7.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/ClipboardCopy/clipboard-copy';
4import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5import { PopoverPosition } from '../Popover';
6import { TextInput } from '../TextInput';
7import { GenerateId } from '../../helpers/GenerateId/GenerateId';
8import { ClipboardCopyButton } from './ClipboardCopyButton';
9import { ClipboardCopyToggle } from './ClipboardCopyToggle';
10import { ClipboardCopyExpanded } from './ClipboardCopyExpanded';
11export const clipboardCopyFunc = (event, text) => {
12 const clipboard = event.currentTarget.parentElement;
13 const el = document.createElement('textarea');
14 el.value = text.toString();
15 clipboard.appendChild(el);
16 el.select();
17 document.execCommand('copy');
18 clipboard.removeChild(el);
20export var ClipboardCopyVariant;
21(function (ClipboardCopyVariant) {
22 ClipboardCopyVariant["inline"] = "inline";
23 ClipboardCopyVariant["expansion"] = "expansion";
24 ClipboardCopyVariant["inlineCompact"] = "inline-compact";
25})(ClipboardCopyVariant || (ClipboardCopyVariant = {}));
26export class ClipboardCopy extends React.Component {
27 constructor(props) {
28 super(props);
29 this.timer = null;
30 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
31 this.componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => {
32 if (prevProps.children !== this.props.children) {
33 this.updateText(this.props.children);
34 }
35 };
36 this.componentWillUnmount = () => {
37 if (this.timer) {
38 window.clearTimeout(this.timer);
39 }
40 };
41 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
42 this.expandContent = (_event) => {
43 this.setState(prevState => ({
44 expanded: !prevState.expanded
45 }));
46 };
47 this.updateText = (text) => {
48 this.setState({ text });
49 this.props.onChange(text);
50 };
51 this.render = () => {
52 const _a = this.props, {
53 /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
54 isExpanded, onChange, // Don't pass to <div>
55 /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
56 isReadOnly, isCode, isBlock, exitDelay, maxWidth, entryDelay, switchDelay, onCopy, hoverTip, clickTip, textAriaLabel, toggleAriaLabel, variant, position, className, additionalActions } = _a, divProps = __rest(_a, ["isExpanded", "onChange", "isReadOnly", "isCode", "isBlock", "exitDelay", "maxWidth", "entryDelay", "switchDelay", "onCopy", "hoverTip", "clickTip", "textAriaLabel", "toggleAriaLabel", "variant", "position", "className", "additionalActions"]);
57 const textIdPrefix = 'text-input-';
58 const toggleIdPrefix = 'toggle-';
59 const contentIdPrefix = 'content-';
60 return (React.createElement("div", Object.assign({ className: css(styles.clipboardCopy, variant === 'inline-compact' && styles.modifiers.inline, isBlock && styles.modifiers.block, this.state.expanded && styles.modifiers.expanded, className) }, divProps),
61 variant === 'inline-compact' && (React.createElement(GenerateId, { prefix: "" }, id => (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,
62 !isCode && (React.createElement("span", { className: css(styles.clipboardCopyText), id: `${textIdPrefix}${id}` }, this.state.text)),
63 isCode && (React.createElement("code", { className: css(styles.clipboardCopyText, styles.modifiers.code), id: `${textIdPrefix}${id}` }, this.state.text)),
64 React.createElement("span", { className: css(styles.clipboardCopyActions) },
65 React.createElement("span", { className: css(styles.clipboardCopyActionsItem) },
66 React.createElement(ClipboardCopyButton, { variant: "plain", exitDelay: exitDelay, entryDelay: entryDelay, maxWidth: maxWidth, position: position, id: `copy-button-${id}`, textId: `text-input-${id}`, "aria-label": hoverTip, onClick: (event) => {
67 if (this.timer) {
68 window.clearTimeout(this.timer);
69 this.setState({ copied: false });
70 }
71 onCopy(event, this.state.text);
72 this.setState({ copied: true }, () => {
73 this.timer = window.setTimeout(() => {
74 this.setState({ copied: false });
75 this.timer = null;
76 }, switchDelay);
77 });
78 } }, this.state.copied ? clickTip : hoverTip)),
79 additionalActions && additionalActions))))),
80 variant !== 'inline-compact' && (React.createElement(GenerateId, { prefix: "" }, id => (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,
81 React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.clipboardCopyGroup) },
82 variant === 'expansion' && (React.createElement(ClipboardCopyToggle, { isExpanded: this.state.expanded, onClick: this.expandContent, id: `${toggleIdPrefix}${id}`, textId: `${textIdPrefix}${id}`, contentId: `${contentIdPrefix}${id}`, "aria-label": toggleAriaLabel })),
83 React.createElement(TextInput, { isReadOnly: isReadOnly || this.state.expanded, onChange: this.updateText, value: this.state.text, id: `text-input-${id}`, "aria-label": textAriaLabel }),
84 React.createElement(ClipboardCopyButton, { exitDelay: exitDelay, entryDelay: entryDelay, maxWidth: maxWidth, position: position, id: `copy-button-${id}`, textId: `text-input-${id}`, "aria-label": hoverTip, onClick: (event) => {
85 if (this.timer) {
86 window.clearTimeout(this.timer);
87 this.setState({ copied: false });
88 }
89 onCopy(event, this.state.text);
90 this.setState({ copied: true }, () => {
91 this.timer = window.setTimeout(() => {
92 this.setState({ copied: false });
93 this.timer = null;
94 }, switchDelay);
95 });
96 } }, this.state.copied ? clickTip : hoverTip)),
97 this.state.expanded && (React.createElement(ClipboardCopyExpanded, { isReadOnly: isReadOnly, isCode: isCode, id: `content-${id}`, onChange: this.updateText }, this.state.text))))))));
98 };
99 this.state = {
100 text: Array.isArray(this.props.children)
101 ? this.props.children.join('')
102 : this.props.children,
103 expanded: this.props.isExpanded,
104 copied: false
105 };
106 }
108ClipboardCopy.displayName = 'ClipboardCopy';
109ClipboardCopy.defaultProps = {
110 hoverTip: 'Copy to clipboard',
111 clickTip: 'Successfully copied to clipboard!',
112 isReadOnly: false,
113 isExpanded: false,
114 isCode: false,
115 variant: 'inline',
116 position: PopoverPosition.top,
117 maxWidth: '150px',
118 exitDelay: 1600,
119 entryDelay: 300,
120 switchDelay: 2000,
121 onCopy: clipboardCopyFunc,
122 onChange: () => undefined,
123 textAriaLabel: 'Copyable input',
124 toggleAriaLabel: 'Show content',
125 additionalActions: null
127//# sourceMappingURL=ClipboardCopy.js.map
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