1.95 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2export declare enum PageSectionVariants {
3 default = "default",
4 light = "light",
5 dark = "dark",
6 darker = "darker"
8export declare enum PageSectionTypes {
9 default = "default",
10 nav = "nav",
11 subNav = "subnav",
12 breadcrumb = "breadcrumb",
13 tabs = "tabs",
14 wizard = "wizard"
16export interface PageSectionProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
17 /** Content rendered inside the section */
18 children?: React.ReactNode;
19 /** Additional classes added to the section */
20 className?: string;
21 /** Section background color variant */
22 variant?: 'default' | 'light' | 'dark' | 'darker';
23 /** Section type variant */
24 type?: 'default' | 'nav' | 'subnav' | 'breadcrumb' | 'tabs' | 'wizard';
25 /** Enables the page section to fill the available vertical space */
26 isFilled?: boolean;
27 /** Limits the width of the section */
28 isWidthLimited?: boolean;
29 /** Flag indicating if the section content is center aligned. isWidthLimited must be set for this to work */
30 isCenterAligned?: boolean;
31 /** Padding at various breakpoints. */
32 padding?: {
33 default?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
34 sm?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
35 md?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
36 lg?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
37 xl?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
38 '2xl'?: 'padding' | 'noPadding';
39 };
40 /** Modifier indicating if PageSection is sticky to the top or bottom */
41 sticky?: 'top' | 'bottom';
42 /** Modifier indicating if PageSection should have a shadow at the top */
43 hasShadowTop?: boolean;
44 /** Modifier indicating if PageSection should have a shadow at the bottom */
45 hasShadowBottom?: boolean;
46 /** Flag indicating if the PageSection has a scrolling overflow */
47 hasOverflowScroll?: boolean;
49export declare const PageSection: React.FunctionComponent<PageSectionProps>;
50//# sourceMappingURL=PageSection.d.ts.map
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