ends.
22 *
23 * @returns the SpanContext object associated with this Span.
24 */
25 spanContext(): SpanContext;
26 /**
27 * Sets an attribute to the span.
28 *
29 * Sets a single Attribute with the key and value passed as arguments.
30 *
31 * @param key the key for this attribute.
32 * @param value the value for this attribute. Setting a value null or
33 * undefined is invalid and will result in undefined behavior.
34 */
35 setAttribute(key: string, value: SpanAttributeValue): this;
36 /**
37 * Sets attributes to the span.
38 *
39 * @param attributes the attributes that will be added.
40 * null or undefined attribute values
41 * are invalid and will result in undefined behavior.
42 */
43 setAttributes(attributes: SpanAttributes): this;
44 /**
45 * Adds an event to the Span.
46 *
47 * @param name the name of the event.
48 * @param [attributesOrStartTime] the attributes that will be added; these are
49 * associated with this event. Can be also a start time
50 * if type is {@type TimeInput} and 3rd param is undefined
51 * @param [startTime] start time of the event.
52 */
53 addEvent(name: string, attributesOrStartTime?: SpanAttributes | TimeInput, startTime?: TimeInput): this;
54 /**
55 * Sets a status to the span. If used, this will override the default Span
56 * status. Default is {@link SpanStatusCode.UNSET}. SetStatus overrides the value
57 * of previous calls to SetStatus on the Span.
58 *
59 * @param status the SpanStatus to set.
60 */
61 setStatus(status: SpanStatus): this;
62 /**
63 * Updates the Span name.
64 *
65 * This will override the name provided via {@link Tracer.startSpan}.
66 *
67 * Upon this update, any sampling behavior based on Span name will depend on
68 * the implementation.
69 *
70 * @param name the Span name.
71 */
72 updateName(name: string): this;
73 /**
74 * Marks the end of Span execution.
75 *
76 * Call to End of a Span MUST not have any effects on child spans. Those may
77 * still be running and can be ended later.
78 *
79 * Do not return `this`. The Span generally should not be used after it
80 * is ended so chaining is not desired in this context.
81 *
82 * @param [endTime] the time to set as Span's end time. If not provided,
83 * use the current time as the span's end time.
84 */
85 end(endTime?: TimeInput): void;
86 /**
87 * Returns the flag whether this span will be recorded.
88 *
89 * @returns true if this Span is active and recording information like events
90 * with the `AddEvent` operation and attributes using `setAttributes`.
91 */
92 isRecording(): boolean;
93 /**
94 * Sets exception as a span event
95 * @param exception the exception the only accepted values are string or Error
96 * @param [time] the time to set as Span's event time. If not provided,
97 * use the current time.
98 */
99 recordException(exception: Exception, time?: TimeInput): void;
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