16.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IFile } from "../files/types.js";
2import { IItem } from "../items/types.js";
3import { _SPQueryable, SPInit } from "../spqueryable.js";
4import { IWeb } from "../webs/types.js";
5import "../files/web.js";
6import "../comments/item.js";
8 * Page promotion state
9 */
10export declare const enum PromotedState {
11 /**
12 * Regular client side page
13 */
14 NotPromoted = 0,
15 /**
16 * Page that will be promoted as news article after publishing
17 */
18 PromoteOnPublish = 1,
19 /**
20 * Page that is promoted as news article
21 */
22 Promoted = 2
25 * Type describing the available page layout types for client side "modern" pages
26 */
27export declare type ClientsidePageLayoutType = "Article" | "Home" | "SingleWebPartAppPage" | "RepostPage";
29 * Column size factor. Max value is 12 (= one column), other options are 8,6,4 or 0
30 */
31export declare type CanvasColumnFactor = 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12;
33 * Represents the data and methods associated with client side "modern" pages
34 */
35export declare class _ClientsidePage extends _SPQueryable {
36 protected json?: Partial<IPageData>;
37 sections: CanvasSection[];
38 commentsDisabled: boolean;
39 private _pageSettings;
40 private _layoutPart;
41 private _bannerImageDirty;
42 private _bannerImageThumbnailUrlDirty;
43 /**
45 */
46 constructor(base: SPInit, path?: string, json?: Partial<IPageData>, noInit?: boolean, sections?: CanvasSection[], commentsDisabled?: boolean);
47 private static getDefaultLayoutPart;
48 get pageLayout(): ClientsidePageLayoutType;
49 set pageLayout(value: ClientsidePageLayoutType);
50 get bannerImageUrl(): string;
51 set bannerImageUrl(value: string);
52 get thumbnailUrl(): string;
53 set thumbnailUrl(value: string);
54 get topicHeader(): string;
55 set topicHeader(value: string);
56 get title(): string;
57 set title(value: string);
58 get reservedHeight(): number;
59 set reservedHeight(value: number);
60 get description(): string;
61 set description(value: string);
62 get layoutType(): LayoutType;
63 set layoutType(value: LayoutType);
64 get headerTextAlignment(): TextAlignment;
65 set headerTextAlignment(value: TextAlignment);
66 get showTopicHeader(): boolean;
67 set showTopicHeader(value: boolean);
68 get showPublishDate(): boolean;
69 set showPublishDate(value: boolean);
70 get hasVerticalSection(): boolean;
71 get authorByLine(): string | null;
72 get verticalSection(): CanvasSection | null;
73 /**
74 * Add a section to this page
75 */
76 addSection(): CanvasSection;
77 /**
78 * Add a section to this page
79 */
80 addVerticalSection(): CanvasSection;
81 /**
82 * Loads this instance from the appropriate JSON data
83 *
84 * @param pageData JSON data to load (replaces any existing data)
85 */
86 fromJSON(pageData: Partial<IPageData>): this;
87 /**
88 * Loads this page's content from the server
89 */
90 load(): Promise<IClientsidePage>;
91 /**
92 * Persists the content changes (sections, columns, and controls) [does not work with batching]
93 *
94 * @param publish If true the page is published, if false the changes are persisted to SharePoint but not published [Default: true]
95 */
96 save(publish?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
97 /**
98 * Discards the checkout of this page
99 */
100 discardPageCheckout(): Promise<void>;
101 /**
102 * Promotes this page as a news item
103 */
104 promoteToNews(): Promise<boolean>;
105 /**
106 * Finds a control by the specified instance id
107 *
108 * @param id Instance id of the control to find
109 */
110 findControlById<T extends ColumnControl<any> = ColumnControl<any>>(id: string): T;
111 /**
112 * Finds a control within this page's control tree using the supplied predicate
113 *
114 * @param predicate Takes a control and returns true or false, if true that control is returned by findControl
115 */
116 findControl<T extends ColumnControl<any> = ColumnControl<any>>(predicate: (c: ColumnControl<any>) => boolean): T;
117 /**
118 * Creates a new page with all of the content copied from this page
119 *
120 * @param web The web where we will create the copy
121 * @param pageName The file name of the new page
122 * @param title The title of the new page
123 * @param publish If true the page will be published (Default: true)
124 */
125 copy(web: IWeb, pageName: string, title: string, publish?: boolean, promotedState?: PromotedState): Promise<IClientsidePage>;
126 /**
127 * Copies the content from this page to the supplied page instance NOTE: fully overwriting any previous content!!
128 *
129 * @param page Page whose content we replace with this page's content
130 * @param publish If true the page will be published after the copy, if false it will be saved but left unpublished (Default: true)
131 */
132 copyTo(page: IClientsidePage, publish?: boolean): Promise<IClientsidePage>;
133 /**
134 * Sets the modern page banner image
135 *
136 * @param url Url of the image to display
137 * @param altText Alt text to describe the image
138 * @param bannerProps Additional properties to control display of the banner
139 */
140 setBannerImage(url: string, props?: IBannerImageProps): void;
141 /**
142 * Sets the banner image url from an external source. You must call save to persist the changes
143 *
144 * @param url absolute url of the external file
145 * @param props optional set of properties to control display of the banner image
146 */
147 setBannerImageFromExternalUrl(url: string, props?: IBannerImageProps): Promise<void>;
148 /**
149 * Sets the authors for this page from the supplied list of user integer ids
150 *
151 * @param authorId The integer id of the user to set as the author
152 */
153 setAuthorById(authorId: number): Promise<void>;
154 /**
155 * Sets the authors for this page from the supplied list of user integer ids
156 *
157 * @param authorLoginName The login name of the user (ex: i:0#.f|membership|name@tenant.com)
158 */
159 setAuthorByLoginName(authorLoginName: string): Promise<void>;
160 /**
161 * Gets the list item associated with this clientside page
162 *
163 * @param selects Specific set of fields to include when getting the item
164 */
165 getItem<T>(...selects: string[]): Promise<IItem & T>;
166 /**
167 * Recycle this page
168 */
169 recycle(): Promise<void>;
170 /**
171 * Delete this page
172 */
173 delete(): Promise<void>;
174 /**
175 * Saves a copy of this page as a template in this library's Templates folder
176 *
177 * @param publish If true the template is published, false the template is not published (default: true)
178 * @returns IClientsidePage instance representing the new template page
179 */
180 saveAsTemplate(publish?: boolean): Promise<IClientsidePage>;
181 /**
182 * Share this Page's Preview content by Email
183 *
184 * @param emails Set of emails to which the preview is shared
185 * @param message The message to include
186 * @returns void
187 */
188 share(emails: string[], message: string): Promise<void>;
189 protected getCanvasContent1(): string;
190 protected getLayoutWebpartsContent(): string;
191 protected setControls(controls: IClientsideControlBaseData[]): void;
192 protected getControls(): IClientsideControlBaseData[];
193 private getEmphasisObj;
194 private promoteNewsImpl;
195 /**
196 * Merges the control into the tree of sections and columns for this page
197 *
198 * @param control The control to merge
199 */
200 private mergePartToTree;
201 /**
202 * Merges the supplied column into the tree
203 *
204 * @param column Column to merge
205 * @param position The position data for the column
206 */
207 private mergeColumnToTree;
208 /**
209 * Handle the logic to get or create a section based on the supplied order and layoutIndex
210 *
211 * @param order Section order
212 * @param layoutIndex Layout Index (1 === normal, 2 === vertical section)
213 * @param emphasis The section emphasis
214 */
215 private getOrCreateSection;
216 /**
217 * Based on issue #1690 we need to take special case actions to ensure some things
218 * can be saved properly without breaking existing pages.
219 *
220 * @param control The control we are ensuring is "ready" to be saved
221 */
222 private specialSaveHandling;
224export interface IClientsidePage extends _ClientsidePage {
227 * Loads a client side page from the supplied IFile instance
228 *
229 * @param file Source IFile instance
230 */
231export declare const ClientsidePageFromFile: (file: IFile) => Promise<IClientsidePage>;
233 * Creates a new client side page
234 *
235 * @param web The web or list
236 * @param pageName The name of the page (filename)
237 * @param title The page's title
238 * @param PageLayoutType Layout to use when creating the page
239 */
240export declare const CreateClientsidePage: (web: IWeb, pageName: string, title: string, PageLayoutType?: ClientsidePageLayoutType, promotedState?: PromotedState) => Promise<IClientsidePage>;
241export declare class CanvasSection {
242 protected page: IClientsidePage;
243 columns: CanvasColumn[];
244 private _emphasis;
245 /**
246 * Used to track this object inside the collection at runtime
247 */
248 private _memId;
249 private _order;
250 private _layoutIndex;
251 constructor(page: IClientsidePage, order: number, layoutIndex: number, columns?: CanvasColumn[], _emphasis?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3);
252 get order(): number;
253 set order(value: number);
254 get layoutIndex(): number;
255 set layoutIndex(value: number);
256 /**
257 * Default column (this.columns[0]) for this section
258 */
259 get defaultColumn(): CanvasColumn;
260 /**
261 * Adds a new column to this section
262 */
263 addColumn(factor: CanvasColumnFactor, layoutIndex?: number): CanvasColumn;
264 /**
265 * Adds a control to the default column for this section
266 *
267 * @param control Control to add to the default column
268 */
269 addControl(control: ColumnControl<any>): this;
270 get emphasis(): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
271 set emphasis(value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3);
272 /**
273 * Removes this section and all contained columns and controls from the collection
274 */
275 remove(): void;
277export declare class CanvasColumn {
278 protected json: IClientsidePageColumnData;
279 controls: ColumnControl<any>[];
280 static Default: IClientsidePageColumnData;
281 private _section;
282 private _memId;
283 constructor(json?: IClientsidePageColumnData, controls?: ColumnControl<any>[]);
284 get data(): IClientsidePageColumnData;
285 get section(): CanvasSection;
286 set section(section: CanvasSection);
287 get order(): number;
288 set order(value: number);
289 get factor(): CanvasColumnFactor;
290 set factor(value: CanvasColumnFactor);
291 addControl(control: ColumnControl<any>): this;
292 getControl<T extends ColumnControl<any>>(index: number): T;
293 remove(): void;
295export declare abstract class ColumnControl<T extends ICanvasControlBaseData> {
296 protected json: T;
297 private _column;
298 constructor(json: T);
299 abstract get order(): number;
300 abstract set order(value: number);
301 get id(): string;
302 get data(): T;
303 get column(): CanvasColumn | null;
304 set column(value: CanvasColumn);
305 remove(): void;
306 protected setData(data: T): void;
307 protected abstract onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void;
309export declare class ClientsideText extends ColumnControl<IClientsideTextData> {
310 static Default: IClientsideTextData;
311 constructor(text: string, json?: IClientsideTextData);
312 get text(): string;
313 set text(value: string);
314 get order(): number;
315 set order(value: number);
316 protected onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void;
318export declare class ClientsideWebpart extends ColumnControl<IClientsideWebPartData> {
319 static Default: IClientsideWebPartData;
320 constructor(json?: IClientsideWebPartData);
321 static fromComponentDef(definition: IClientsidePageComponent): ClientsideWebpart;
322 get title(): string;
323 set title(value: string);
324 get description(): string;
325 set description(value: string);
326 get order(): number;
327 set order(value: number);
328 get height(): number;
329 set height(value: number);
330 get width(): number;
331 set width(value: number);
332 get dataVersion(): string;
333 set dataVersion(value: string);
334 setProperties<T = any>(properties: T): this;
335 getProperties<T = any>(): T;
336 setServerProcessedContent<T = any>(properties: T): this;
337 getServerProcessedContent<T = any>(): T;
338 protected onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void;
339 protected import(component: IClientsidePageComponent): void;
341export interface IPageData {
342 readonly "odata.metadata": string;
343 readonly "odata.type": "SP.Publishing.SitePage";
344 readonly "odata.id": string;
345 readonly "odata.editLink": string;
346 AbsoluteUrl: string;
347 AuthorByline: string[] | null;
348 BannerImageUrl: string;
349 BannerThumbnailUrl: string;
350 ContentTypeId: null | string;
351 Description: string;
352 DoesUserHaveEditPermission: boolean;
353 FileName: string;
354 readonly FirstPublished: string;
355 readonly Id: number;
356 IsPageCheckedOutToCurrentUser: boolean;
357 IsWebWelcomePage: boolean;
358 readonly Modified: string;
359 PageLayoutType: ClientsidePageLayoutType;
360 Path: {
361 DecodedUrl: string;
362 };
363 PromotedState: number;
364 Title: string;
365 TopicHeader: null | string;
366 readonly UniqueId: string;
367 Url: string;
368 readonly Version: string;
369 readonly VersionInfo: {
370 readonly LastVersionCreated: string;
371 readonly LastVersionCreatedBy: string;
372 };
373 AlternativeUrlMap: string;
374 CanvasContent1: string;
375 LayoutWebpartsContent: string;
378 * Client side webpart object (retrieved via the _api/web/GetClientSideWebParts REST call)
379 */
380export interface IClientsidePageComponent {
381 /**
382 * Component type for client side webpart object
383 */
384 ComponentType: number;
385 /**
386 * Id for client side webpart object
387 */
388 Id: string;
389 /**
390 * Manifest for client side webpart object
391 */
392 Manifest: string;
393 /**
394 * Manifest type for client side webpart object
395 */
396 ManifestType: number;
397 /**
398 * Name for client side webpart object
399 */
400 Name: string;
401 /**
402 * Status for client side webpart object
403 */
404 Status: number;
406export interface IClientsideControlBaseData {
407 controlType: number;
409export interface ICanvasControlBaseData extends IClientsideControlBaseData {
410 id: string;
411 emphasis: IClientControlEmphasis;
412 displayMode: number;
414export interface IClientsidePageSettingsSlice extends IClientsideControlBaseData {
415 htmlAttributes?: string[];
416 pageSettingsSlice: {
417 "isDefaultDescription": boolean;
418 "isDefaultThumbnail": boolean;
419 };
421export interface IClientsidePageColumnData extends IClientsideControlBaseData {
422 controlType: 0;
423 displayMode: number;
424 emphasis: IClientControlEmphasis;
425 position: IPosition;
427interface IPosition {
428 zoneIndex: number;
429 sectionIndex: number;
430 controlIndex?: number;
431 sectionFactor?: CanvasColumnFactor;
432 layoutIndex: number;
434export interface IClientsideTextData extends ICanvasControlBaseData {
435 controlType: 4;
436 position: IPosition;
437 anchorComponentId: string;
438 editorType: "CKEditor";
439 addedFromPersistedData: boolean;
440 innerHTML: string;
442export interface IClientsideWebPartData<PropertiesType = any> extends ICanvasControlBaseData {
443 controlType: 3;
444 position: IPosition;
445 webPartId: string;
446 reservedHeight: number;
447 reservedWidth: number;
448 addedFromPersistedData: boolean;
449 webPartData: {
450 id: string;
451 instanceId: string;
452 title: string;
453 description: string;
454 serverProcessedContent?: {
455 htmlStrings?: Record<string, string>;
456 searchablePlainTexts?: Record<string, string>;
457 imageSources?: Record<string, string>;
458 links?: Record<string, string>;
459 };
460 dataVersion: string;
461 properties: PropertiesType;
462 };
464export interface IClientControlEmphasis {
465 zoneEmphasis?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
467export declare type LayoutType = "FullWidthImage" | "NoImage" | "ColorBlock" | "CutInShape";
468export declare type TextAlignment = "Left" | "Center";
469export interface IBannerImageProps {
470 altText?: string;
471 imageSourceType?: number;
472 translateX?: number;
473 translateY?: number;
475export interface IRepostPage {
476 Description?: string;
477 IsBannerImageUrlExternal?: boolean;
478 OriginalSourceListId?: string;
479 ShouldSaveAsDraft?: boolean;
480 OriginalSourceSiteId?: string;
481 BannerImageUrl?: string;
482 Title?: string;
483 OriginalSourceItemId?: string;
484 OriginalSourceUrl?: string;
485 OriginalSourceWebId?: string;
487export {};
488//# sourceMappingURL=types.d.ts.map
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