1 | import { TARGETS } from '@pixi/constants';
2 | import { AbstractMultiResource } from './AbstractMultiResource.mjs';
3 |
4 | const _CubeResource = class extends AbstractMultiResource {
5 | constructor(source, options) {
6 | const { width, height, autoLoad, linkBaseTexture } = options || {};
7 | if (source && source.length !== _CubeResource.SIDES) {
8 | throw new Error(`Invalid length. Got ${source.length}, expected 6`);
9 | }
10 | super(6, { width, height });
11 | for (let i = 0; i < _CubeResource.SIDES; i++) {
12 | this.items[i].target = TARGETS.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i;
13 | }
14 | this.linkBaseTexture = linkBaseTexture !== false;
15 | if (source) {
16 | this.initFromArray(source, options);
17 | }
18 | if (autoLoad !== false) {
19 | this.load();
20 | }
21 | }
22 | bind(baseTexture) {
23 | super.bind(baseTexture);
24 | baseTexture.target = TARGETS.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
25 | }
26 | addBaseTextureAt(baseTexture, index, linkBaseTexture) {
27 | if (linkBaseTexture === void 0) {
28 | linkBaseTexture = this.linkBaseTexture;
29 | }
30 | if (!this.items[index]) {
31 | throw new Error(`Index ${index} is out of bounds`);
32 | }
33 | if (!this.linkBaseTexture || baseTexture.parentTextureArray || Object.keys(baseTexture._glTextures).length > 0) {
34 | if (baseTexture.resource) {
35 | this.addResourceAt(baseTexture.resource, index);
36 | } else {
37 | throw new Error(`CubeResource does not support copying of renderTexture.`);
38 | }
39 | } else {
40 | baseTexture.target = TARGETS.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + index;
41 | baseTexture.parentTextureArray = this.baseTexture;
42 | this.items[index] = baseTexture;
43 | }
44 | if (baseTexture.valid && !this.valid) {
45 | this.resize(baseTexture.realWidth, baseTexture.realHeight);
46 | }
47 | this.items[index] = baseTexture;
48 | return this;
49 | }
50 | upload(renderer, _baseTexture, glTexture) {
51 | const dirty = this.itemDirtyIds;
52 | for (let i = 0; i < _CubeResource.SIDES; i++) {
53 | const side = this.items[i];
54 | if (dirty[i] < side.dirtyId || glTexture.dirtyId < _baseTexture.dirtyId) {
55 | if (side.valid && side.resource) {
56 | side.resource.upload(renderer, side, glTexture);
57 | dirty[i] = side.dirtyId;
58 | } else if (dirty[i] < -1) {
59 | renderer.gl.texImage2D(side.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, _baseTexture.realWidth, _baseTexture.realHeight, 0, _baseTexture.format, glTexture.type, null);
60 | dirty[i] = -1;
61 | }
62 | }
63 | }
64 | return true;
65 | }
66 | static test(source) {
67 | return Array.isArray(source) && source.length === _CubeResource.SIDES;
68 | }
69 | };
70 | let CubeResource = _CubeResource;
71 | CubeResource.SIDES = 6;
72 |
73 | export { CubeResource };
74 |