8.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __rest } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Page/page';
4import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles';
5import globalBreakpointXl from '@patternfly/react-tokens/dist/esm/global_breakpoint_xl';
6import { debounce, canUseDOM } from '../../helpers/util';
7import { Drawer, DrawerContent, DrawerContentBody, DrawerPanelContent } from '../Drawer';
8import { PageGroup } from './PageGroup';
9import { getResizeObserver } from '../../helpers/resizeObserver';
10import { getBreakpoint } from '../../helpers/util';
11export var PageLayouts;
12(function (PageLayouts) {
13 PageLayouts["vertical"] = "vertical";
14 PageLayouts["horizontal"] = "horizontal";
15})(PageLayouts || (PageLayouts = {}));
16export const pageContextDefaults = {
17 isManagedSidebar: false,
18 isNavOpen: false,
19 onNavToggle: () => null,
20 width: null,
21 getBreakpoint
23export const PageContext = React.createContext(pageContextDefaults);
24export const PageContextProvider = PageContext.Provider;
25export const PageContextConsumer = PageContext.Consumer;
26export class Page extends React.Component {
27 constructor(props) {
28 super(props);
29 this.mainRef = React.createRef();
30 this.pageRef = React.createRef();
31 this.observer = () => { };
32 this.getWindowWidth = () => {
33 if (canUseDOM) {
34 return this.pageRef.current ? this.pageRef.current.clientWidth : window.innerWidth;
35 }
36 else {
37 return 1200;
38 }
39 };
40 this.isMobile = () =>
41 // eslint-disable-next-line radix
42 this.getWindowWidth() < Number.parseInt(globalBreakpointXl.value, 10);
43 this.resize = () => {
44 const { onPageResize } = this.props;
45 const mobileView = this.isMobile();
46 if (onPageResize) {
47 onPageResize({ mobileView, windowSize: this.getWindowWidth() });
48 }
49 if (mobileView !== this.state.mobileView) {
50 this.setState({ mobileView });
51 }
52 this.pageRef.current && this.setState({ width: this.pageRef.current.clientWidth });
53 };
54 this.handleResize = debounce(this.resize, 250);
55 this.handleMainClick = () => {
56 if (this.isMobile() && this.state.mobileIsNavOpen && this.mainRef.current) {
57 this.setState({ mobileIsNavOpen: false });
58 }
59 };
60 this.onNavToggleMobile = () => {
61 this.setState(prevState => ({
62 mobileIsNavOpen: !prevState.mobileIsNavOpen
63 }));
64 };
65 this.onNavToggleDesktop = () => {
66 this.setState(prevState => ({
67 desktopIsNavOpen: !prevState.desktopIsNavOpen
68 }));
69 };
70 const { isManagedSidebar, defaultManagedSidebarIsOpen } = props;
71 const managedSidebarOpen = !isManagedSidebar ? true : defaultManagedSidebarIsOpen;
72 this.state = {
73 desktopIsNavOpen: managedSidebarOpen,
74 mobileIsNavOpen: false,
75 mobileView: false,
76 width: null
77 };
78 }
79 componentDidMount() {
80 const { isManagedSidebar, onPageResize } = this.props;
81 if (isManagedSidebar || onPageResize) {
82 this.observer = getResizeObserver(this.pageRef.current, this.handleResize);
83 const currentRef = this.mainRef.current;
84 if (currentRef) {
85 currentRef.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMainClick);
86 currentRef.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleMainClick);
87 }
88 // Initial check if should be shown
89 this.resize();
90 }
91 }
92 componentWillUnmount() {
93 const { isManagedSidebar, onPageResize } = this.props;
94 if (isManagedSidebar || onPageResize) {
95 this.observer();
96 const currentRef = this.mainRef.current;
97 if (currentRef) {
98 currentRef.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMainClick);
99 currentRef.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.handleMainClick);
100 }
101 }
102 }
103 render() {
104 const _a = this.props, { breadcrumb, isBreadcrumbWidthLimited, className, children, header, sidebar, notificationDrawer, isNotificationDrawerExpanded, onNotificationDrawerExpand, isTertiaryNavWidthLimited, skipToContent, role, mainContainerId, isManagedSidebar,
105 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
106 defaultManagedSidebarIsOpen,
107 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
108 onPageResize, getBreakpoint, mainAriaLabel, mainTabIndex, tertiaryNav, isTertiaryNavGrouped, isBreadcrumbGrouped, additionalGroupedContent, groupProps } = _a, rest = __rest(_a, ["breadcrumb", "isBreadcrumbWidthLimited", "className", "children", "header", "sidebar", "notificationDrawer", "isNotificationDrawerExpanded", "onNotificationDrawerExpand", "isTertiaryNavWidthLimited", "skipToContent", "role", "mainContainerId", "isManagedSidebar", "defaultManagedSidebarIsOpen", "onPageResize", "getBreakpoint", "mainAriaLabel", "mainTabIndex", "tertiaryNav", "isTertiaryNavGrouped", "isBreadcrumbGrouped", "additionalGroupedContent", "groupProps"]);
109 const { mobileView, mobileIsNavOpen, desktopIsNavOpen, width } = this.state;
110 const context = {
111 isManagedSidebar,
112 onNavToggle: mobileView ? this.onNavToggleMobile : this.onNavToggleDesktop,
113 isNavOpen: mobileView ? mobileIsNavOpen : desktopIsNavOpen,
114 width,
115 getBreakpoint
116 };
117 let nav = null;
118 if (tertiaryNav && isTertiaryNavWidthLimited) {
119 nav = (React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.pageMainNav, styles.modifiers.limitWidth) },
120 React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.pageMainBody) }, tertiaryNav)));
121 }
122 else if (tertiaryNav) {
123 nav = React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.pageMainNav) }, tertiaryNav);
124 }
125 let crumb = null;
126 if (breadcrumb && isBreadcrumbWidthLimited) {
127 crumb = (React.createElement("section", { className: css(styles.pageMainBreadcrumb, styles.modifiers.limitWidth) },
128 React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.pageMainBody) }, breadcrumb)));
129 }
130 else if (breadcrumb) {
131 crumb = React.createElement("section", { className: css(styles.pageMainBreadcrumb) }, breadcrumb);
132 }
133 const isGrouped = isTertiaryNavGrouped || isBreadcrumbGrouped || additionalGroupedContent;
134 const group = isGrouped ? (React.createElement(PageGroup, Object.assign({}, groupProps),
135 isTertiaryNavGrouped && nav,
136 isBreadcrumbGrouped && crumb,
137 additionalGroupedContent)) : null;
138 const main = (React.createElement("main", { ref: this.mainRef, role: role, id: mainContainerId, className: css(styles.pageMain), tabIndex: mainTabIndex, "aria-label": mainAriaLabel },
139 group,
140 !isTertiaryNavGrouped && nav,
141 !isBreadcrumbGrouped && crumb,
142 children));
143 const panelContent = React.createElement(DrawerPanelContent, null, notificationDrawer);
144 return (React.createElement(PageContextProvider, { value: context },
145 React.createElement("div", Object.assign({ ref: this.pageRef }, rest, { className: css(styles.page, width !== null && 'pf-m-resize-observer', width !== null && `pf-m-breakpoint-${getBreakpoint(width)}`, className) }),
146 skipToContent,
147 header,
148 sidebar,
149 notificationDrawer && (React.createElement("div", { className: css(styles.pageDrawer) },
150 React.createElement(Drawer, { isExpanded: isNotificationDrawerExpanded, onExpand: onNotificationDrawerExpand },
151 React.createElement(DrawerContent, { panelContent: panelContent },
152 React.createElement(DrawerContentBody, null, main))))),
153 !notificationDrawer && main)));
154 }
156Page.displayName = 'Page';
157Page.defaultProps = {
158 isManagedSidebar: false,
159 isBreadcrumbWidthLimited: false,
160 defaultManagedSidebarIsOpen: true,
161 onPageResize: () => null,
162 mainTabIndex: -1,
163 isNotificationDrawerExpanded: false,
164 onNotificationDrawerExpand: () => null,
165 getBreakpoint
167//# sourceMappingURL=Page.js.map
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