2.98 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import AngleRightIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/angle-right-icon';
4import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/NotificationDrawer/notification-drawer';
6import maxLines from '@patternfly/react-tokens/dist/esm/c_notification_drawer__group_toggle_title_max_lines';
7import { Badge } from '../Badge';
8import { Tooltip } from '../Tooltip';
9export const NotificationDrawerGroup = (_a) => {
10 var { children, className = '', count, isExpanded, isRead = false,
11 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
12 onExpand = (event, expanded) => undefined, title, truncateTitle = 0, tooltipPosition } = _a, props = __rest(_a, ["children", "className", "count", "isExpanded", "isRead", "onExpand", "title", "truncateTitle", "tooltipPosition"]);
13 const titleRef = React.useRef(null);
14 const [isTooltipVisible, setIsTooltipVisible] = React.useState(false);
15 React.useEffect(() => {
16 // Title will always truncate on overflow regardless of truncateTitle prop
17 const showTooltip = titleRef.current && titleRef.current.offsetHeight < titleRef.current.scrollHeight;
18 if (isTooltipVisible !== showTooltip) {
19 setIsTooltipVisible(showTooltip);
20 }
21 if (!titleRef.current || !truncateTitle) {
22 return;
23 }
24 titleRef.current.style.setProperty(maxLines.name, truncateTitle.toString());
25 }, [titleRef, truncateTitle, isTooltipVisible]);
26 const Title = (React.createElement("div", Object.assign({}, (isTooltipVisible && { tabIndex: 0 }), { ref: titleRef, className: css(styles.notificationDrawerGroupToggleTitle) }), title));
27 return (React.createElement("section", Object.assign({}, props, { className: css(styles.notificationDrawerGroup, isExpanded && styles.modifiers.expanded, className) }),
28 React.createElement("h1", null,
29 React.createElement("button", { className: css(styles.notificationDrawerGroupToggle), "aria-expanded": isExpanded, onClick: e => onExpand(e, !isExpanded), onKeyDown: e => {
30 if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.key === ' ') {
31 e.preventDefault();
32 onExpand(e, !isExpanded);
33 }
34 } },
35 isTooltipVisible ? (React.createElement(Tooltip, { content: title, position: tooltipPosition }, Title)) : (Title),
36 React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.notificationDrawerGroupToggleCount) },
37 React.createElement(Badge, { isRead: isRead }, count)),
38 React.createElement("span", { className: "pf-c-notification-drawer__group-toggle-icon" },
39 React.createElement(AngleRightIcon, null)))),
40 children));
42NotificationDrawerGroup.displayName = 'NotificationDrawerGroup';
43//# sourceMappingURL=NotificationDrawerGroup.js.map
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