11.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.Uri = exports.DEFAULT = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var common_1 = require("../common");
6var ALLOW = { NS: [] };
7exports.DEFAULT = { ALLOW: ALLOW };
8var stripQuotes = function (text) {
9 return text.trim().replace(/^"/, '').replace(/"$/, '').replace(/^'/, '').replace(/'$/, '').trim();
11var Uri = (function () {
12 function Uri() {
13 }
14 Uri.clean = function (input) {
15 var text = stripQuotes(input || '');
16 text = text.replace(/^=/, '').trim();
17 text = stripQuotes(text);
18 text = text.split('?')[0].trim();
19 return text;
20 };
21 Uri.parse = function (input) {
22 var text = Uri.clean(input);
23 var data = { type: 'UNKNOWN' };
24 var error;
25 var toString = function () { return text; };
26 var setError = function (isError, message) {
27 if (!error && isError) {
28 error = { type: 'URI', message: message, uri: text };
29 }
30 };
31 setError(!text, 'URI not specified');
32 var index = text.indexOf(':');
33 setError(index < 0, 'Not a valid multi-part URI');
34 if (!error) {
35 var left = text.substring(0, index);
36 var right = text.substring(index + 1).trim();
37 if (left === 'ns') {
38 var id = right;
39 setError(!id, 'Namespace URI identifier not found');
40 setError(!Uri.is.valid.ns(id), "URI contains an invalid \"ns\" identifier (\"" + id + "\")");
41 var uri = { type: 'NS', id: id, toString: toString };
42 data = uri;
43 }
44 else if (left === 'file') {
45 var id = right;
46 setError(!id, 'File URI identifier not found');
47 var parts = id.split(':');
48 var ns = (parts[0] || '').trim();
49 var file = (parts[1] || '').trim();
50 setError(!file, "File identifier within namespace \"" + ns + "\" not found");
51 var uri = { type: 'FILE', id: id, ns: ns, file: file, toString: toString };
52 data = uri;
53 }
54 else if (left === 'cell') {
55 var id = right || '';
56 setError(!id, "ID of 'cell' not found");
57 var type = 'CELL';
58 var key = '';
59 var ns = '';
60 if (!id.includes(':')) {
61 setError(true, "The 'cell' URI does not have a coordinate address, eg. \":A1\" in \"cell:foo:A1\"");
62 }
63 else {
64 var bang = id.replace(/\:/g, '!');
65 var parts = common_1.coord.cell.toCell(bang);
66 type = common_1.coord.cell.toType(bang);
67 key = parts.key;
68 ns = parts.ns;
69 setError(!key, "Coordinate key of '" + (type || '<empty>') + "' not found");
70 setError(!ns, "Coordinate namespace of '" + (type || '<empty>') + "' not found");
71 if (!error) {
72 text = toUri('cell', type, ns, key);
73 }
74 }
75 data = { type: type, id: id, ns: ns, key: key, toString: toString };
76 }
77 }
78 var ok = !Boolean(error) && data.type !== 'UNKNOWN';
79 var res = {
80 ok: ok,
81 uri: text,
82 type: data.type,
83 parts: data,
84 toString: toString,
85 };
86 return error ? tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, res), { error: error }) : res;
87 };
88 Uri.ns = function (input, throwError) {
89 input = typeof input === 'string' && !input.includes(':') ? "ns:" + input.trim() : input;
90 return parseOrThrow(input, 'NS', throwError);
91 };
92 Uri.cell = function (input, throwError) {
93 return parseOrThrow(input, 'CELL', throwError);
94 };
95 Uri.row = function (input, throwError) {
96 return parseOrThrow(input, 'ROW', throwError);
97 };
98 Uri.column = function (input, throwError) {
99 return parseOrThrow(input, 'COLUMN', throwError);
100 };
101 Uri.file = function (input, throwError) {
102 return parseOrThrow(input, 'FILE', throwError);
103 };
104 Uri.eq = function (a, b) {
105 var toString = function (input) {
106 input = input === undefined || input === null ? '' : input;
107 var text = input.toString().trim();
108 return !text.includes(':') ? "ns:" + text : text;
109 };
110 return toString(a) === toString(b);
111 };
112 Uri.toNs = function (input) {
113 if (input === undefined) {
114 return Uri.ns(common_1.cuid());
115 }
116 if (typeof input === 'string') {
117 input = Uri.clean(input);
118 }
119 if (typeof input === 'string' && !input.includes(':')) {
120 return Uri.ns(input);
121 }
122 var obj = typeof input === 'string' ? Uri.parse(input).parts : input;
123 if (obj.type === 'NS') {
124 return obj;
125 }
126 if (obj.type === 'CELL' || obj.type === 'COLUMN' || obj.type === 'ROW') {
127 return Uri.ns(obj.ns);
128 }
129 if (obj.type === 'FILE') {
130 return Uri.ns(obj.ns);
131 }
132 throw new Error("A namespace cannot be derived from the uri (" + input.toString() + ")");
133 };
134 Uri.toRowIndex = function (input) {
135 var uri = typeof input === 'object' ? input : Uri.parse(input).parts;
136 if (uri.type === 'CELL' || uri.type === 'COLUMN' || uri.type === 'ROW') {
137 return common_1.coord.cell.toRowIndex(uri.key);
138 }
139 else {
140 return -1;
141 }
142 };
143 Uri.toColumnIndex = function (input) {
144 var uri = typeof input === 'object' ? input : Uri.parse(input).parts;
145 if (uri.type === 'CELL' || uri.type === 'COLUMN' || uri.type === 'ROW') {
146 return common_1.coord.cell.toColumnIndex(uri.key);
147 }
148 else {
149 return -1;
150 }
151 };
152 Uri.cuid = common_1.cuid;
153 Uri.slug = common_1.slug;
154 Uri.ALLOW = tslib_1.__assign({}, exports.DEFAULT.ALLOW);
155 Uri.create = {
156 ns: function (id) { return toUri('ns', 'NS', id); },
157 cell: function (ns, key) { return toUri('cell', 'CELL', ns, key); },
158 row: function (ns, key) { return toUri('cell', 'ROW', ns, key); },
159 column: function (ns, key) { return toUri('cell', 'COLUMN', ns, key); },
160 file: function (ns, fileid) { return toUri('file', 'FILE', ns, fileid); },
161 };
162 Uri.is = {
163 uri: function (input) { return Uri.parse(input).ok; },
164 type: function (type, input) {
165 var uri = Uri.parse(input);
166 var types = Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type];
167 return types.some(function (type) {
168 return uri.parts.type === type && (type === 'UNKNOWN' ? true : uri.ok);
169 });
170 },
171 ns: function (input) { return Uri.is.type('NS', input); },
172 file: function (input) { return Uri.is.type('FILE', input); },
173 cell: function (input) { return Uri.is.type('CELL', input); },
174 row: function (input) { return Uri.is.type('ROW', input); },
175 column: function (input) { return Uri.is.type('COLUMN', input); },
176 valid: {
177 ns: function (input) {
178 var value = (input || '').replace(/^ns\:/, '');
179 if (!value) {
180 return false;
181 }
182 if (isCuid(value)) {
183 return true;
184 }
185 var matchLegal = value.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9\.]*$/);
186 if (!matchLegal || (matchLegal && matchLegal[0] !== value)) {
187 return false;
188 }
189 return Uri.ALLOW.NS.some(function (pattern) {
190 return typeof pattern === 'string'
191 ? pattern.includes('*')
192 ? common_1.wildcard.isMatch(value, pattern)
193 : pattern === value
194 : pattern(value);
195 });
196 },
197 },
198 };
199 Uri.strip = {
200 ns: function (input) { return stripPrefix(input, 'ns'); },
201 cell: function (input) { return stripPrefix(input, 'cell'); },
202 file: function (input) { return stripPrefix(input, 'file'); },
203 };
204 return Uri;
206exports.Uri = Uri;
207var alphaNumeric = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/i);
208function trimPrefix(prefix, input) {
209 var regex = new RegExp("^" + prefix + ":+");
210 return input.trim().replace(regex, '');
212function toUri(prefix, type, id, suffix) {
213 id = (id || '').trim();
214 id = id === ':' ? '' : id;
215 if (id) {
216 ['ns', 'cell', 'file'].forEach(function (prefix) { return (id = trimPrefix(prefix, id)); });
217 }
218 if (!id) {
219 throw new Error("The \"" + prefix + "\" URI was not supplied with a namespace identifier. (\"" + id + "\")");
220 }
221 if (!Uri.is.valid.ns(id)) {
222 var err = "URI contains an invalid \"" + prefix + "\" identifier, must be an alpha-numeric cuid. (\"" + id + "\")";
223 throw new Error(err);
224 }
225 if (typeof suffix === 'string') {
226 suffix = (suffix || '').trim().replace(/^\:*/, '');
227 if (!suffix) {
228 throw new Error("The \"" + prefix + "\" URI was not supplied with a suffix key.");
229 }
230 if (prefix === 'file') {
231 if (!alphaNumeric.test(suffix)) {
232 var err = "The \"file\" URI contains an invalid file-identifier, must be alpha-numeric (\"" + suffix + "\").";
233 throw new Error(err);
234 }
235 suffix = ":" + suffix;
236 }
237 else {
238 if (suffix === 'undefined') {
239 var err = "The suffix \"undefined\" (string) was given - this it likely an upstream error where an [undefined] value has been converted into a string.";
240 throw new Error(err);
241 }
242 suffix = suffix || '';
243 var suffixType = common_1.coord.cell.toType(suffix) || '';
244 if (suffixType !== type) {
245 var key = suffix || '';
246 var err = "The \"" + prefix + ":\" URI was not supplied with a valid " + type + " key (given key \"" + key + "\").";
247 throw new Error(err);
248 }
249 suffix = ":" + suffix;
250 }
251 }
252 return prefix + ":" + id + (suffix || '');
254function isCuid(input) {
255 return input.length === 25 && input[0] === 'c' && alphaNumeric.test(input);
257function parseOrThrow(input, type, throwError) {
258 if (typeof input === 'object') {
259 return input;
260 }
261 else {
262 var parsed = Uri.parse(input);
263 var isTypeMismatch = type && parsed.type !== type;
264 var hasError = Boolean(parsed.error) || isTypeMismatch;
265 throwError = throwError === undefined ? true : throwError;
266 if (hasError) {
267 var text = (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.toString()) || '';
268 if (!parsed.error && isTypeMismatch) {
269 parsed.ok = false;
270 parsed.error = {
271 uri: text,
272 message: "The uri (" + text + ") is not of type " + type,
273 type: 'URI',
274 };
275 }
276 if (typeof throwError === 'function') {
277 throwError(parsed);
278 }
279 if (throwError === true) {
280 if (parsed.error) {
281 throw new Error(parsed.error.message);
282 }
283 }
284 }
285 return parsed.parts;
286 }
288function stripPrefix(input, prefix) {
289 var left = prefix + ":";
290 input = (input || '').trim();
291 input = input.startsWith(left) ? input.substring(left.length) : input;
292 return input;