3.88 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
4import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Backdrop/backdrop';
6import { canUseDOM } from '../../helpers';
7import { KEY_CODES } from '../../helpers/constants';
8import { AboutModalContainer } from './AboutModalContainer';
9export class AboutModal extends React.Component {
10 constructor(props) {
11 super(props);
12 this.id = AboutModal.currentId++;
13 this.ariaLabelledBy = `pf-about-modal-title-${this.id}`;
14 this.ariaDescribedBy = `pf-about-modal-content-${this.id}`;
15 this.handleEscKeyClick = (event) => {
16 if (event.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ESCAPE_KEY && this.props.isOpen) {
17 this.props.onClose();
18 }
19 };
20 this.toggleSiblingsFromScreenReaders = (hide) => {
21 const { appendTo } = this.props;
22 const target = this.getElement(appendTo);
23 const bodyChildren = target.children;
24 for (const child of Array.from(bodyChildren)) {
25 if (child !== this.state.container) {
26 hide ? child.setAttribute('aria-hidden', '' + hide) : child.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
27 }
28 }
29 };
30 this.getElement = (appendTo) => {
31 if (typeof appendTo === 'function') {
32 return appendTo();
33 }
34 return appendTo || document.body;
35 };
36 this.state = {
37 container: undefined
38 };
39 if (props.brandImageSrc && !props.brandImageAlt) {
40 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
41 console.error('AboutModal:', 'brandImageAlt is required when a brandImageSrc is specified');
42 }
43 }
44 componentDidMount() {
45 const container = document.createElement('div');
46 const target = this.getElement(this.props.appendTo);
47 this.setState({ container });
48 target.appendChild(container);
49 target.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleEscKeyClick, false);
50 if (this.props.isOpen) {
51 target.classList.add(css(styles.backdropOpen));
52 }
53 else {
54 target.classList.remove(css(styles.backdropOpen));
55 }
56 }
57 componentDidUpdate() {
58 const target = this.getElement(this.props.appendTo);
59 if (this.props.isOpen) {
60 target.classList.add(css(styles.backdropOpen));
61 this.toggleSiblingsFromScreenReaders(true);
62 }
63 else {
64 target.classList.remove(css(styles.backdropOpen));
65 this.toggleSiblingsFromScreenReaders(false);
66 }
67 }
68 componentWillUnmount() {
69 const target = this.getElement(this.props.appendTo);
70 if (this.state.container) {
71 target.removeChild(this.state.container);
72 }
73 target.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleEscKeyClick, false);
74 target.classList.remove(css(styles.backdropOpen));
75 }
76 render() {
77 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
78 const _a = this.props, { appendTo } = _a, props = __rest(_a, ["appendTo"]);
79 const { container } = this.state;
80 if (!canUseDOM || !container) {
81 return null;
82 }
83 return ReactDOM.createPortal(React.createElement(AboutModalContainer, Object.assign({ aboutModalBoxHeaderId: this.ariaLabelledBy, aboutModalBoxContentId: this.ariaDescribedBy }, props)), container);
84 }
86AboutModal.displayName = 'AboutModal';
87AboutModal.currentId = 0;
88AboutModal.defaultProps = {
89 className: '',
90 isOpen: false,
91 onClose: () => undefined,
92 productName: '',
93 trademark: '',
94 backgroundImageSrc: '',
95 noAboutModalBoxContentContainer: false,
96 appendTo: null
98//# sourceMappingURL=AboutModal.js.map
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