5.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IFetchOptions, IConfigOptions, IRequestClient, ITypedHash, Runtime } from "@pnp/common";
2import { ICachingOptions } from "./caching.js";
3import { Batch } from "./batch.js";
4import { PipelineMethod } from "./pipeline.js";
5import { IODataParser } from "./parsers.js";
6export declare function cloneQueryableData(source: Partial<IQueryableData>): Partial<IQueryableData>;
7export interface IQueryableData<DefaultActionType = any> {
8 batch: Batch | null;
9 batchIndex: number;
10 batchDependency: () => void | null;
11 cachingOptions: ICachingOptions | null;
12 cloneParentCacheOptions: ICachingOptions | null;
13 cloneParentWasCaching: boolean;
14 query: Map<string, string>;
15 options: IFetchOptions | null;
16 url: string;
17 parentUrl: string;
18 useCaching: boolean;
19 pipes?: PipelineMethod<DefaultActionType>[];
20 parser?: IODataParser<DefaultActionType>;
21 clientFactory?: () => IRequestClient;
22 method?: string;
24export interface IQueryable<DefaultActionType> {
25 data: Partial<IQueryableData<DefaultActionType>>;
26 query: Map<string, string>;
27 append(pathPart: string): void;
28 inBatch(batch: Batch): this;
29 addBatchDependency(): () => void;
30 toUrlAndQuery(): string;
31 toUrl(): string;
32 concat(pathPart: string): this;
33 configure(options: IConfigOptions): this;
34 configureFrom(o: IQueryable<DefaultActionType>): this;
35 usingCaching(options?: ICachingOptions): this;
36 usingParser(parser: IODataParser<any>): this;
37 withPipeline(pipeline: PipelineMethod<DefaultActionType>[]): this;
38 defaultAction(options?: IFetchOptions): Promise<DefaultActionType>;
39 getRuntime(): Runtime;
40 setRuntime(runtime: Runtime): this;
41 setRuntime(cloneGlobal: boolean, additionalConfig?: ITypedHash<any>): this;
43export declare abstract class Queryable<DefaultActionType = any> implements IQueryable<DefaultActionType> {
44 private _data;
45 private _runtime;
46 constructor(dataSeed?: Partial<IQueryableData<DefaultActionType>>);
47 get data(): Partial<IQueryableData<DefaultActionType>>;
48 set data(value: Partial<IQueryableData<DefaultActionType>>);
49 getRuntime(): Runtime;
50 setRuntime(runtime: Runtime): this;
51 setRuntime(cloneGlobal: boolean, additionalConfig?: ITypedHash<any>): this;
52 /**
53 * Gets the full url with query information
54 *
55 */
56 abstract toUrlAndQuery(): string;
57 /**
58 * The default action for this
59 */
60 abstract defaultAction(options?: IFetchOptions): Promise<DefaultActionType>;
61 /**
62 * Gets the current url
63 *
64 */
65 toUrl(): string;
66 /**
67 * Directly concatenates the supplied string to the current url, not normalizing "/" chars
68 *
69 * @param pathPart The string to concatenate to the url
70 */
71 concat(pathPart: string): this;
72 /**
73 * Provides access to the query builder for this url
74 *
75 */
76 get query(): Map<string, string>;
77 /**
78 * Sets custom options for current object and all derived objects accessible via chaining
79 *
80 * @param options custom options
81 */
82 configure(options: IConfigOptions): this;
83 /**
84 * Configures this instance from the configure options of the supplied instance
85 *
86 * @param o Instance from which options should be taken
87 */
88 configureFrom(o: IQueryable<any>): this;
89 /**
90 * Enables caching for this request
91 *
92 * @param options Defines the options used when caching this request
93 */
94 usingCaching(options?: string | ICachingOptions): this;
95 usingParser(parser: IODataParser<any>): this;
96 /**
97 * Allows you to set a request specific processing pipeline
98 *
99 * @param pipeline The set of methods, in order, to execute a given request
100 */
101 withPipeline(pipeline: PipelineMethod<DefaultActionType>[]): this;
102 /**
103 * Appends the given string and normalizes "/" chars
104 *
105 * @param pathPart The string to append
106 */
107 append(pathPart: string): void;
108 /**
109 * Adds this query to the supplied batch
110 *
111 * @example
112 * ```
113 *
114 * let b = pnp.sp.createBatch();
115 * pnp.sp.web.inBatch(b).get().then(...);
116 * b.execute().then(...)
117 * ```
118 */
119 inBatch(batch: Batch): this;
120 /**
121 * Blocks a batch call from occuring, MUST be cleared by calling the returned function
122 */
123 addBatchDependency(): () => void;
124 /**
125 * Indicates if the current query has a batch associated
126 *
127 */
128 protected get hasBatch(): boolean;
129 /**
130 * The batch currently associated with this query or null
131 *
132 */
133 protected get batch(): Batch | null;
134 /**
135 * Gets the parent url used when creating this instance
136 *
137 */
138 protected get parentUrl(): string;
139 /**
140 * Clones this instance's data to target
141 *
142 * @param target Instance to which data is written
143 * @param settings [Optional] Settings controlling how clone is applied
144 */
145 protected cloneTo<T extends IQueryable<any>>(target: T, settings?: {
146 includeBatch?: boolean;
147 includeQuery?: boolean;
148 }): T;
150//# sourceMappingURL=queryable.d.ts.map
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