2.42 kBYAMLView Raw
2 build:
3 image: node:${NODE_VERSION}
4 environment:
5 - NODE_ENV=test
6 - PM2_HOME=/tmp
7 commands:
8 - node -v
9 - yarn -v
10 - uname -r
11 - yarn install 2> /dev/null
12 - export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin/
13 - curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter
14 - chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter
15 - ./cc-test-reporter before-build
16 - cov8 clear
17 - cov8 mocha test/units/InteractorClient.mocha.js
18 - cov8 mocha test/units/InteractorDaemon.mocha.js
19 - cov8 mocha test/units/PM2Client.mocha.js
20 - cov8 mocha test/units/Utility/stacktrace.mocha.js
21 - cov8 mocha test/units/Utility/cache.mocha.js
22 - cov8 mocha test/units/WatchDog.mocha.js
23 - cov8 mocha test/units/push/PushInteractor.mocha.js
24 - cov8 mocha test/units/push/TransactionAggregator.mocha.js
25 - cov8 mocha test/units/reverse/ReverseInteractor.mocha.js
26 # - cov8 mocha test/units/transporters/AxonTransport.mocha.js
27 - cov8 mocha test/units/transporters/WebsocketTransport.mocha.js
28 - cov8 mocha test/units/TransporterInterface.mocha.js
29 - cov8 mocha test/units/PM2Interface.mocha.js
30 - cov8 mocha test/integrations/websocket.mocha.js
31 - cov8 mocha test/integrations/axon.mocha.js
32 - cov8 report lcov
33 - ./cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code 0 || echo “Skipping CC coverage upload” or upload-coverage || echo “Skipping CC coverage upload”
34 secrets: [ cc_test_reporter_id ]
35 when:
36 event: push
37 slack:
38 image: plugins/slack
39 channel: ci
40 status: [ success, failure ]
41 template: |
42 {{#success build.status}}
43 {{repo.name}} : {{build.event}} with commit {{truncate build.commit 8}} on branch "{{build.branch}}" with node:${NODE_VERSION} done by {{build.author}} succeeded in {{since build.started}}
44 {{else}}
45 {{repo.name}} : {{build.event}} with commit {{truncate build.commit 8}} on branch "{{build.branch}}" with node:${NODE_VERSION} done by {{build.author}} failed in {{since build.started}}
46 {{/success}}
47 see {{ build.link }}
48 secrets: [ slack_webhook ]
49 when:
50 event: push
51 publish_npm:
52 image: plugins/npm
53 secrets: [ npm_username, npm_password, npm_email ]
54 when:
55 event: [ tag ]
58 - 4
59 - 6
60 - 7
61 - 8
62 - 9
63 - 10