8.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { BUFFER_TYPE } from "@pixi/constants";
2import { Runner } from "@pixi/runner";
3import { getBufferType } from "@pixi/utils";
4import { Attribute } from "./Attribute.mjs";
5import { Buffer } from "./Buffer.mjs";
6import { interleaveTypedArrays } from "./utils/interleaveTypedArrays.mjs";
7const byteSizeMap = { 5126: 4, 5123: 2, 5121: 1 };
8let UID = 0;
9const map = {
10 Float32Array,
11 Uint32Array,
12 Int32Array,
13 Uint8Array,
14 Uint16Array
16class Geometry {
17 /**
18 * @param buffers - An array of buffers. optional.
19 * @param attributes - Of the geometry, optional structure of the attributes layout
20 */
21 constructor(buffers = [], attributes = {}) {
22 this.buffers = buffers, this.indexBuffer = null, this.attributes = attributes, this.glVertexArrayObjects = {}, this.id = UID++, this.instanced = !1, this.instanceCount = 1, this.disposeRunner = new Runner("disposeGeometry"), this.refCount = 0;
23 }
24 /**
25 *
26 * Adds an attribute to the geometry
27 * Note: `stride` and `start` should be `undefined` if you dont know them, not 0!
28 * @param id - the name of the attribute (matching up to a shader)
29 * @param {PIXI.Buffer|number[]} buffer - the buffer that holds the data of the attribute . You can also provide an Array and a buffer will be created from it.
30 * @param size - the size of the attribute. If you have 2 floats per vertex (eg position x and y) this would be 2
31 * @param normalized - should the data be normalized.
32 * @param [type=PIXI.TYPES.FLOAT] - what type of number is the attribute. Check {@link PIXI.TYPES} to see the ones available
33 * @param [stride=0] - How far apart, in bytes, the start of each value is. (used for interleaving data)
34 * @param [start=0] - How far into the array to start reading values (used for interleaving data)
35 * @param instance - Instancing flag
36 * @returns - Returns self, useful for chaining.
37 */
38 addAttribute(id, buffer, size = 0, normalized = !1, type, stride, start, instance = !1) {
39 if (!buffer)
40 throw new Error("You must pass a buffer when creating an attribute");
41 buffer instanceof Buffer || (buffer instanceof Array && (buffer = new Float32Array(buffer)), buffer = new Buffer(buffer));
42 const ids = id.split("|");
43 if (ids.length > 1) {
44 for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
45 this.addAttribute(ids[i], buffer, size, normalized, type);
46 return this;
47 }
48 let bufferIndex = this.buffers.indexOf(buffer);
49 return bufferIndex === -1 && (this.buffers.push(buffer), bufferIndex = this.buffers.length - 1), this.attributes[id] = new Attribute(bufferIndex, size, normalized, type, stride, start, instance), this.instanced = this.instanced || instance, this;
50 }
51 /**
52 * Returns the requested attribute.
53 * @param id - The name of the attribute required
54 * @returns - The attribute requested.
55 */
56 getAttribute(id) {
57 return this.attributes[id];
58 }
59 /**
60 * Returns the requested buffer.
61 * @param id - The name of the buffer required.
62 * @returns - The buffer requested.
63 */
64 getBuffer(id) {
65 return this.buffers[this.getAttribute(id).buffer];
66 }
67 /**
68 *
69 * Adds an index buffer to the geometry
70 * The index buffer contains integers, three for each triangle in the geometry, which reference the various attribute buffers (position, colour, UV coordinates, other UV coordinates, normal, …). There is only ONE index buffer.
71 * @param {PIXI.Buffer|number[]} [buffer] - The buffer that holds the data of the index buffer. You can also provide an Array and a buffer will be created from it.
72 * @returns - Returns self, useful for chaining.
73 */
74 addIndex(buffer) {
75 return buffer instanceof Buffer || (buffer instanceof Array && (buffer = new Uint16Array(buffer)), buffer = new Buffer(buffer)), buffer.type = BUFFER_TYPE.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer = buffer, this.buffers.includes(buffer) || this.buffers.push(buffer), this;
76 }
77 /**
78 * Returns the index buffer
79 * @returns - The index buffer.
80 */
81 getIndex() {
82 return this.indexBuffer;
83 }
84 /**
85 * This function modifies the structure so that all current attributes become interleaved into a single buffer
86 * This can be useful if your model remains static as it offers a little performance boost
87 * @returns - Returns self, useful for chaining.
88 */
89 interleave() {
90 if (this.buffers.length === 1 || this.buffers.length === 2 && this.indexBuffer)
91 return this;
92 const arrays = [], sizes = [], interleavedBuffer = new Buffer();
93 let i;
94 for (i in this.attributes) {
95 const attribute = this.attributes[i], buffer = this.buffers[attribute.buffer];
96 arrays.push(buffer.data), sizes.push(attribute.size * byteSizeMap[attribute.type] / 4), attribute.buffer = 0;
97 }
98 for (interleavedBuffer.data = interleaveTypedArrays(arrays, sizes), i = 0; i < this.buffers.length; i++)
99 this.buffers[i] !== this.indexBuffer && this.buffers[i].destroy();
100 return this.buffers = [interleavedBuffer], this.indexBuffer && this.buffers.push(this.indexBuffer), this;
101 }
102 /** Get the size of the geometries, in vertices. */
103 getSize() {
104 for (const i in this.attributes) {
105 const attribute = this.attributes[i];
106 return this.buffers[attribute.buffer].data.length / (attribute.stride / 4 || attribute.size);
107 }
108 return 0;
109 }
110 /** Disposes WebGL resources that are connected to this geometry. */
111 dispose() {
112 this.disposeRunner.emit(this, !1);
113 }
114 /** Destroys the geometry. */
115 destroy() {
116 this.dispose(), this.buffers = null, this.indexBuffer = null, this.attributes = null;
117 }
118 /**
119 * Returns a clone of the geometry.
120 * @returns - A new clone of this geometry.
121 */
122 clone() {
123 const geometry = new Geometry();
124 for (let i = 0; i < this.buffers.length; i++)
125 geometry.buffers[i] = new Buffer(this.buffers[i].data.slice(0));
126 for (const i in this.attributes) {
127 const attrib = this.attributes[i];
128 geometry.attributes[i] = new Attribute(
129 attrib.buffer,
130 attrib.size,
131 attrib.normalized,
132 attrib.type,
133 attrib.stride,
134 attrib.start,
135 attrib.instance
136 );
137 }
138 return this.indexBuffer && (geometry.indexBuffer = geometry.buffers[this.buffers.indexOf(this.indexBuffer)], geometry.indexBuffer.type = BUFFER_TYPE.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER), geometry;
139 }
140 /**
141 * Merges an array of geometries into a new single one.
142 *
143 * Geometry attribute styles must match for this operation to work.
144 * @param geometries - array of geometries to merge
145 * @returns - Shiny new geometry!
146 */
147 static merge(geometries) {
148 const geometryOut = new Geometry(), arrays = [], sizes = [], offsets = [];
149 let geometry;
150 for (let i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
151 geometry = geometries[i];
152 for (let j = 0; j < geometry.buffers.length; j++)
153 sizes[j] = sizes[j] || 0, sizes[j] += geometry.buffers[j].data.length, offsets[j] = 0;
154 }
155 for (let i = 0; i < geometry.buffers.length; i++)
156 arrays[i] = new map[getBufferType(geometry.buffers[i].data)](sizes[i]), geometryOut.buffers[i] = new Buffer(arrays[i]);
157 for (let i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
158 geometry = geometries[i];
159 for (let j = 0; j < geometry.buffers.length; j++)
160 arrays[j].set(geometry.buffers[j].data, offsets[j]), offsets[j] += geometry.buffers[j].data.length;
161 }
162 if (geometryOut.attributes = geometry.attributes, geometry.indexBuffer) {
163 geometryOut.indexBuffer = geometryOut.buffers[geometry.buffers.indexOf(geometry.indexBuffer)], geometryOut.indexBuffer.type = BUFFER_TYPE.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
164 let offset = 0, stride = 0, offset2 = 0, bufferIndexToCount = 0;
165 for (let i = 0; i < geometry.buffers.length; i++)
166 if (geometry.buffers[i] !== geometry.indexBuffer) {
167 bufferIndexToCount = i;
168 break;
169 }
170 for (const i in geometry.attributes) {
171 const attribute = geometry.attributes[i];
172 (attribute.buffer | 0) === bufferIndexToCount && (stride += attribute.size * byteSizeMap[attribute.type] / 4);
173 }
174 for (let i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
175 const indexBufferData = geometries[i].indexBuffer.data;
176 for (let j = 0; j < indexBufferData.length; j++)
177 geometryOut.indexBuffer.data[j + offset2] += offset;
178 offset += geometries[i].buffers[bufferIndexToCount].data.length / stride, offset2 += indexBufferData.length;
179 }
180 }
181 return geometryOut;
182 }
184export {
185 Geometry
187//# sourceMappingURL=Geometry.mjs.map