14.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { CLEAR_MODES, DRAW_MODES, MSAA_QUALITY } from "@pixi/constants";
2import { ExtensionType, extensions } from "@pixi/extensions";
3import { Point, Matrix, Rectangle } from "@pixi/math";
4import { RenderTexturePool } from "../renderTexture/RenderTexturePool.mjs";
5import { UniformGroup } from "../shader/UniformGroup.mjs";
6import { Quad } from "../utils/Quad.mjs";
7import { QuadUv } from "../utils/QuadUv.mjs";
8import { FilterState } from "./FilterState.mjs";
9const tempPoints = [new Point(), new Point(), new Point(), new Point()], tempMatrix = new Matrix();
10class FilterSystem {
11 /**
12 * @param renderer - The renderer this System works for.
13 */
14 constructor(renderer) {
15 this.renderer = renderer, this.defaultFilterStack = [{}], this.texturePool = new RenderTexturePool(), this.statePool = [], this.quad = new Quad(), this.quadUv = new QuadUv(), this.tempRect = new Rectangle(), this.activeState = {}, this.globalUniforms = new UniformGroup({
16 outputFrame: new Rectangle(),
17 inputSize: new Float32Array(4),
18 inputPixel: new Float32Array(4),
19 inputClamp: new Float32Array(4),
20 resolution: 1,
21 // legacy variables
22 filterArea: new Float32Array(4),
23 filterClamp: new Float32Array(4)
24 }, !0), this.forceClear = !1, this.useMaxPadding = !1;
25 }
26 init() {
27 this.texturePool.setScreenSize(this.renderer.view);
28 }
29 /**
30 * Pushes a set of filters to be applied later to the system. This will redirect further rendering into an
31 * input render-texture for the rest of the filtering pipeline.
32 * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} target - The target of the filter to render.
33 * @param filters - The filters to apply.
34 */
35 push(target, filters) {
36 const renderer = this.renderer, filterStack = this.defaultFilterStack, state = this.statePool.pop() || new FilterState(), renderTextureSystem = renderer.renderTexture;
37 let currentResolution, currentMultisample;
38 if (renderTextureSystem.current) {
39 const renderTexture = renderTextureSystem.current;
40 currentResolution = renderTexture.resolution, currentMultisample = renderTexture.multisample;
41 } else
42 currentResolution = renderer.resolution, currentMultisample = renderer.multisample;
43 let resolution = filters[0].resolution || currentResolution, multisample = filters[0].multisample ?? currentMultisample, padding = filters[0].padding, autoFit = filters[0].autoFit, legacy = filters[0].legacy ?? !0;
44 for (let i = 1; i < filters.length; i++) {
45 const filter = filters[i];
46 resolution = Math.min(resolution, filter.resolution || currentResolution), multisample = Math.min(multisample, filter.multisample ?? currentMultisample), padding = this.useMaxPadding ? Math.max(padding, filter.padding) : padding + filter.padding, autoFit = autoFit && filter.autoFit, legacy = legacy || (filter.legacy ?? !0);
47 }
48 filterStack.length === 1 && (this.defaultFilterStack[0].renderTexture = renderTextureSystem.current), filterStack.push(state), state.resolution = resolution, state.multisample = multisample, state.legacy = legacy, state.target = target, state.sourceFrame.copyFrom(target.filterArea || target.getBounds(!0)), state.sourceFrame.pad(padding);
49 const sourceFrameProjected = this.tempRect.copyFrom(renderTextureSystem.sourceFrame);
50 renderer.projection.transform && this.transformAABB(
51 tempMatrix.copyFrom(renderer.projection.transform).invert(),
52 sourceFrameProjected
53 ), autoFit ? (state.sourceFrame.fit(sourceFrameProjected), (state.sourceFrame.width <= 0 || state.sourceFrame.height <= 0) && (state.sourceFrame.width = 0, state.sourceFrame.height = 0)) : state.sourceFrame.intersects(sourceFrameProjected) || (state.sourceFrame.width = 0, state.sourceFrame.height = 0), this.roundFrame(
54 state.sourceFrame,
55 renderTextureSystem.current ? renderTextureSystem.current.resolution : renderer.resolution,
56 renderTextureSystem.sourceFrame,
57 renderTextureSystem.destinationFrame,
58 renderer.projection.transform
59 ), state.renderTexture = this.getOptimalFilterTexture(
60 state.sourceFrame.width,
61 state.sourceFrame.height,
62 resolution,
63 multisample
64 ), state.filters = filters, state.destinationFrame.width = state.renderTexture.width, state.destinationFrame.height = state.renderTexture.height;
65 const destinationFrame = this.tempRect;
66 destinationFrame.x = 0, destinationFrame.y = 0, destinationFrame.width = state.sourceFrame.width, destinationFrame.height = state.sourceFrame.height, state.renderTexture.filterFrame = state.sourceFrame, state.bindingSourceFrame.copyFrom(renderTextureSystem.sourceFrame), state.bindingDestinationFrame.copyFrom(renderTextureSystem.destinationFrame), state.transform = renderer.projection.transform, renderer.projection.transform = null, renderTextureSystem.bind(state.renderTexture, state.sourceFrame, destinationFrame), renderer.framebuffer.clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
67 }
68 /** Pops off the filter and applies it. */
69 pop() {
70 const filterStack = this.defaultFilterStack, state = filterStack.pop(), filters = state.filters;
71 this.activeState = state;
72 const globalUniforms = this.globalUniforms.uniforms;
73 globalUniforms.outputFrame = state.sourceFrame, globalUniforms.resolution = state.resolution;
74 const inputSize = globalUniforms.inputSize, inputPixel = globalUniforms.inputPixel, inputClamp = globalUniforms.inputClamp;
75 if (inputSize[0] = state.destinationFrame.width, inputSize[1] = state.destinationFrame.height, inputSize[2] = 1 / inputSize[0], inputSize[3] = 1 / inputSize[1], inputPixel[0] = Math.round(inputSize[0] * state.resolution), inputPixel[1] = Math.round(inputSize[1] * state.resolution), inputPixel[2] = 1 / inputPixel[0], inputPixel[3] = 1 / inputPixel[1], inputClamp[0] = 0.5 * inputPixel[2], inputClamp[1] = 0.5 * inputPixel[3], inputClamp[2] = state.sourceFrame.width * inputSize[2] - 0.5 * inputPixel[2], inputClamp[3] = state.sourceFrame.height * inputSize[3] - 0.5 * inputPixel[3], state.legacy) {
76 const filterArea = globalUniforms.filterArea;
77 filterArea[0] = state.destinationFrame.width, filterArea[1] = state.destinationFrame.height, filterArea[2] = state.sourceFrame.x, filterArea[3] = state.sourceFrame.y, globalUniforms.filterClamp = globalUniforms.inputClamp;
78 }
79 this.globalUniforms.update();
80 const lastState = filterStack[filterStack.length - 1];
81 if (this.renderer.framebuffer.blit(), filters.length === 1)
82 filters[0].apply(this, state.renderTexture, lastState.renderTexture, CLEAR_MODES.BLEND, state), this.returnFilterTexture(state.renderTexture);
83 else {
84 let flip = state.renderTexture, flop = this.getOptimalFilterTexture(
85 flip.width,
86 flip.height,
87 state.resolution
88 );
89 flop.filterFrame = flip.filterFrame;
90 let i = 0;
91 for (i = 0; i < filters.length - 1; ++i) {
92 i === 1 && state.multisample > 1 && (flop = this.getOptimalFilterTexture(
93 flip.width,
94 flip.height,
95 state.resolution
96 ), flop.filterFrame = flip.filterFrame), filters[i].apply(this, flip, flop, CLEAR_MODES.CLEAR, state);
97 const t = flip;
98 flip = flop, flop = t;
99 }
100 filters[i].apply(this, flip, lastState.renderTexture, CLEAR_MODES.BLEND, state), i > 1 && state.multisample > 1 && this.returnFilterTexture(state.renderTexture), this.returnFilterTexture(flip), this.returnFilterTexture(flop);
101 }
102 state.clear(), this.statePool.push(state);
103 }
104 /**
105 * Binds a renderTexture with corresponding `filterFrame`, clears it if mode corresponds.
106 * @param filterTexture - renderTexture to bind, should belong to filter pool or filter stack
107 * @param clearMode - clearMode, by default its CLEAR/YES. See {@link PIXI.CLEAR_MODES}
108 */
109 bindAndClear(filterTexture, clearMode = CLEAR_MODES.CLEAR) {
110 const {
111 renderTexture: renderTextureSystem,
112 state: stateSystem
113 } = this.renderer;
114 if (filterTexture === this.defaultFilterStack[this.defaultFilterStack.length - 1].renderTexture ? this.renderer.projection.transform = this.activeState.transform : this.renderer.projection.transform = null, filterTexture?.filterFrame) {
115 const destinationFrame = this.tempRect;
116 destinationFrame.x = 0, destinationFrame.y = 0, destinationFrame.width = filterTexture.filterFrame.width, destinationFrame.height = filterTexture.filterFrame.height, renderTextureSystem.bind(filterTexture, filterTexture.filterFrame, destinationFrame);
117 } else
118 filterTexture !== this.defaultFilterStack[this.defaultFilterStack.length - 1].renderTexture ? renderTextureSystem.bind(filterTexture) : this.renderer.renderTexture.bind(
119 filterTexture,
120 this.activeState.bindingSourceFrame,
121 this.activeState.bindingDestinationFrame
122 );
123 const autoClear = stateSystem.stateId & 1 || this.forceClear;
124 (clearMode === CLEAR_MODES.CLEAR || clearMode === CLEAR_MODES.BLIT && autoClear) && this.renderer.framebuffer.clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
125 }
126 /**
127 * Draws a filter using the default rendering process.
128 *
129 * This should be called only by {@link PIXI.Filter#apply}.
130 * @param filter - The filter to draw.
131 * @param input - The input render target.
132 * @param output - The target to output to.
133 * @param clearMode - Should the output be cleared before rendering to it
134 */
135 applyFilter(filter, input, output, clearMode) {
136 const renderer = this.renderer;
137 renderer.state.set(filter.state), this.bindAndClear(output, clearMode), filter.uniforms.uSampler = input, filter.uniforms.filterGlobals = this.globalUniforms, renderer.shader.bind(filter), filter.legacy = !!filter.program.attributeData.aTextureCoord, filter.legacy ? (this.quadUv.map(input._frame, input.filterFrame), renderer.geometry.bind(this.quadUv), renderer.geometry.draw(DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES)) : (renderer.geometry.bind(this.quad), renderer.geometry.draw(DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLE_STRIP));
138 }
139 /**
140 * Multiply _input normalized coordinates_ to this matrix to get _sprite texture normalized coordinates_.
141 *
142 * Use `outputMatrix * vTextureCoord` in the shader.
143 * @param outputMatrix - The matrix to output to.
144 * @param {PIXI.Sprite} sprite - The sprite to map to.
145 * @returns The mapped matrix.
146 */
147 calculateSpriteMatrix(outputMatrix, sprite) {
148 const { sourceFrame, destinationFrame } = this.activeState, { orig } = sprite._texture, mappedMatrix = outputMatrix.set(
149 destinationFrame.width,
150 0,
151 0,
152 destinationFrame.height,
153 sourceFrame.x,
154 sourceFrame.y
155 ), worldTransform = sprite.worldTransform.copyTo(Matrix.TEMP_MATRIX);
156 return worldTransform.invert(), mappedMatrix.prepend(worldTransform), mappedMatrix.scale(1 / orig.width, 1 / orig.height), mappedMatrix.translate(sprite.anchor.x, sprite.anchor.y), mappedMatrix;
157 }
158 /** Destroys this Filter System. */
159 destroy() {
160 this.renderer = null, this.texturePool.clear(!1);
161 }
162 /**
163 * Gets a Power-of-Two render texture or fullScreen texture
164 * @param minWidth - The minimum width of the render texture in real pixels.
165 * @param minHeight - The minimum height of the render texture in real pixels.
166 * @param resolution - The resolution of the render texture.
167 * @param multisample - Number of samples of the render texture.
168 * @returns - The new render texture.
169 */
170 getOptimalFilterTexture(minWidth, minHeight, resolution = 1, multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.NONE) {
171 return this.texturePool.getOptimalTexture(minWidth, minHeight, resolution, multisample);
172 }
173 /**
174 * Gets extra render texture to use inside current filter
175 * To be compliant with older filters, you can use params in any order
176 * @param input - renderTexture from which size and resolution will be copied
177 * @param resolution - override resolution of the renderTexture
178 * @param multisample - number of samples of the renderTexture
179 */
180 getFilterTexture(input, resolution, multisample) {
181 if (typeof input == "number") {
182 const swap = input;
183 input = resolution, resolution = swap;
184 }
185 input = input || this.activeState.renderTexture;
186 const filterTexture = this.texturePool.getOptimalTexture(
187 input.width,
188 input.height,
189 resolution || input.resolution,
190 multisample || MSAA_QUALITY.NONE
191 );
192 return filterTexture.filterFrame = input.filterFrame, filterTexture;
193 }
194 /**
195 * Frees a render texture back into the pool.
196 * @param renderTexture - The renderTarget to free
197 */
198 returnFilterTexture(renderTexture) {
199 this.texturePool.returnTexture(renderTexture);
200 }
201 /** Empties the texture pool. */
202 emptyPool() {
203 this.texturePool.clear(!0);
204 }
205 /** Calls `texturePool.resize()`, affects fullScreen renderTextures. */
206 resize() {
207 this.texturePool.setScreenSize(this.renderer.view);
208 }
209 /**
210 * @param matrix - first param
211 * @param rect - second param
212 */
213 transformAABB(matrix, rect) {
214 const lt = tempPoints[0], lb = tempPoints[1], rt = tempPoints[2], rb = tempPoints[3];
215 lt.set(rect.left, rect.top), lb.set(rect.left, rect.bottom), rt.set(rect.right, rect.top), rb.set(rect.right, rect.bottom), matrix.apply(lt, lt), matrix.apply(lb, lb), matrix.apply(rt, rt), matrix.apply(rb, rb);
216 const x0 = Math.min(lt.x, lb.x, rt.x, rb.x), y0 = Math.min(lt.y, lb.y, rt.y, rb.y), x1 = Math.max(lt.x, lb.x, rt.x, rb.x), y1 = Math.max(lt.y, lb.y, rt.y, rb.y);
217 rect.x = x0, rect.y = y0, rect.width = x1 - x0, rect.height = y1 - y0;
218 }
219 roundFrame(frame, resolution, bindingSourceFrame, bindingDestinationFrame, transform) {
220 if (!(frame.width <= 0 || frame.height <= 0 || bindingSourceFrame.width <= 0 || bindingSourceFrame.height <= 0)) {
221 if (transform) {
222 const { a, b, c, d } = transform;
223 if ((Math.abs(b) > 1e-4 || Math.abs(c) > 1e-4) && (Math.abs(a) > 1e-4 || Math.abs(d) > 1e-4))
224 return;
225 }
226 transform = transform ? tempMatrix.copyFrom(transform) : tempMatrix.identity(), transform.translate(-bindingSourceFrame.x, -bindingSourceFrame.y).scale(
227 bindingDestinationFrame.width / bindingSourceFrame.width,
228 bindingDestinationFrame.height / bindingSourceFrame.height
229 ).translate(bindingDestinationFrame.x, bindingDestinationFrame.y), this.transformAABB(transform, frame), frame.ceil(resolution), this.transformAABB(transform.invert(), frame);
230 }
231 }
233FilterSystem.extension = {
234 type: ExtensionType.RendererSystem,
235 name: "filter"
238export {
239 FilterSystem
241//# sourceMappingURL=FilterSystem.mjs.map