1.39 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2export interface PageHeaderProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
3 /** Additional classes added to the page header */
4 className?: string;
5 /** Component to render the logo/brand, use <Brand /> */
6 logo?: React.ReactNode;
7 /** Additional props passed to the logo anchor container */
8 logoProps?: object;
9 /** Component to use to wrap the passed <logo> */
10 logoComponent?: React.ReactNode;
11 /** Component to render the header tools, use <PageHeaderTools /> */
12 headerTools?: React.ReactNode;
13 /** Component to render navigation within the header, use <Nav /> */
14 topNav?: React.ReactNode;
15 /** True to show the nav toggle button (toggles side nav) */
16 showNavToggle?: boolean;
17 /** True if the side nav is shown */
18 isNavOpen?: boolean;
19 /** This prop is no longer managed through PageHeader but in the Page component. */
20 isManagedSidebar?: boolean;
21 /** Sets the value for role on the <main> element */
22 role?: string;
23 /** Callback function to handle the side nav toggle button, managed by the Page component if the Page isManagedSidebar prop is set to true */
24 onNavToggle?: () => void;
25 /** Aria Label for the nav toggle button */
26 'aria-label'?: string;
28export declare const PageHeader: React.FunctionComponent<PageHeaderProps>;
29//# sourceMappingURL=PageHeader.d.ts.map
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