3.84 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Card/card';
4import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5import { useOUIAProps } from '../../helpers';
6export const CardContext = React.createContext({
7 cardId: '',
8 registerTitleId: () => { },
9 isExpanded: false
11export const Card = (_a) => {
12 var { children = null, id = '', className = '', component = 'article', isHoverable = false, isCompact = false, isSelectable = false, isSelectableRaised = false, isSelected = false, isDisabledRaised = false, isFlat = false, isExpanded = false, isRounded = false, isLarge = false, isFullHeight = false, isPlain = false, ouiaId, ouiaSafe = true, hasSelectableInput = false, selectableInputAriaLabel, onSelectableInputChange = () => { } } = _a, props = __rest(_a, ["children", "id", "className", "component", "isHoverable", "isCompact", "isSelectable", "isSelectableRaised", "isSelected", "isDisabledRaised", "isFlat", "isExpanded", "isRounded", "isLarge", "isFullHeight", "isPlain", "ouiaId", "ouiaSafe", "hasSelectableInput", "selectableInputAriaLabel", "onSelectableInputChange"]);
13 const Component = component;
14 const ouiaProps = useOUIAProps(Card.displayName, ouiaId, ouiaSafe);
15 const [titleId, setTitleId] = React.useState('');
16 const [ariaProps, setAriaProps] = React.useState();
17 if (isCompact && isLarge) {
18 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
19 console.warn('Card: Cannot use isCompact with isLarge. Defaulting to isCompact');
20 isLarge = false;
21 }
22 const getSelectableModifiers = () => {
23 if (isDisabledRaised) {
24 return css(styles.modifiers.nonSelectableRaised);
25 }
26 if (isSelectableRaised) {
27 return css(styles.modifiers.selectableRaised, isSelected && styles.modifiers.selectedRaised);
28 }
29 if (isSelectable || isHoverable) {
30 return css(styles.modifiers.selectable, isSelected && styles.modifiers.selected);
31 }
32 return '';
33 };
34 const containsCardTitleChildRef = React.useRef(false);
35 const registerTitleId = (id) => {
36 setTitleId(id);
37 containsCardTitleChildRef.current = !!id;
38 };
39 React.useEffect(() => {
40 if (selectableInputAriaLabel) {
41 setAriaProps({ 'aria-label': selectableInputAriaLabel });
42 }
43 else if (titleId) {
44 setAriaProps({ 'aria-labelledby': titleId });
45 }
46 else if (hasSelectableInput && !containsCardTitleChildRef.current) {
47 setAriaProps({});
48 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
49 console.warn('If no CardTitle component is passed as a child of Card the selectableInputAriaLabel prop must be passed');
50 }
51 }, [hasSelectableInput, selectableInputAriaLabel, titleId]);
52 return (React.createElement(CardContext.Provider, { value: {
53 cardId: id,
54 registerTitleId,
55 isExpanded
56 } },
57 hasSelectableInput && (React.createElement("input", Object.assign({ className: "pf-screen-reader", id: `${id}-input` }, ariaProps, { type: "checkbox", checked: isSelected, onChange: event => onSelectableInputChange(id, event), disabled: isDisabledRaised, tabIndex: -1 }))),
58 React.createElement(Component, Object.assign({ id: id, className: css(styles.card, isCompact && styles.modifiers.compact, isExpanded && styles.modifiers.expanded, isFlat && styles.modifiers.flat, isRounded && styles.modifiers.rounded, isLarge && styles.modifiers.displayLg, isFullHeight && styles.modifiers.fullHeight, isPlain && styles.modifiers.plain, getSelectableModifiers(), className), tabIndex: isSelectable || isSelectableRaised ? '0' : undefined }, props, ouiaProps), children)));
60Card.displayName = 'Card';
61//# sourceMappingURL=Card.js.map
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