6.17 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { ExtensionMetadata } from '@pixi/extensions';
2import type { ICanvas } from '@pixi/settings';
3import type { IRenderingContext } from '../IRenderer';
4import type { Renderer } from '../Renderer';
5import type { ISystem } from '../system/ISystem';
6import type { WebGLExtensions } from './WebGLExtensions';
8 * Options for the context system.
9 * @memberof PIXI
10 */
11export interface ContextSystemOptions {
12 /**
13 * **Deprecated since 7.0.0, use `premultipliedAlpha` and `backgroundAlpha` instead.**
14 *
15 * Pass-through value for canvas' context attribute `alpha`. This option is for cases where the
16 * canvas needs to be opaque, possibly for performance reasons on some older devices.
17 * If you want to set transparency, please use `backgroundAlpha`.
18 *
19 * **WebGL Only:** When set to `'notMultiplied'`, the canvas' context attribute `alpha` will be
20 * set to `true` and `premultipliedAlpha` will be to `false`.
21 * @deprecated since 7.0.0
22 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
23 */
24 useContextAlpha?: boolean | 'notMultiplied';
25 /**
26 * **WebGL Only.** User-provided WebGL rendering context object.
27 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
28 */
29 context: IRenderingContext | null;
30 /**
31 * **WebGL Only.** Whether to enable anti-aliasing. This may affect performance.
32 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
33 */
34 antialias: boolean;
35 /**
36 * **WebGL Only.** A hint indicating what configuration of GPU is suitable for the WebGL context,
37 * can be `'default'`, `'high-performance'` or `'low-power'`.
38 * Setting to `'high-performance'` will prioritize rendering performance over power consumption,
39 * while setting to `'low-power'` will prioritize power saving over rendering performance.
40 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
41 */
42 powerPreference: WebGLPowerPreference;
43 /**
44 * **WebGL Only.** Whether the compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains colors with premultiplied alpha.
45 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
46 */
47 premultipliedAlpha: boolean;
48 /**
49 * **WebGL Only.** Whether to enable drawing buffer preservation. If enabled, the drawing buffer will preserve
50 * its value until cleared or overwritten. Enable this if you need to call `toDataUrl` on the WebGL context.
51 * @memberof PIXI.IRendererOptions
52 */
53 preserveDrawingBuffer: boolean;
55export interface ISupportDict {
56 uint32Indices: boolean;
59 * System plugin to the renderer to manage the context.
60 * @memberof PIXI
61 */
62export declare class ContextSystem implements ISystem<ContextSystemOptions> {
63 /** @ignore */
64 static defaultOptions: ContextSystemOptions;
65 /** @ignore */
66 static extension: ExtensionMetadata;
67 /**
68 * Either 1 or 2 to reflect the WebGL version being used.
69 * @readonly
70 */
71 webGLVersion: number;
72 /**
73 * Features supported by current context.
74 * @type {object}
75 * @readonly
76 * @property {boolean} uint32Indices - Support for 32-bit indices buffer.
77 */
78 readonly supports: ISupportDict;
79 preserveDrawingBuffer: boolean;
80 powerPreference: WebGLPowerPreference;
81 /**
82 * Pass-thru setting for the canvas' context `alpha` property. This is typically
83 * not something you need to fiddle with. If you want transparency, use `backgroundAlpha`.
84 * @member {boolean}
85 * @deprecated since 7.0.0
86 */
87 useContextAlpha: boolean | 'notMultiplied';
88 protected CONTEXT_UID: number;
89 protected gl: IRenderingContext;
90 /**
91 * Extensions available.
92 * @type {object}
93 * @readonly
94 * @property {WEBGL_draw_buffers} drawBuffers - WebGL v1 extension
95 * @property {WEBGL_depth_texture} depthTexture - WebGL v1 extension
96 * @property {OES_texture_float} floatTexture - WebGL v1 extension
97 * @property {WEBGL_lose_context} loseContext - WebGL v1 extension
98 * @property {OES_vertex_array_object} vertexArrayObject - WebGL v1 extension
99 * @property {EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic} anisotropicFiltering - WebGL v1 and v2 extension
100 */
101 extensions: WebGLExtensions;
102 private renderer;
103 /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */
104 constructor(renderer: Renderer);
105 /**
106 * `true` if the context is lost
107 * @readonly
108 */
109 get isLost(): boolean;
110 /**
111 * Handles the context change event.
112 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - New WebGL context.
113 */
114 protected contextChange(gl: IRenderingContext): void;
115 init(options: ContextSystemOptions): void;
116 /**
117 * Initializes the context.
118 * @protected
119 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - WebGL context
120 */
121 initFromContext(gl: IRenderingContext): void;
122 /**
123 * Initialize from context options
124 * @protected
125 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext
126 * @param {object} options - context attributes
127 */
128 initFromOptions(options: WebGLContextAttributes): void;
129 /**
130 * Helper class to create a WebGL Context
131 * @param canvas - the canvas element that we will get the context from
132 * @param options - An options object that gets passed in to the canvas element containing the
133 * context attributes
134 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext
135 * @returns {WebGLRenderingContext} the WebGL context
136 */
137 createContext(canvas: ICanvas, options: WebGLContextAttributes): IRenderingContext;
138 /** Auto-populate the {@link PIXI.ContextSystem.extensions extensions}. */
139 protected getExtensions(): void;
140 /**
141 * Handles a lost webgl context
142 * @param {WebGLContextEvent} event - The context lost event.
143 */
144 protected handleContextLost(event: WebGLContextEvent): void;
145 /** Handles a restored webgl context. */
146 protected handleContextRestored(): void;
147 destroy(): void;
148 /** Handle the post-render runner event. */
149 protected postrender(): void;
150 /**
151 * Validate context.
152 * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - Render context.
153 */
154 protected validateContext(gl: IRenderingContext): void;