4.58 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { ExtensionMetadata } from '@pixi/extensions';
2import type { Dict } from '@pixi/utils';
3import type { IRenderingContext } from '../IRenderer';
4import type { Renderer } from '../Renderer';
5import type { ISystem } from '../system/ISystem';
6import type { GLProgram } from './GLProgram';
7import type { Program } from './Program';
8import type { Shader } from './Shader';
9import type { UniformGroup } from './UniformGroup';
10import type { UniformsSyncCallback } from './utils';
12 * System plugin to the renderer to manage shaders.
13 * @memberof PIXI
14 */
15export declare class ShaderSystem implements ISystem {
16 /** @ignore */
17 static extension: ExtensionMetadata;
18 /**
19 * The current WebGL rendering context.
20 * @member {WebGLRenderingContext}
21 */
22 protected gl: IRenderingContext;
23 shader: Shader;
24 program: Program;
25 id: number;
26 destroyed: boolean;
27 /** Cache to holds the generated functions. Stored against UniformObjects unique signature. */
28 private cache;
29 private _uboCache;
30 private renderer;
31 /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */
32 constructor(renderer: Renderer);
33 /**
34 * Overrideable function by `@pixi/unsafe-eval` to silence
35 * throwing an error if platform doesn't support unsafe-evals.
36 * @private
37 */
38 private systemCheck;
39 protected contextChange(gl: IRenderingContext): void;
40 /**
41 * Changes the current shader to the one given in parameter.
42 * @param shader - the new shader
43 * @param dontSync - false if the shader should automatically sync its uniforms.
44 * @returns the glProgram that belongs to the shader.
45 */
46 bind(shader: Shader, dontSync?: boolean): GLProgram;
47 /**
48 * Uploads the uniforms values to the currently bound shader.
49 * @param uniforms - the uniforms values that be applied to the current shader
50 */
51 setUniforms(uniforms: Dict<any>): void;
52 /**
53 * Syncs uniforms on the group
54 * @param group - the uniform group to sync
55 * @param syncData - this is data that is passed to the sync function and any nested sync functions
56 */
57 syncUniformGroup(group: UniformGroup, syncData?: any): void;
58 /**
59 * Overrideable by the @pixi/unsafe-eval package to use static syncUniforms instead.
60 * @param group
61 * @param glProgram
62 * @param syncData
63 */
64 syncUniforms(group: UniformGroup, glProgram: GLProgram, syncData: any): void;
65 createSyncGroups(group: UniformGroup): UniformsSyncCallback;
66 /**
67 * Syncs uniform buffers
68 * @param group - the uniform buffer group to sync
69 * @param name - the name of the uniform buffer
70 */
71 syncUniformBufferGroup(group: UniformGroup, name?: string): void;
72 /**
73 * Will create a function that uploads a uniform buffer using the STD140 standard.
74 * The upload function will then be cached for future calls
75 * If a group is manually managed, then a simple upload function is generated
76 * @param group - the uniform buffer group to sync
77 * @param glProgram - the gl program to attach the uniform bindings to
78 * @param name - the name of the uniform buffer (must exist on the shader)
79 */
80 protected createSyncBufferGroup(group: UniformGroup, glProgram: GLProgram, name: string): UniformsSyncCallback;
81 /**
82 * Takes a uniform group and data and generates a unique signature for them.
83 * @param group - The uniform group to get signature of
84 * @param group.uniforms
85 * @param uniformData - Uniform information generated by the shader
86 * @param preFix
87 * @returns Unique signature of the uniform group
88 */
89 private getSignature;
90 /**
91 * Returns the underlying GLShade rof the currently bound shader.
92 *
93 * This can be handy for when you to have a little more control over the setting of your uniforms.
94 * @returns The glProgram for the currently bound Shader for this context
95 */
96 getGlProgram(): GLProgram;
97 /**
98 * Generates a glProgram version of the Shader provided.
99 * @param shader - The shader that the glProgram will be based on.
100 * @returns A shiny new glProgram!
101 */
102 generateProgram(shader: Shader): GLProgram;
103 /** Resets ShaderSystem state, does not affect WebGL state. */
104 reset(): void;
105 /**
106 * Disposes shader.
107 * If disposing one equals with current shader, set current as null.
108 * @param shader - Shader object
109 */
110 disposeShader(shader: Shader): void;
111 /** Destroys this System and removes all its textures. */
112 destroy(): void;