1 | # `@pixiv/three-vrm`
2 |
3 | [![@pixiv/three-vrm on npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@pixiv/three-vrm)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pixiv/three-vrm)
4 |
5 | Use [VRM](https://vrm.dev/) on [three.js](https://threejs.org/)
6 |
7 | ![three-vrm](https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/raw/dev/three-vrm.png)
8 |
9 | [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/)
10 |
11 | [Examples](https://pixiv.github.io/three-vrm/packages/three-vrm/examples)
12 |
13 | [Documentations](https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/tree/dev/docs/README.md)
14 |
15 | [API Reference](https://pixiv.github.io/three-vrm/packages/three-vrm/docs)
16 |
17 | ## v1
18 |
19 | **three-vrm v1 has been released!**
20 |
21 | three-vrm v1 supports [VRM1.0](https://vrm.dev/vrm1/), which is a new version of VRM format (the previous version of VRM is also supported, don't worry!).
22 | It also adopts the GLTFLoader plugin system which is a relatively new feature of GLTFLoader.
23 |
24 | There are a lot of breaking changes!
25 | See [the migration guide](https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/blob/dev/docs/migration-guide-1.0.md) for more info.
26 |
27 | ## How to Use
28 |
29 | ### from HTML
30 |
31 | You will need:
32 |
33 | - [Three.js build](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/build/three.js)
34 | - [GLTFLoader](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/js/loaders/GLTFLoader.js)
35 | - [A build of @pixiv/three-vrm](https://unpkg.com/browse/@pixiv/three-vrm/lib/)
36 | - `.module` ones are ESM, otherwise it's UMD and injects its modules into global `THREE`
37 | - `.min` ones are minified (for production), otherwise it's not minified and it comes with source maps
38 |
39 | Code like this:
40 |
41 | ```html
42 | <!-- About import maps, see the Three.js official docs: -->
43 | <!-- https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/introduction/Installation -->
44 | <script async src="https://unpkg.com/es-module-shims@1.3.6/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script>
45 |
46 | <script type="importmap">
47 | {
48 | "imports": {
49 | "three": "https://unpkg.com/three@0.160.0/build/three.module.js",
50 | "three/addons/": "https://unpkg.com/three@0.160.0/examples/jsm/",
51 | "@pixiv/three-vrm": "three-vrm.module.js"
52 | }
53 | }
54 | </script>
55 |
56 | <script type="module">
57 | import * as THREE from 'three';
58 | import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
59 | import { VRMLoaderPlugin } from '@pixiv/three-vrm';
60 |
61 | const scene = new THREE.Scene();
62 |
63 | const loader = new GLTFLoader();
64 |
65 | // Install GLTFLoader plugin
66 | loader.register((parser) => {
67 | return new VRMLoaderPlugin(parser);
68 | });
69 |
70 | loader.load(
71 | // URL of the VRM you want to load
72 | '/models/VRM1_Constraint_Twist_Sample.vrm',
73 |
74 | // called when the resource is loaded
75 | (gltf) => {
76 | // retrieve a VRM instance from gltf
77 | const vrm = gltf.userData.vrm;
78 |
79 | // add the loaded vrm to the scene
80 | scene.add(vrm.scene);
81 |
82 | // deal with vrm features
83 | console.log(vrm);
84 | },
85 |
86 | // called while loading is progressing
87 | (progress) => console.log('Loading model...', 100.0 * (progress.loaded / progress.total), '%'),
88 |
89 | // called when loading has errors
90 | (error) => console.error(error),
91 | );
92 | </script>
93 | ```
94 |
95 | ### via npm
96 |
97 | Install [`three`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/three) and [`@pixiv/three-vrm`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pixiv/three-vrm) :
98 |
99 | ```sh
100 | npm install three @pixiv/three-vrm
101 | ```
102 |
103 | Code like this:
104 |
105 | ```javascript
106 | import * as THREE from 'three';
107 | import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader';
108 | import { VRMLoaderPlugin } from '@pixiv/three-vrm';
109 |
110 | const scene = new THREE.Scene();
111 |
112 | const loader = new GLTFLoader();
113 |
114 | // Install GLTFLoader plugin
115 | loader.register((parser) => {
116 | return new VRMLoaderPlugin(parser);
117 | });
118 |
119 | loader.load(
120 | // URL of the VRM you want to load
121 | '/models/VRM1_Constraint_Twist_Sample.vrm',
122 |
123 | // called when the resource is loaded
124 | (gltf) => {
125 | // retrieve a VRM instance from gltf
126 | const vrm = gltf.userData.vrm;
127 |
128 | // add the loaded vrm to the scene
129 | scene.add(vrm.scene);
130 |
131 | // deal with vrm features
132 | console.log(vrm);
133 | },
134 |
135 | // called while loading is progressing
136 | (progress) => console.log('Loading model...', 100.0 * (progress.loaded / progress.total), '%'),
137 |
138 | // called when loading has errors
139 | (error) => console.error(error),
140 | );
141 | ```
142 |
143 | ## Contributing
144 |
146 |
147 | ## LICENSE
148 |
149 | [MIT](LICENSE)