16.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { ENV, BUFFER_BITS, MSAA_QUALITY } from "@pixi/constants";
2import { ExtensionType, extensions } from "@pixi/extensions";
3import { Rectangle } from "@pixi/math";
4import { settings } from "@pixi/settings";
5import { Framebuffer } from "./Framebuffer.mjs";
6import { GLFramebuffer } from "./GLFramebuffer.mjs";
7const tempRectangle = new Rectangle();
8class FramebufferSystem {
9 /**
10 * @param renderer - The renderer this System works for.
11 */
12 constructor(renderer) {
13 this.renderer = renderer, this.managedFramebuffers = [], this.unknownFramebuffer = new Framebuffer(10, 10), this.msaaSamples = null;
14 }
15 /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */
16 contextChange() {
17 this.disposeAll(!0);
18 const gl = this.gl = this.renderer.gl;
19 if (this.CONTEXT_UID = this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID, this.current = this.unknownFramebuffer, this.viewport = new Rectangle(), this.hasMRT = !0, this.writeDepthTexture = !0, this.renderer.context.webGLVersion === 1) {
20 let nativeDrawBuffersExtension = this.renderer.context.extensions.drawBuffers, nativeDepthTextureExtension = this.renderer.context.extensions.depthTexture;
21 settings.PREFER_ENV === ENV.WEBGL_LEGACY && (nativeDrawBuffersExtension = null, nativeDepthTextureExtension = null), nativeDrawBuffersExtension ? gl.drawBuffers = (activeTextures) => nativeDrawBuffersExtension.drawBuffersWEBGL(activeTextures) : (this.hasMRT = !1, gl.drawBuffers = () => {
22 }), nativeDepthTextureExtension || (this.writeDepthTexture = !1);
23 } else
24 this.msaaSamples = gl.getInternalformatParameter(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.RGBA8, gl.SAMPLES);
25 }
26 /**
27 * Bind a framebuffer.
28 * @param framebuffer
29 * @param frame - frame, default is framebuffer size
30 * @param mipLevel - optional mip level to set on the framebuffer - defaults to 0
31 */
32 bind(framebuffer, frame, mipLevel = 0) {
33 const { gl } = this;
34 if (framebuffer) {
35 const fbo = framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID] || this.initFramebuffer(framebuffer);
36 this.current !== framebuffer && (this.current = framebuffer, gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo.framebuffer)), fbo.mipLevel !== mipLevel && (framebuffer.dirtyId++, framebuffer.dirtyFormat++, fbo.mipLevel = mipLevel), fbo.dirtyId !== framebuffer.dirtyId && (fbo.dirtyId = framebuffer.dirtyId, fbo.dirtyFormat !== framebuffer.dirtyFormat ? (fbo.dirtyFormat = framebuffer.dirtyFormat, fbo.dirtySize = framebuffer.dirtySize, this.updateFramebuffer(framebuffer, mipLevel)) : fbo.dirtySize !== framebuffer.dirtySize && (fbo.dirtySize = framebuffer.dirtySize, this.resizeFramebuffer(framebuffer)));
37 for (let i = 0; i < framebuffer.colorTextures.length; i++) {
38 const tex = framebuffer.colorTextures[i];
39 this.renderer.texture.unbind(tex.parentTextureArray || tex);
40 }
41 if (framebuffer.depthTexture && this.renderer.texture.unbind(framebuffer.depthTexture), frame) {
42 const mipWidth = frame.width >> mipLevel, mipHeight = frame.height >> mipLevel, scale = mipWidth / frame.width;
43 this.setViewport(
44 frame.x * scale,
45 frame.y * scale,
46 mipWidth,
47 mipHeight
48 );
49 } else {
50 const mipWidth = framebuffer.width >> mipLevel, mipHeight = framebuffer.height >> mipLevel;
51 this.setViewport(0, 0, mipWidth, mipHeight);
52 }
53 } else
54 this.current && (this.current = null, gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null)), frame ? this.setViewport(frame.x, frame.y, frame.width, frame.height) : this.setViewport(0, 0, this.renderer.width, this.renderer.height);
55 }
56 /**
57 * Set the WebGLRenderingContext's viewport.
58 * @param x - X position of viewport
59 * @param y - Y position of viewport
60 * @param width - Width of viewport
61 * @param height - Height of viewport
62 */
63 setViewport(x, y, width, height) {
64 const v = this.viewport;
65 x = Math.round(x), y = Math.round(y), width = Math.round(width), height = Math.round(height), (v.width !== width || v.height !== height || v.x !== x || v.y !== y) && (v.x = x, v.y = y, v.width = width, v.height = height, this.gl.viewport(x, y, width, height));
66 }
67 /**
68 * Get the size of the current width and height. Returns object with `width` and `height` values.
69 * @readonly
70 */
71 get size() {
72 return this.current ? { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.current.width, height: this.current.height } : { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.renderer.width, height: this.renderer.height };
73 }
74 /**
75 * Clear the color of the context
76 * @param r - Red value from 0 to 1
77 * @param g - Green value from 0 to 1
78 * @param b - Blue value from 0 to 1
79 * @param a - Alpha value from 0 to 1
80 * @param {PIXI.BUFFER_BITS} [mask=BUFFER_BITS.COLOR | BUFFER_BITS.DEPTH] - Bitwise OR of masks
81 * that indicate the buffers to be cleared, by default COLOR and DEPTH buffers.
82 */
83 clear(r, g, b, a, mask = BUFFER_BITS.COLOR | BUFFER_BITS.DEPTH) {
84 const { gl } = this;
85 gl.clearColor(r, g, b, a), gl.clear(mask);
86 }
87 /**
88 * Initialize framebuffer for this context
89 * @protected
90 * @param framebuffer
91 * @returns - created GLFramebuffer
92 */
93 initFramebuffer(framebuffer) {
94 const { gl } = this, fbo = new GLFramebuffer(gl.createFramebuffer());
95 return fbo.multisample = this.detectSamples(framebuffer.multisample), framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID] = fbo, this.managedFramebuffers.push(framebuffer), framebuffer.disposeRunner.add(this), fbo;
96 }
97 /**
98 * Resize the framebuffer
99 * @param framebuffer
100 * @protected
101 */
102 resizeFramebuffer(framebuffer) {
103 const { gl } = this, fbo = framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID];
104 if (fbo.stencil) {
105 gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.stencil);
106 let stencilFormat;
107 this.renderer.context.webGLVersion === 1 ? stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL : framebuffer.depth && framebuffer.stencil ? stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : framebuffer.depth ? stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT24 : stencilFormat = gl.STENCIL_INDEX8, fbo.msaaBuffer ? gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(
109 fbo.multisample,
110 stencilFormat,
111 framebuffer.width,
112 framebuffer.height
113 ) : gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, stencilFormat, framebuffer.width, framebuffer.height);
114 }
115 const colorTextures = framebuffer.colorTextures;
116 let count = colorTextures.length;
117 gl.drawBuffers || (count = Math.min(count, 1));
118 for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
119 const texture = colorTextures[i], parentTexture = texture.parentTextureArray || texture;
120 this.renderer.texture.bind(parentTexture, 0), i === 0 && fbo.msaaBuffer && (gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.msaaBuffer), gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(
122 fbo.multisample,
123 parentTexture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID].internalFormat,
124 framebuffer.width,
125 framebuffer.height
126 ));
127 }
128 framebuffer.depthTexture && this.writeDepthTexture && this.renderer.texture.bind(framebuffer.depthTexture, 0);
129 }
130 /**
131 * Update the framebuffer
132 * @param framebuffer
133 * @param mipLevel
134 * @protected
135 */
136 updateFramebuffer(framebuffer, mipLevel) {
137 const { gl } = this, fbo = framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID], colorTextures = framebuffer.colorTextures;
138 let count = colorTextures.length;
139 gl.drawBuffers || (count = Math.min(count, 1)), fbo.multisample > 1 && this.canMultisampleFramebuffer(framebuffer) ? fbo.msaaBuffer = fbo.msaaBuffer || gl.createRenderbuffer() : fbo.msaaBuffer && (gl.deleteRenderbuffer(fbo.msaaBuffer), fbo.msaaBuffer = null, fbo.blitFramebuffer && (fbo.blitFramebuffer.dispose(), fbo.blitFramebuffer = null));
140 const activeTextures = [];
141 for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
142 const texture = colorTextures[i], parentTexture = texture.parentTextureArray || texture;
143 this.renderer.texture.bind(parentTexture, 0), i === 0 && fbo.msaaBuffer ? (gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.msaaBuffer), gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(
145 fbo.multisample,
146 parentTexture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID].internalFormat,
147 framebuffer.width,
148 framebuffer.height
149 ), gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.msaaBuffer)) : (gl.framebufferTexture2D(
152 texture.target,
153 parentTexture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID].texture,
154 mipLevel
155 ), activeTextures.push(gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i));
156 }
157 if (activeTextures.length > 1 && gl.drawBuffers(activeTextures), framebuffer.depthTexture && this.writeDepthTexture) {
158 const depthTexture = framebuffer.depthTexture;
159 this.renderer.texture.bind(depthTexture, 0), gl.framebufferTexture2D(
162 gl.TEXTURE_2D,
163 depthTexture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID].texture,
164 mipLevel
165 );
166 }
167 if ((framebuffer.stencil || framebuffer.depth) && !(framebuffer.depthTexture && this.writeDepthTexture)) {
168 fbo.stencil = fbo.stencil || gl.createRenderbuffer();
169 let stencilAttachment, stencilFormat;
170 this.renderer.context.webGLVersion === 1 ? (stencilAttachment = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL) : framebuffer.depth && framebuffer.stencil ? (stencilAttachment = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8) : framebuffer.depth ? (stencilAttachment = gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT24) : (stencilAttachment = gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.STENCIL_INDEX8), gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.stencil), fbo.msaaBuffer ? gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(
172 fbo.multisample,
173 stencilFormat,
174 framebuffer.width,
175 framebuffer.height
176 ) : gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, stencilFormat, framebuffer.width, framebuffer.height), gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, stencilAttachment, gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.stencil);
177 } else
178 fbo.stencil && (gl.deleteRenderbuffer(fbo.stencil), fbo.stencil = null);
179 }
180 /**
181 * Returns true if the frame buffer can be multisampled.
182 * @param framebuffer
183 */
184 canMultisampleFramebuffer(framebuffer) {
185 return this.renderer.context.webGLVersion !== 1 && framebuffer.colorTextures.length <= 1 && !framebuffer.depthTexture;
186 }
187 /**
188 * Detects number of samples that is not more than a param but as close to it as possible
189 * @param samples - number of samples
190 * @returns - recommended number of samples
191 */
192 detectSamples(samples) {
193 const { msaaSamples } = this;
194 let res = MSAA_QUALITY.NONE;
195 if (samples <= 1 || msaaSamples === null)
196 return res;
197 for (let i = 0; i < msaaSamples.length; i++)
198 if (msaaSamples[i] <= samples) {
199 res = msaaSamples[i];
200 break;
201 }
202 return res === 1 && (res = MSAA_QUALITY.NONE), res;
203 }
204 /**
205 * Only works with WebGL2
206 *
207 * blits framebuffer to another of the same or bigger size
208 * after that target framebuffer is bound
209 *
210 * Fails with WebGL warning if blits multisample framebuffer to different size
211 * @param framebuffer - by default it blits "into itself", from renderBuffer to texture.
212 * @param sourcePixels - source rectangle in pixels
213 * @param destPixels - dest rectangle in pixels, assumed to be the same as sourcePixels
214 */
215 blit(framebuffer, sourcePixels, destPixels) {
216 const { current, renderer, gl, CONTEXT_UID } = this;
217 if (renderer.context.webGLVersion !== 2 || !current)
218 return;
219 const fbo = current.glFramebuffers[CONTEXT_UID];
220 if (!fbo)
221 return;
222 if (!framebuffer) {
223 if (!fbo.msaaBuffer)
224 return;
225 const colorTexture = current.colorTextures[0];
226 if (!colorTexture)
227 return;
228 fbo.blitFramebuffer || (fbo.blitFramebuffer = new Framebuffer(current.width, current.height), fbo.blitFramebuffer.addColorTexture(0, colorTexture)), framebuffer = fbo.blitFramebuffer, framebuffer.colorTextures[0] !== colorTexture && (framebuffer.colorTextures[0] = colorTexture, framebuffer.dirtyId++, framebuffer.dirtyFormat++), (framebuffer.width !== current.width || framebuffer.height !== current.height) && (framebuffer.width = current.width, framebuffer.height = current.height, framebuffer.dirtyId++, framebuffer.dirtySize++);
229 }
230 sourcePixels || (sourcePixels = tempRectangle, sourcePixels.width = current.width, sourcePixels.height = current.height), destPixels || (destPixels = sourcePixels);
231 const sameSize = sourcePixels.width === destPixels.width && sourcePixels.height === destPixels.height;
232 this.bind(framebuffer), gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo.framebuffer), gl.blitFramebuffer(
233 sourcePixels.left,
234 sourcePixels.top,
235 sourcePixels.right,
236 sourcePixels.bottom,
237 destPixels.left,
238 destPixels.top,
239 destPixels.right,
240 destPixels.bottom,
242 sameSize ? gl.NEAREST : gl.LINEAR
243 ), gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID].framebuffer);
244 }
245 /**
246 * Disposes framebuffer.
247 * @param framebuffer - framebuffer that has to be disposed of
248 * @param contextLost - If context was lost, we suppress all delete function calls
249 */
250 disposeFramebuffer(framebuffer, contextLost) {
251 const fbo = framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID], gl = this.gl;
252 if (!fbo)
253 return;
254 delete framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID];
255 const index = this.managedFramebuffers.indexOf(framebuffer);
256 index >= 0 && this.managedFramebuffers.splice(index, 1), framebuffer.disposeRunner.remove(this), contextLost || (gl.deleteFramebuffer(fbo.framebuffer), fbo.msaaBuffer && gl.deleteRenderbuffer(fbo.msaaBuffer), fbo.stencil && gl.deleteRenderbuffer(fbo.stencil)), fbo.blitFramebuffer && this.disposeFramebuffer(fbo.blitFramebuffer, contextLost);
257 }
258 /**
259 * Disposes all framebuffers, but not textures bound to them.
260 * @param [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress all delete function calls
261 */
262 disposeAll(contextLost) {
263 const list = this.managedFramebuffers;
264 this.managedFramebuffers = [];
265 for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
266 this.disposeFramebuffer(list[i], contextLost);
267 }
268 /**
269 * Forcing creation of stencil buffer for current framebuffer, if it wasn't done before.
270 * Used by MaskSystem, when its time to use stencil mask for Graphics element.
271 *
272 * Its an alternative for public lazy `framebuffer.enableStencil`, in case we need stencil without rebind.
273 * @private
274 */
275 forceStencil() {
276 const framebuffer = this.current;
277 if (!framebuffer)
278 return;
279 const fbo = framebuffer.glFramebuffers[this.CONTEXT_UID];
280 if (!fbo || fbo.stencil && framebuffer.stencil)
281 return;
282 framebuffer.stencil = !0;
283 const w = framebuffer.width, h = framebuffer.height, gl = this.gl, stencil = fbo.stencil = gl.createRenderbuffer();
284 gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, stencil);
285 let stencilAttachment, stencilFormat;
286 this.renderer.context.webGLVersion === 1 ? (stencilAttachment = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL) : framebuffer.depth ? (stencilAttachment = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8) : (stencilAttachment = gl.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, stencilFormat = gl.STENCIL_INDEX8), fbo.msaaBuffer ? gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(gl.RENDERBUFFER, fbo.multisample, stencilFormat, w, h) : gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, stencilFormat, w, h), gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, stencilAttachment, gl.RENDERBUFFER, stencil);
287 }
288 /** Resets framebuffer stored state, binds screen framebuffer. Should be called before renderTexture reset(). */
289 reset() {
290 this.current = this.unknownFramebuffer, this.viewport = new Rectangle();
291 }
292 destroy() {
293 this.renderer = null;
294 }
296FramebufferSystem.extension = {
297 type: ExtensionType.RendererSystem,
298 name: "framebuffer"
301export {
302 FramebufferSystem
304//# sourceMappingURL=FramebufferSystem.mjs.map