2.66 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ALPHA_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
2import { BaseImageResource } from './BaseImageResource';
3import type { Renderer } from '../../Renderer';
4import type { BaseTexture } from '../BaseTexture';
5import type { GLTexture } from '../GLTexture';
6export interface IImageBitmapResourceOptions {
7 /** Start loading process automatically when constructed. */
8 autoLoad?: boolean;
9 /** Load image using cross origin. */
10 crossOrigin?: boolean;
11 /** Alpha mode used when creating the ImageBitmap. */
12 alphaMode?: ALPHA_MODES;
15 * Resource type for ImageBitmap.
16 * @memberof PIXI
17 */
18export declare class ImageBitmapResource extends BaseImageResource {
19 /** URL of the image source. */
20 url: string | null;
21 /**
22 * Load image using cross origin.
23 * @default false
24 */
25 crossOrigin: boolean;
26 /**
27 * Controls texture alphaMode field
28 * Copies from options
29 * Default is `null`, copies option from baseTexture
30 * @readonly
31 */
32 alphaMode: ALPHA_MODES | null;
33 /**
34 * Promise when loading.
35 * @default null
36 */
37 private _load;
38 /**
39 * @param source - ImageBitmap or URL to use
40 * @param options
41 * @param {boolean} [options.autoLoad=true] - Start loading process automatically when constructed.
42 * @param {boolean} [options.crossOrigin=true] - Load image using cross origin.
43 * @param {PIXI.ALPHA_MODES} [options.alphaMode=null] - Alpha mode used when creating the ImageBitmap.
44 */
45 constructor(source: ImageBitmap | string, options?: IImageBitmapResourceOptions);
46 load(): Promise<ImageBitmapResource>;
47 /**
48 * Upload the image bitmap resource to GPU.
49 * @param renderer - Renderer to upload to
50 * @param baseTexture - BaseTexture for this resource
51 * @param glTexture - GLTexture to use
52 * @returns {boolean} true is success
53 */
54 upload(renderer: Renderer, baseTexture: BaseTexture, glTexture: GLTexture): boolean;
55 /** Destroys this resource. */
56 dispose(): void;
57 /**
58 * Used to auto-detect the type of resource.
59 * @param {*} source - The source object
60 * @returns {boolean} `true` if current environment support ImageBitmap, and source is string or ImageBitmap
61 */
62 static test(source: unknown): source is string | ImageBitmap;
63 /**
64 * Cached empty placeholder canvas.
65 * @see EMPTY
66 */
67 private static _EMPTY;
68 /**
69 * ImageBitmap cannot be created synchronously, so a empty placeholder canvas is needed when loading from URLs.
70 * Only for internal usage.
71 * @returns The cached placeholder canvas.
72 */
73 private static get EMPTY();