1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { OUIAProps } from '../../helpers';
3 | export declare enum ButtonVariant {
4 | primary = "primary",
5 | secondary = "secondary",
6 | tertiary = "tertiary",
7 | danger = "danger",
8 | warning = "warning",
9 | link = "link",
10 | plain = "plain",
11 | control = "control"
12 | }
13 | export declare enum ButtonType {
14 | button = "button",
15 | submit = "submit",
16 | reset = "reset"
17 | }
18 | export interface ButtonProps extends Omit<React.HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement>, 'ref'>, OUIAProps {
19 | /** Content rendered inside the button */
20 | children?: React.ReactNode;
21 | /** Additional classes added to the button */
22 | className?: string;
23 | /** Sets the base component to render. defaults to button */
24 | component?: React.ElementType<any> | React.ComponentType<any>;
25 | /** Adds active styling to button. */
26 | isActive?: boolean;
27 | /** Adds block styling to button */
28 | isBlock?: boolean;
29 | /** Adds disabled styling and disables the button using the disabled html attribute */
30 | isDisabled?: boolean;
31 | /** Adds disabled styling and communicates that the button is disabled using the aria-disabled html attribute */
32 | isAriaDisabled?: boolean;
33 | /** Adds progress styling to button */
34 | isLoading?: boolean;
35 | /** Text describing that current loading status or progress */
36 | spinnerAriaValueText?: string;
37 | /** Accessible label for the spinner to describe what is loading */
38 | spinnerAriaLabel?: string;
39 | /** Id of element which describes what is being loaded */
40 | spinnerAriaLabelledBy?: string;
41 | /** Events to prevent when the button is in an aria-disabled state */
42 | inoperableEvents?: string[];
43 | /** Adds inline styling to a link button */
44 | isInline?: boolean;
45 | /** Sets button type */
46 | type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
47 | /** Adds button variant styles */
48 | variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'tertiary' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'link' | 'plain' | 'control';
49 | /** Sets position of the link icon */
50 | iconPosition?: 'left' | 'right';
51 | /** Adds accessible text to the button. */
52 | 'aria-label'?: string;
53 | /** Icon for the button. Usable by all variants except for plain. */
54 | icon?: React.ReactNode | null;
55 | /** Sets the button tabindex. */
56 | tabIndex?: number;
57 | /** Adds small styling to the button */
58 | isSmall?: boolean;
59 | /** Adds large styling to the button */
60 | isLarge?: boolean;
61 | /** Adds danger styling to secondary or link button variants */
62 | isDanger?: boolean;
63 | /** Forwarded ref */
64 | innerRef?: React.Ref<any>;
65 | }
66 | export declare const Button: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ButtonProps & React.RefAttributes<any>>;
67 | //# sourceMappingURL=Button.d.ts.map |
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