10.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __decorate } from "tslib";
2import { _SPInstance, spInvokableFactory, SPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js";
3import { defaultPath } from "../decorators.js";
4import { Web } from "../webs/types.js";
5import { combine, hOP, isArray } from "@pnp/core";
6import { body, TextParse } from "@pnp/queryable";
7import { odataUrlFrom } from "../utils/odata-url-from.js";
8import { spPatch, spPost } from "../operations.js";
9import { extractWebUrl } from "../utils/extract-web-url.js";
10import { emptyGuid } from "../types.js";
12 * Ensures that whatever url is passed to the constructor we can correctly rebase it to a site url
13 *
14 * @param candidate The candidate site url
15 * @param path The caller supplied path, which may contain _api, meaning we don't append _api/site
16 */
17function rebaseSiteUrl(candidate, path) {
18 let replace = "_api/site";
19 // this allows us to both:
20 // - test if `candidate` already has an api path
21 // - ensure that we append the correct one as sometimes a web is not defined
22 // by _api/web, in the case of _api/site/rootweb for example
23 const matches = /(_api[/|\\](site|web))/i.exec(candidate);
24 if ((matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.length) > 0) {
25 // we want just the base url part (before the _api)
26 candidate = extractWebUrl(candidate);
27 // we want to ensure we put back the correct string
28 replace = matches[1];
29 }
30 // we only need to append the _api part IF `path` doesn't already include it.
31 if ((path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.indexOf("_api")) < 0) {
32 candidate = combine(candidate, replace);
33 }
34 return candidate;
36let _Site = class _Site extends _SPInstance {
37 constructor(base, path) {
38 if (typeof base === "string") {
39 base = rebaseSiteUrl(base, path);
40 }
41 else if (isArray(base)) {
42 base = [base[0], rebaseSiteUrl(base[1], path)];
43 }
44 else {
45 base = [base, rebaseSiteUrl(base.toUrl(), path)];
46 }
47 super(base, path);
48 }
49 /**
50 * Gets the root web of the site collection
51 *
52 */
53 get rootWeb() {
54 return Web(this, "rootweb");
55 }
56 /**
57 * Returns the collection of changes from the change log that have occurred within the list, based on the specified query
58 *
59 * @param query The change query
60 */
61 getChanges(query) {
62 const postBody = body({ query });
63 return spPost(Web(this, "getchanges"), postBody);
64 }
65 /**
66 * Opens a web by id (using POST)
67 *
68 * @param webId The GUID id of the web to open
69 */
70 async openWebById(webId) {
71 const data = await spPost(Site(this, `openWebById('${webId}')`));
72 return {
73 data,
74 web: Web([this, extractWebUrl(odataUrlFrom(data))]),
75 };
76 }
77 /**
78 * Gets a Web instance representing the root web of the site collection
79 * correctly setup for chaining within the library
80 */
81 async getRootWeb() {
82 const web = await this.rootWeb.select("Url")();
83 return Web([this, web.Url]);
84 }
85 /**
86 * Deletes the current site
87 *
88 */
89 async delete() {
90 const site = await Site(this, "").select("Id")();
91 const q = Site([this, this.parentUrl], "_api/SPSiteManager/Delete");
92 await spPost(q, body({ siteId: site.Id }));
93 }
94 /**
95 * Gets the document libraries on a site. Static method. (SharePoint Online only)
96 *
97 * @param absoluteWebUrl The absolute url of the web whose document libraries should be returned
98 */
99 async getDocumentLibraries(absoluteWebUrl) {
100 const q = Site([this, this.parentUrl], "_api/sp.web.getdocumentlibraries(@v)");
101 q.query.set("@v", `'${absoluteWebUrl}'`);
102 const data = await q();
103 return hOP(data, "GetDocumentLibraries") ? data.GetDocumentLibraries : data;
104 }
105 /**
106 * Gets the site url from a page url
107 *
108 * @param absolutePageUrl The absolute url of the page
109 */
110 async getWebUrlFromPageUrl(absolutePageUrl) {
111 const q = Site([this, this.parentUrl], "_api/sp.web.getweburlfrompageurl(@v)");
112 q.query.set("@v", `'${absolutePageUrl}'`);
113 const data = await q();
114 return hOP(data, "GetWebUrlFromPageUrl") ? data.GetWebUrlFromPageUrl : data;
115 }
116 /**
117 * Creates a Modern communication site.
118 *
119 * @param title The title of the site to create
120 * @param lcid The language to use for the site. If not specified will default to 1033 (English).
121 * @param shareByEmailEnabled If set to true, it will enable sharing files via Email. By default it is set to false
122 * @param url The fully qualified URL (e.g. https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/mysitecollection) of the site.
123 * @param description The description of the communication site.
124 * @param classification The Site classification to use. For instance 'Contoso Classified'. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-8Z2ggHcS0 for more information
125 * @param siteDesignId The Guid of the site design to be used.
126 * You can use the below default OOTB GUIDs:
127 * Topic: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
128 * Showcase: 6142d2a0-63a5-4ba0-aede-d9fefca2c767
129 * Blank: f6cc5403-0d63-442e-96c0-285923709ffc
130 * @param hubSiteId The id of the hub site to which the new site should be associated
131 * @param owner Optional owner value, required if executing the method in app only mode
132 */
133 async createCommunicationSite(title, lcid = 1033, shareByEmailEnabled = false, url, description, classification, siteDesignId, hubSiteId, owner) {
134 return this.createCommunicationSiteFromProps({
135 Classification: classification,
136 Description: description,
137 HubSiteId: hubSiteId,
138 Lcid: lcid,
139 Owner: owner,
140 ShareByEmailEnabled: shareByEmailEnabled,
141 SiteDesignId: siteDesignId,
142 Title: title,
143 Url: url,
144 });
145 }
146 async createCommunicationSiteFromProps(props) {
147 // handle defaults
148 const request = {
149 Classification: "",
150 Description: "",
151 HubSiteId: emptyGuid,
152 Lcid: 1033,
153 ShareByEmailEnabled: false,
154 SiteDesignId: emptyGuid,
155 WebTemplate: "SITEPAGEPUBLISHING#0",
156 WebTemplateExtensionId: emptyGuid,
157 ...props,
158 };
159 return spPost(Site([this, extractWebUrl(this.toUrl())], "/_api/SPSiteManager/Create"), body({ request }));
160 }
161 /**
162 *
163 * @param url Site Url that you want to check if exists
164 */
165 async exists(url) {
166 return spPost(Site([this, extractWebUrl(this.toUrl())], "/_api/SP.Site.Exists"), body({ url }));
167 }
168 /**
169 * Creates a Modern team site backed by Office 365 group. For use in SP Online only. This will not work with App-only tokens
170 *
171 * @param displayName The title or display name of the Modern team site to be created
172 * @param alias Alias of the underlying Office 365 Group
173 * @param isPublic Defines whether the Office 365 Group will be public (default), or private.
174 * @param lcid The language to use for the site. If not specified will default to English (1033).
175 * @param description The description of the site to be created.
176 * @param classification The Site classification to use. For instance 'Contoso Classified'. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-8Z2ggHcS0 for more information
177 * @param owners The Owners of the site to be created
178 */
179 async createModernTeamSite(displayName, alias, isPublic, lcid, description, classification, owners, hubSiteId, siteDesignId) {
180 return this.createModernTeamSiteFromProps({
181 alias,
182 classification,
183 description,
184 displayName,
185 hubSiteId,
186 isPublic,
187 lcid,
188 owners,
189 siteDesignId,
190 });
191 }
192 async createModernTeamSiteFromProps(props) {
193 // handle defaults
194 const p = Object.assign({}, {
195 classification: "",
196 description: "",
197 hubSiteId: emptyGuid,
198 isPublic: true,
199 lcid: 1033,
200 owners: [],
201 }, props);
202 const postBody = {
203 alias: p.alias,
204 displayName: p.displayName,
205 isPublic: p.isPublic,
206 optionalParams: {
207 Classification: p.classification,
208 CreationOptions: [`SPSiteLanguage:${p.lcid}`, `HubSiteId:${p.hubSiteId}`],
209 Description: p.description,
210 Owners: p.owners,
211 },
212 };
213 if (p.siteDesignId) {
214 postBody.optionalParams.CreationOptions.push(`implicit_formula_292aa8a00786498a87a5ca52d9f4214a_${p.siteDesignId}`);
215 }
216 return spPost(Site([this, extractWebUrl(this.toUrl())], "/_api/GroupSiteManager/CreateGroupEx").using(TextParse()), body(postBody));
217 }
218 update(props) {
219 return spPatch(this, body(props));
220 }
221 /**
222 * Set's the site's `Site Logo` property, vs the Site Icon property available on the web's properties
223 *
224 * @param logoProperties An instance of ISiteLogoProperties which sets the new site logo.
225 */
226 setSiteLogo(logoProperties) {
227 return spPost(SPQueryable([this, extractWebUrl(this.toUrl())], "_api/siteiconmanager/setsitelogo"), body(logoProperties));
228 }
230_Site = __decorate([
231 defaultPath("_api/site")
232], _Site);
233export { _Site };
234export const Site = spInvokableFactory(_Site);
235export var SiteLogoType;
236(function (SiteLogoType) {
237 /**
238 * Site header logo
239 */
240 SiteLogoType[SiteLogoType["WebLogo"] = 0] = "WebLogo";
241 /**
242 * Hub site logo
243 */
244 SiteLogoType[SiteLogoType["HubLogo"] = 1] = "HubLogo";
245 /**
246 * Header background image
247 */
248 SiteLogoType[SiteLogoType["HeaderBackground"] = 2] = "HeaderBackground";
249 /**
250 * Global navigation logo
251 */
252 SiteLogoType[SiteLogoType["GlobalNavLogo"] = 3] = "GlobalNavLogo";
253})(SiteLogoType || (SiteLogoType = {}));
254export var SiteLogoAspect;
255(function (SiteLogoAspect) {
256 SiteLogoAspect[SiteLogoAspect["Square"] = 0] = "Square";
257 SiteLogoAspect[SiteLogoAspect["Rectangular"] = 1] = "Rectangular";
258})(SiteLogoAspect || (SiteLogoAspect = {}));
259//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map
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