1 | import { __rest } from "tslib";
2 | import * as React from 'react';
3 | import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Nav/nav';
4 | import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5 | import { getOUIAProps, getDefaultOUIAId } from '../../helpers';
6 | export const navContextDefaults = {};
7 | export const NavContext = React.createContext(navContextDefaults);
8 | export class Nav extends React.Component {
9 | constructor() {
10 | super(...arguments);
11 | this.state = {
12 | isScrollable: false,
13 | ouiaStateId: getDefaultOUIAId(Nav.displayName, this.props.variant),
14 | flyoutRef: null
15 | };
16 | }
17 |
18 | onSelect(event, groupId, itemId, to, preventDefault, onClick) {
19 | if (preventDefault) {
20 | event.preventDefault();
21 | }
22 | this.props.onSelect({ groupId, itemId, event, to });
23 | if (onClick) {
24 | onClick(event, itemId, groupId, to);
25 | }
26 | }
27 |
28 | onToggle(event, groupId, toggleValue) {
29 | this.props.onToggle({
30 | event,
31 | groupId,
32 | isExpanded: toggleValue
33 | });
34 | }
35 | render() {
36 | const _a = this.props, { 'aria-label': ariaLabel, children, className,
37 |
38 | onSelect,
39 |
40 | onToggle, theme, ouiaId, ouiaSafe, variant } = _a, props = __rest(_a, ['aria-label', "children", "className", "onSelect", "onToggle", "theme", "ouiaId", "ouiaSafe", "variant"]);
41 | const isHorizontal = ['horizontal', 'tertiary'].includes(variant);
42 | return (React.createElement(NavContext.Provider, { value: {
43 | onSelect: (event, groupId, itemId, to, preventDefault, onClick) => this.onSelect(event, groupId, itemId, to, preventDefault, onClick),
44 | onToggle: (event, groupId, expanded) => this.onToggle(event, groupId, expanded),
45 | updateIsScrollable: (isScrollable) => this.setState({ isScrollable }),
46 | isHorizontal: ['horizontal', 'tertiary', 'horizontal-subnav'].includes(variant),
47 | flyoutRef: this.state.flyoutRef,
48 | setFlyoutRef: flyoutRef => this.setState({ flyoutRef })
49 | } },
50 | React.createElement("nav", Object.assign({ className: css(styles.nav, theme === 'light' && styles.modifiers.light, isHorizontal && styles.modifiers.horizontal, variant === 'tertiary' && styles.modifiers.tertiary, variant === 'horizontal-subnav' && styles.modifiers.horizontalSubnav, this.state.isScrollable && styles.modifiers.scrollable, className), "aria-label": ariaLabel || (variant === 'tertiary' ? 'Local' : 'Global') }, getOUIAProps(Nav.displayName, ouiaId !== undefined ? ouiaId : this.state.ouiaStateId, ouiaSafe), props), children)));
51 | }
52 | }
53 | Nav.displayName = 'Nav';
54 | Nav.defaultProps = {
55 | onSelect: () => undefined,
56 | onToggle: () => undefined,
57 | theme: 'dark',
58 | ouiaSafe: true
59 | };
60 |
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