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1import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, ISPInstance, IDeleteableWithETag, ISPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js";
2import { IItem } from "../items/types.js";
3import { IResourcePath } from "../utils/to-resource-path.js";
4import "../context-info/index.js";
5import { IMoveCopyOptions } from "../types.js";
6export declare class _Folders extends _SPCollection<IFolderInfo[]> {
7 /**
8 * Gets a folder by it's name
9 *
10 * @param name Folder's name
11 */
12 getByUrl(name: string): IFolder;
13 /**
14 * Adds a new folder by path and should be prefered over add
15 *
16 * @param serverRelativeUrl The server relative url of the new folder to create
17 * @param overwrite True to overwrite an existing folder, default false
18 */
19 addUsingPath(serverRelativeUrl: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise<IFolderAddResult>;
21export interface IFolders extends _Folders {
23export declare const Folders: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory<IFolders>;
24export declare class _Folder extends _SPInstance<IFolderInfo> {
25 delete: (this: ISPQueryable<any>, eTag?: string) => Promise<void>;
26 /**
27 * Gets this folder's sub folders
28 *
29 */
30 get folders(): IFolders;
31 /**
32 * Gets this folder's list item field values
33 *
34 */
35 get listItemAllFields(): ISPInstance;
36 /**
37 * Gets the parent folder, if available
38 *
39 */
40 get parentFolder(): IFolder;
41 /**
42 * Gets this folder's properties
43 *
44 */
45 get properties(): ISPInstance;
46 /**
47 * Gets this folder's storage metrics information
48 *
49 */
50 get storageMetrics(): ISPInstance<IStorageMetrics>;
51 /**
52 * Updates folder's properties
53 * @param props Folder's properties to update
54 */
55 update(props: Partial<IFolderInfo>): Promise<IFolderUpdateResult>;
56 /**
57 * Moves the folder to the Recycle Bin and returns the identifier of the new Recycle Bin item.
58 */
59 recycle(): Promise<string>;
60 /**
61 * Gets the associated list item for this folder, loading the default properties
62 */
63 getItem<T>(...selects: string[]): Promise<IItem & T>;
64 /**
65 * Moves the file by path to the specified destination url.
66 * Also works with different site collections.
67 *
68 * @param destUrl The absolute url or server relative url of the destination file path to move to.
69 * @param shouldOverWrite Should a file with the same name in the same location be overwritten?
70 * @param options Allows you to supply the full set of options controlling the move behavior
71 */
72 moveByPath(destUrl: string, options: Partial<Omit<IMoveCopyOptions, "ResetAuthorAndCreatedOnCopy">>): Promise<IFolder>;
73 /**
74 * Moves the file by path to the specified destination url.
75 * Also works with different site collections.
76 *
77 * @param destUrl The absolute url or server relative url of the destination file path to move to.
78 * @param keepBoth Keep both if file with the same name in the same location already exists? Only relevant when shouldOverWrite is set to false.
79 */
80 moveByPath(destUrl: string, KeepBoth?: boolean): Promise<IFolder>;
81 /**
82 * Moves the folder by path to the specified destination url.
83 * Also works with different site collections.
84 *
85 * @param destUrl The absolute url or server relative url of the destination folder path to move to.
86 * @param shouldOverWrite Should a folder with the same name in the same location be overwritten?
87 * @param options Allows you to supply the full set of options controlling the copy behavior
88 */
89 copyByPath(destUrl: string, options: Partial<Omit<IMoveCopyOptions, "RetainEditorAndModifiedOnMove">>): Promise<IFolder>;
90 /**
91 * Copies a folder by path to destination path
92 * Also works with different site collections.
93 *
94 * @param destUrl Absolute or relative URL of the destination path
95 * @param keepBoth Keep both if folder with the same name in the same location already exists?
96 */
97 copyByPath(destUrl: string, KeepBoth?: boolean): Promise<IFolder>;
98 /**
99 * Deletes the folder object with options.
100 *
101 * @param parameters Specifies the options to use when deleting a folder.
102 */
103 deleteWithParams(parameters: Partial<IFolderDeleteParams>): Promise<void>;
104 /**
105 * Create the subfolder inside the current folder, as specified by the leafPath
106 *
107 * @param leafPath leafName of the new folder
108 */
109 addSubFolderUsingPath(leafPath: string): Promise<IFolder>;
110 /**
111 * Gets the parent information for this folder's list and web
112 */
113 getParentInfos(): Promise<IFolderParentInfos>;
114 /**
115 * Implementation of folder move/copy
116 *
117 * @param destUrl The server relative path to which the folder will be copied/moved
118 * @param options Any options
119 * @param methodName The method to call
120 * @returns An IFolder representing the moved or copied folder
121 */
122 protected moveCopyImpl(destUrl: string, options: Partial<IMoveCopyOptions>, methodName: "MoveFolderByPath" | "CopyFolderByPath"): Promise<IFolder>;
124export interface IFolder extends _Folder, IDeleteableWithETag {
126export declare const Folder: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory<IFolder>;
128 * Creates an IFolder instance given a base object and a server relative path
129 *
130 * @param base Valid SPQueryable from which the observers will be used and the web url extracted
131 * @param serverRelativePath The server relative url to the folder (ex: '/sites/dev/documents/folder3')
132 * @returns IFolder instance referencing the folder described by the supplied parameters
133 */
134export declare function folderFromServerRelativePath(base: ISPQueryable, serverRelativePath: string): IFolder;
136 * Creates an IFolder instance given a base object and an absolute path
137 *
138 * @param base Valid SPQueryable from which the observers will be used
139 * @param serverRelativePath The absolute url to the folder (ex: 'https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/dev/documents/folder/')
140 * @returns IFolder instance referencing the folder described by the supplied parameters
141 */
142export declare function folderFromAbsolutePath(base: ISPQueryable, absoluteFolderPath: string): Promise<IFolder>;
144 * Creates an IFolder intance given a base object and either an absolute or server relative path to a folder
145 *
146 * @param base Valid SPQueryable from which the observers will be used
147 * @param serverRelativePath server relative or absolute url to the file (ex: 'https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/dev/documents/folder' or '/sites/dev/documents/folder')
148 * @returns IFile instance referencing the file described by the supplied parameters
149 */
150export declare function folderFromPath(base: ISPQueryable, path: string): Promise<IFolder>;
152 * Describes result of adding a folder
153 */
154export interface IFolderAddResult {
155 /**
156 * A folder's instance
157 */
158 folder: IFolder;
159 /**
160 * Additional data from the server
161 */
162 data: any;
165 * Describes result of updating a folder
166 */
167export interface IFolderUpdateResult {
168 /**
169 * A folder's instance
170 */
171 folder: IFolder;
172 /**
173 * Additional data from the server
174 */
175 data: any;
177export interface IFolderInfo {
178 readonly "odata.id": string;
179 Exists: boolean;
180 IsWOPIEnabled: boolean;
181 ItemCount: number;
182 Name: string;
183 ProgID: string | null;
184 ServerRelativeUrl: string;
185 ServerRelativePath: IResourcePath;
186 TimeCreated: string;
187 TimeLastModified: string;
188 UniqueId: string;
189 WelcomePage: string;
190 ContentTypeOrder: string[];
191 UniqueContentTypeOrder: string[];
192 StorageMetrics?: IStorageMetrics;
194export interface IStorageMetrics {
195 LastModified: string;
196 TotalFileCount: number;
197 TotalFileStreamSize: number;
198 TotalSize: number;
200export interface IFolderDeleteParams {
201 /**
202 * If true, delete or recycle a folder iff all files have
203 * LockType values SPLockType.Shared or SPLockType.None.
204 * When false, delete or recycle the folder if all files
205 * have the LockType value SPLockType.None. See the <see cref="SPFile.SPLockType"/> enum.
206 */
207 BypassSharedLock: boolean;
208 /**
209 * Gets or sets a string value that allows SPFolder delete
210 * and recycle methods to target a folder with a matching value
211 */
212 ETagMatch: string;
213 /**
214 * Gets or sets a Boolean that controls the way in which folders
215 * are deleted. If set to true, only empty folders will be deleted.
216 * If set to false, folders that are not empty may be deleted.
217 */
218 DeleteIfEmpty: boolean;
220export interface IFolderParentInfos {
221 Folder: {
222 ServerRelativeUrl: string;
223 };
224 ParentList: {
225 Id: string;
226 RootFolderServerRelativePath: IResourcePath;
227 RootFolderServerRelativeUrl: string;
228 RootFolderUniqueId: string;
229 };
230 ParentWeb: {
231 Id: string;
232 ServerRelativePath: IResourcePath;
233 ServerRelativeUrl: string;
234 Url: string;
235 };
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