11.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * OpenUI5
3 * (c) Copyright 2009-2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
5 */
7// Provides functionality related to DOM analysis and manipulation which is not provided by jQuery itself.
9 'jquery.sap.global', 'sap/ui/dom/containsOrEquals',
10 'sap/ui/core/syncStyleClass', 'sap/ui/dom/getOwnerWindow', 'sap/ui/dom/getScrollbarSize',
11 'sap/ui/dom/denormalizeScrollLeftRTL', 'sap/ui/dom/denormalizeScrollBeginRTL',
12 'sap/ui/dom/units/Rem', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/Aria',
13 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/Selection', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/zIndex', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/parentByAttribute',
14 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/cursorPos', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/selectText', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/getSelectedText',
15 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/rect', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/rectContains', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/Focusable',
16 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/hasTabIndex', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/scrollLeftRTL', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/scrollRightRTL', 'sap/ui/dom/jquery/Selectors'
17], function(jQuery, domContainsOrEquals, fnSyncStyleClass, domGetOwnerWindow,
18 domGetScrollbarSize, domDenormalizeScrollLeftRTL, domDenormalizeScrollBeginRTL, domUnitsRem
19 /*
20 jqueryAria,
21 jquerySelection,
22 jqueryzIndex,
23 jqueryParentByAttribute,
24 jqueryCursorPos,
25 jquerySelectText,
26 jqueryGetSelectedText,
27 jqueryRect,
28 jqueryRectContains,
29 jqueryFocusable,
30 jqueryHasTabIndex,
31 jqueryScrollLeftRTL,
32 jqueryScrollRightRTL,
33 jquerySelectors*/
34) {
35 "use strict";
37 /**
38 * Shortcut for document.getElementById().
39 *
40 * @param {string} sId The id of the DOM element to return
41 * @param {Window} [oWindow=window] The window (optional)
42 * @return {Element} The DOMNode identified by the given sId
43 * @public
44 * @since 0.9.0
45 * @deprecated since 1.58 use <code>document.getElementById</code> instead
46 */
47 jQuery.sap.domById = function domById(sId, oWindow) {
48 return sId ? (oWindow || window).document.getElementById(sId) : null;
49 };
51 /**
52 * Shortcut for jQuery("#" + id) with additionally the id being escaped properly.
53 * I.e.: returns the jQuery object for the DOM element with the given id
54 *
55 * Use this method instead of jQuery(...) if you know the argument is exactly one id and
56 * the id is not known in advance because it is in a variable (as opposed to a string
57 * constant with known content).
58 *
59 * @param {string} sId The id to search for and construct the jQuery object
60 * @param {Element} oContext the context DOM Element
61 * @return {Object} The jQuery object for the DOM element identified by the given sId
62 * @public
63 * @since 0.9.1
64 * @function
65 * @deprecated since 1.58 use <code>jQuery(document.getElementById(sId))</code> instead
66 */
67 jQuery.sap.byId = function byId(sId, oContext) {
68 var escapedId = "";
69 if (sId) {
70 // Note: This does not escape all relevant characters according to jQuery's documentation
71 // (see http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/)
72 // As the behavior hasn't been changed for a long time it is not advisable to change it in
73 // future as users might be already escaping characters on their own or relying on the fact
74 // selector like byId("my-id > div") can be used.
75 escapedId = "#" + sId.replace(/(:|\.)/g,'\\$1');
76 }
77 return jQuery(escapedId, oContext);
78 };
80 /**
81 * Calls focus() on the given DOM element.
82 *
83 * @param {Element} oDomRef The DOM element to focus (or null - in this case the method does nothing)
84 * @return {boolean} Whether the focus() command was executed without an error
85 * @public
86 * @since 1.1.2
87 * @function
88 * @deprecated since 1.58 use <code>oDomRef.focus()</code> instead
89 */
90 jQuery.sap.focus = function focus(oDomRef) {
91 if (!oDomRef) {
92 return;
93 }
94 oDomRef.focus();
95 return true;
96 };
98 /*
99 * Convert <code>px</code> values to <code>rem</code>.
100 *
101 * @param {string|float} vPx The value in <code>px</code> units. E.g.: <code>"16px"</code> or <code>16</code>
102 * @returns {float} The converted value in <code>rem</code> units. E.g.: <code>1</code>
103 * @protected
104 * @since 1.48
105 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/units/Rem.fromPx} instead
106 */
107 jQuery.sap.pxToRem = domUnitsRem.fromPx;
109 /*
110 * Convert <code>rem</code> values to <code>px</code>.
111 *
112 * @param {string|float} vRem The value in <code>rem</code>. E.g.: <code>"1rem"</code> or <code>1</code>
113 * @returns {float} The converted value in <code>px</code> units. E.g.: <code>16</code>
114 * @protected
115 * @since 1.48
116 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/units/Rem.toPx} instead
117 */
118 jQuery.sap.remToPx = domUnitsRem.toPx;
120 /**
121 * Returns the outer HTML of the given HTML element.
122 *
123 * @return {string} outer HTML
124 * @public
125 * @name jQuery#outerHTML
126 * @author SAP SE
127 * @since 0.9.0
128 * @function
129 * @deprecated since 1.58 use native <code>Element#outerHTML</code> instead
130 */
131 jQuery.fn.outerHTML = function() {
132 var oDomRef = this.get(0);
134 if (oDomRef && oDomRef.outerHTML) {
135 return oDomRef.outerHTML.trim();
136 } else {
137 var doc = this[0] ? this[0].ownerDocument : document;
139 var oDummy = doc.createElement("div");
140 oDummy.appendChild(oDomRef.cloneNode(true));
141 return oDummy.innerHTML;
142 }
143 };
145 /**
146 * Returns whether <code>oDomRefChild</code> is contained in or equal to <code>oDomRefContainer</code>.
147 *
148 * For compatibility reasons it returns <code>true</code> if <code>oDomRefContainer</code> and
149 * <code>oDomRefChild</code> are equal.
150 *
151 * This method intentionally does not operate on the jQuery object, as the original <code>jQuery.contains()</code>
152 * method also does not do so.
153 *
154 * @param {Element} oDomRefContainer The container element
155 * @param {Element} oDomRefChild The child element (must not be a text node, must be an element)
156 * @return {boolean} Whether <code>oDomRefChild</code> is contained in or equal to <code>oDomRefContainer</code>
157 * @public
158 * @author SAP SE
159 * @since 0.9.0
160 * @function
161 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/containsOrEquals} instead
162 */
163 jQuery.sap.containsOrEquals = domContainsOrEquals;
165 /**
166 * For the given scrollLeft value this method returns the scrollLeft value as understood by the current browser in RTL mode.
167 * This value is specific to the given DOM element, as the computation may involve its dimensions.
168 *
169 * So when oDomRef should be scrolled 2px from the leftmost position, the number "2" must be given as iNormalizedScrollLeft
170 * and the result of this method (which may be a large or even negative number, depending on the browser) can then be set as
171 * oDomRef.scrollLeft to achieve the desired (cross-browser-consistent) scrolling position.
172 *
173 * This method does no scrolling on its own, it only calculates the value to set (so it can also be used for animations).
174 *
175 * @param {int} iNormalizedScrollLeft The distance from the leftmost position to which the element should be scrolled
176 * @param {Element} oDomRef The DOM Element to which scrollLeft will be applied
177 * @return {int} The scroll position that must be set for the DOM element
178 * @public
179 * @author SAP SE
180 * @since 0.20.0
181 * @function
182 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/denormalizeScrollLeftRTL} instead
183 */
184 jQuery.sap.denormalizeScrollLeftRTL = domDenormalizeScrollLeftRTL;
186 /**
187 * For the given scroll position measured from the "beginning" of a container (the right edge in RTL mode)
188 * this method returns the scrollLeft value as understood by the current browser in RTL mode.
189 * This value is specific to the given DOM element, as the computation may involve its dimensions.
190 *
191 * So when oDomRef should be scrolled 2px from the beginning, the number "2" must be given as iNormalizedScrollBegin
192 * and the result of this method (which may be a large or even negative number, depending on the browser) can then be set as
193 * oDomRef.scrollLeft to achieve the desired (cross-browser-consistent) scrolling position.
194 * Low values make the right part of the content visible, high values the left part.
195 *
196 * This method does no scrolling on its own, it only calculates the value to set (so it can also be used for animations).
197 *
198 * Only use this method in RTL mode, as the behavior in LTR mode is undefined and may change!
199 *
200 * @param {int} iNormalizedScrollBegin The distance from the rightmost position to which the element should be scrolled
201 * @param {Element} oDomRef The DOM Element to which scrollLeft will be applied
202 * @return {int} The scroll position that must be set for the DOM element
203 * @public
204 * @author SAP SE
205 * @since 1.26.1
206 * @function
207 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/denormalizeScrollBeginRTL} instead
208 */
209 jQuery.sap.denormalizeScrollBeginRTL = domDenormalizeScrollBeginRTL;
211 /*
212 * The following implementation of jQuery.support.selectstart is taken from jQuery UI core but modified.
213 *
214 * jQuery UI Core
215 * http://jqueryui.com
216 *
217 * Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
218 * Released under the MIT license.
219 * http://jquery.org/license
220 *
221 * http://api.jqueryui.com/category/ui-core/
222 */
224 /**
225 * States whether the selectstart event is supported by the browser.
226 *
227 * @private
228 * @type {boolean}
229 * @deprecated since 1.58
230 */
231 jQuery.support.selectstart = "onselectstart" in document.createElement("div");
233 /**
234 * Returns the window reference for a DomRef.
235 *
236 * @param {Element} oDomRef The DOM reference
237 * @return {Window} Window reference
238 * @public
239 * @since 0.9.0
240 * @function
241 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/getOwnerWindow} instead
242 */
243 jQuery.sap.ownerWindow = domGetOwnerWindow;
245 /**
246 * Returns the size (width of the vertical / height of the horizontal) native browser scrollbars.
247 *
248 * This function must only be used when the DOM is ready.
249 *
250 * @param {string} [sClasses=null] the CSS class that should be added to the test element.
251 * @param {boolean} [bForce=false] force recalculation of size (e.g. when CSS was changed). When no classes are passed all calculated sizes are reset.
252 * @return {object} JSON object with properties <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> (the values are of type number and are pixels).
253 * @public
254 * @since 1.4.0
255 * @function
256 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/getScrollbarSize} instead
257 */
258 jQuery.sap.scrollbarSize = domGetScrollbarSize;
260 /**
261 * Search ancestors of the given source DOM element for the specified CSS class name.
262 * If the class name is found, set it to the root DOM element of the target control.
263 * If the class name is not found, it is also removed from the target DOM element.
264 *
265 * @param {string} sStyleClass CSS class name
266 * @param {jQuery|sap.ui.core.Control|string} vSource jQuery object, control or an id of the source element.
267 * @param {jQuery|sap.ui.core.Control} vDestination target jQuery object or a control.
268 * @return {jQuery|Element} Target element
269 * @public
270 * @since 1.22
271 * @function
272 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/core/syncStyleClass} instead
273 */
274 jQuery.sap.syncStyleClass = fnSyncStyleClass;
276 return jQuery;