2.44 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2export interface BreakpointModifiers {
3 default?: string;
4 md?: string;
5 lg?: string;
6 xl?: string;
7 '2xl'?: string;
9export interface DescriptionListProps extends Omit<React.HTMLProps<HTMLDListElement>, 'type'> {
10 /** Anything that can be rendered inside of the list */
11 children?: React.ReactNode;
12 /** Additional classes added to the list */
13 className?: string;
14 /** Sets the description list to auto fit. */
15 isAutoFit?: boolean;
16 /** Sets the description list component term and description pair to a horizontal layout. */
17 isHorizontal?: boolean;
18 /** Sets the description list to format automatically. */
19 isAutoColumnWidths?: boolean;
20 /** Modifies the description list display to inline-grid. */
21 isInlineGrid?: boolean;
22 /** Sets the description list to compact styling. */
23 isCompact?: boolean;
24 /** Sets a horizontal description list to have fluid styling. */
25 isFluid?: boolean;
26 /** Sets the the default placement of description list groups to fill from top to bottom. */
27 isFillColumns?: boolean;
28 /** Sets the number of columns on the description list at various breakpoints */
29 columnModifier?: {
30 default?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
31 sm?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
32 md?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
33 lg?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
34 xl?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
35 '2xl'?: '1Col' | '2Col' | '3Col';
36 };
37 /** Indicates how the menu will align at various breakpoints. */
38 orientation?: {
39 sm?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
40 md?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
41 lg?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
42 xl?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
43 '2xl'?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
44 };
45 /** Sets the minimum column size for the auto-fit (isAutoFit) layout at various breakpoints. */
46 autoFitMinModifier?: {
47 default?: string;
48 sm?: string;
49 md?: string;
50 lg?: string;
51 xl?: string;
52 '2xl'?: string;
53 };
54 /** Sets the horizontal description list's term column width at various breakpoints. */
55 horizontalTermWidthModifier?: {
56 default?: string;
57 sm?: string;
58 md?: string;
59 lg?: string;
60 xl?: string;
61 '2xl'?: string;
62 };
64export declare const DescriptionList: React.FunctionComponent<DescriptionListProps>;
65//# sourceMappingURL=DescriptionList.d.ts.map
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