8.17 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * OpenUI5
3 * (c) Copyright 2009-2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
5 */
8 * This module should provide the foundation for tracing capabilities. There are three different namespaces.
9 * <ul>
10 * <li><code>jQuery.sap.interaction</code> - contains logic for the detection of interaction traces</li>
11 * <li><code>jQuery.sap.fesr</code> - handles the creation and transmission of frontend-subrecords http-headers</li>
12 * <li><code>jQuery.sap.passport</code> - handles the creation of the passport http-header, which is used by fesr and the
13 * E2eTraceLib module</li>
14 * </ul>
15 * All measurement activities get recorded by jquery.sap.measure, which is located in jquery.sap.global. As the initial
16 * interaction is the app startup, we need the measuring capability already before this module is loaded.
17 */
18sap.ui.define(['jquery.sap.global', 'sap/ui/performance/trace/Passport', 'sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction', 'sap/ui/performance/trace/FESR', 'sap/base/Log', 'sap/ui/Global'],
19function(jQuery, Passport, Interaction, FESR, Log) {
20 "use strict";
23 function logSupportWarning() {
24 // in case we do not have this API measurement is superfluous due to insufficient performance data
25 if (!(window.performance && window.performance.getEntries)) {
26 Log.warning("Interaction tracking is not supported on browsers with insufficient performance API");
27 }
28 }
30 /**
31 * @namespace Provides base functionality for interaction detection heuristics & API<br>
32 * <p>
33 * Interaction detection works through the detection of relevant events and tracking of rendering activities.<br>
34 * An example:<br>
35 * The user clicks on a button<br>
36 * -> "click" event gets detected via notification (jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyEventStart)<br>
37 * -> a click handler is registered on the button, so this is an interaction start (jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyStepStart)<br>
38 * -> some requests are made and rendering has finished (jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyStepEnd)<br>
39 * </p>
40 * All measurement takes place in {@link jQuery.sap.measure}<br>.
41 *
42 * Namespace exists since 1.32 and became public API since 1.36.
43 *
44 * @name jQuery.sap.interaction
45 * @static
46 * @public
47 * @since 1.36
48 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction} instead
49 */
50 jQuery.sap.interaction = {};
52 /**
53 * Enables the interaction tracking.
54 *
55 * @param {boolean} bActive state of the interaction detection
56 * @public
57 * @since 1.36
58 */
59 jQuery.sap.interaction.setActive = function() {
60 logSupportWarning();
61 Interaction.setActive.apply(this, arguments);
62 };
64 /**
65 * Returns true if the interaction detection was enabled explicitly, or implicitly along with fesr.
66 *
67 * @return {boolean} bActive state of the interaction detection
68 * @private
69 * @since 1.32
70 */
71 jQuery.sap.interaction.getActive = Interaction.getActive;
73 /**
74 * This method starts the actual interaction measurement when all criteria are met. As it is the starting point
75 * for the new interaction the creation of the FESR headers for the last interaction is triggered here, so that
76 * the headers can be sent with the first request of the current interaction.<br>
77 *
78 * @param {sap.ui.core.Element} oElement Element on which the interaction has been triggered
79 * @param {boolean} bForce forces the interaction to start independently from a currently active browser event
80 * @private
81 * @since 1.32
82 */
83 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyStepStart = Interaction.notifyStepStart;
85 /**
86 * This method ends the started interaction measurement.
87 *
88 * @private
89 * @since 1.32
90 */
91 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyStepEnd = Interaction.notifyStepEnd;
93 /**
94 * This method notifies if a relevant event has been triggered.
95 *
96 * @param {Event} oEvent event whose processing has started
97 * @private
98 * @since 1.32
99 */
100 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyEventStart = Interaction.notifyEventStart;
102 /**
103 * This method notifies if a scroll event has been triggered. Some controls require this special treatment,
104 * as the generic detection process via notifyEventStart is not sufficient.
105 *
106 * @param {Event} oEvent scroll event whose processing has started
107 * @private
108 * @since 1.36.2
109 */
110 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyScrollEvent = Interaction.notifyScrollEvent;
112 /**
113 * This method notifies if a relevant event has ended by detecting another interaction.
114 *
115 * @private
116 * @since 1.32
117 */
118 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyEventEnd = Interaction.notifyEventEnd;
120 /**
121 * This method sets the component name for an interaction.
122 *
123 * @private
124 * @since 1.38.5
125 */
126 jQuery.sap.interaction.setStepComponent = Interaction.setStepComponent;
129 /**
130 * @namespace FESR API, consumed by E2eTraceLib instead of former EppLib.js <br>
131 *<p>
132 * Provides functionality for creating the headers for the frontend-subrecords which will be sent with each
133 * first request of an interaction. The headers have a specific format, you may have a look at the createFESR
134 * methods.<br>
135 *</p><p>
136 * There is a special order in which things are happening: <br>
137 * 1. Interaction starts<br>
138 * 1.1. Request 1.1 sent<br>
139 * 1.2. Request 1.2 sent<br>
140 * 2. Interaction starts<br>
141 * 2.1 Creation of FESR for 1. interaction<br>
142 * 2.2 Request 2.1 sent with FESR header for 1. interaction<br>
143 * ...<br>
144 *</p>
145 * @name jQuery.sap.fesr
146 * @static
147 * @private
148 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/FESR} instead
149 */
150 jQuery.sap.fesr = {};
152 /**
153 * @param {boolean} bActive state of the FESR header creation
154 * @private
155 * @since 1.32
156 */
157 jQuery.sap.fesr.setActive = function() {
158 logSupportWarning();
159 FESR.setActive.apply(this, arguments);
160 };
162 /**
163 * @return {boolean} state of the FESR header creation
164 * @private
165 * @since 1.36.2
166 */
167 jQuery.sap.fesr.getActive = FESR.getActive;
169 /**
170 * @return {string} ID of the currently processed transaction
171 * @private
172 * @since 1.32
173 */
174 jQuery.sap.fesr.getCurrentTransactionId = Passport.getTransactionId;
176 /**
177 * @return {string} Root ID of the current session
178 * @private
179 * @since 1.32
180 */
181 jQuery.sap.fesr.getRootId = Passport.getRootId;
184 /**
185 * @param {float} iDuration increase busy duration of pending interaction by this value
186 * @private
187 * @since 1.36.2
188 */
189 jQuery.sap.fesr.addBusyDuration = Interaction.addBusyDuration;
192 /**
193 * @namespace Passport implementation, former EppLib.js <br>
194 *
195 * Provides functionality which was former located in the EppLib.js, but as the PASSPORT header is mandatory
196 * for correct assignment of the FESR headers some functionality had to be moved to here. The actual tracing
197 * functionality of EppLib.js remained in the original file.
198 *
199 * @name jQuery.sap.passport
200 * @static
201 * @private
202 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Passport} instead
203 */
204 jQuery.sap.passport = {};
206 /**
207 * @param {boolean} bActive state of the Passport header creation
208 * @private
209 * @since 1.32
210 */
211 jQuery.sap.passport.setActive = Passport.setActive;
214 /**
215 * @param {string} lvl tracing level to be calculated
216 * @return {int[]} Array with two int representation of characters for trace level
217 * @private
218 * @since 1.32
219 */
220 jQuery.sap.passport.traceFlags = Passport.traceFlags;
222 // @EVO-TODO This should be part of configuration. It is here as this module is required before the actual configuration is loaded.
223 function getInitialFESRState() {
224 var bActive = !!document.querySelector("meta[name=sap-ui-fesr][content=true]"),
225 aParamMatches = window.location.search.match(/[\?|&]sap-ui-(?:xx-)?fesr=(true|x|X|false)&?/);
226 if (aParamMatches) {
227 bActive = aParamMatches[1] && aParamMatches[1] != "false";
228 }
229 return bActive;
230 }
232 // start initial interaction
233 jQuery.sap.interaction.notifyStepStart(null, true);
235 // activate FESR header generation
236 FESR.setActive(getInitialFESRState());
238 // *********** Include E2E-Trace Scripts *************
239 if (/sap-ui-xx-e2e-trace=(true|x|X)/.test(location.search)) {
240 sap.ui.requireSync("sap/ui/core/support/trace/E2eTraceLib");
241 }
243 return jQuery;