7.61 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, ISPCollection, ISPInstance, IDeleteable, SPInit, ISPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js";
2import { IChangeQuery } from "../types.js";
3export declare class _Webs extends _SPCollection<IWebInfo[]> {
4 /**
5 * Adds a new web to the collection
6 *
7 * @param title The new web's title
8 * @param url The new web's relative url
9 * @param description The new web's description
10 * @param template The new web's template internal name (default = STS)
11 * @param language The locale id that specifies the new web's language (default = 1033 [English, US])
12 * @param inheritPermissions When true, permissions will be inherited from the new web's parent (default = true)
13 */
14 add(Title: string, Url: string, Description?: string, WebTemplate?: string, Language?: number, UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite?: boolean): Promise<IWebAddResult>;
16export interface IWebs extends _Webs {
18export declare const Webs: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory<IWebs>;
20 * Describes a web
21 *
22 */
23export declare class _Web extends _SPInstance<IWebInfo> {
24 delete: (this: ISPQueryable) => Promise<void>;
25 constructor(base: SPInit, path?: string);
26 /**
27 * Gets this web's subwebs
28 *
29 */
30 get webs(): IWebs;
31 /**
32 * Allows access to the web's all properties collection
33 */
34 get allProperties(): ISPInstance;
35 /**
36 * Gets a collection of WebInfos for this web's subwebs
37 *
38 */
39 get webinfos(): ISPCollection<IWebInfosData[]>;
40 /**
41 * Gets this web's parent web and data
42 *
43 */
44 getParentWeb(): Promise<IWeb>;
45 /**
46 * Updates this web instance with the supplied properties
47 *
48 * @param properties A plain object hash of values to update for the web
49 */
50 update(properties: Record<string, any>): Promise<void>;
51 /**
52 * Applies the theme specified by the contents of each of the files specified in the arguments to the site
53 *
54 * @param colorPaletteUrl The server-relative URL of the color palette file
55 * @param fontSchemeUrl The server-relative URL of the font scheme
56 * @param backgroundImageUrl The server-relative URL of the background image
57 * @param shareGenerated When true, the generated theme files are stored in the root site. When false, they are stored in this web
58 */
59 applyTheme(colorPaletteUrl: string, fontSchemeUrl: string, backgroundImageUrl: string, shareGenerated: boolean): Promise<void>;
60 /**
61 * Applies the specified site definition or site template to the Web site that has no template applied to it
62 *
63 * @param template Name of the site definition or the name of the site template
64 */
65 applyWebTemplate(template: string): Promise<void>;
66 /**
67 * Returns the collection of changes from the change log that have occurred within the list, based on the specified query
68 *
69 * @param query The change query
70 */
71 getChanges(query: IChangeQuery): Promise<any>;
72 /**
73 * Returns the name of the image file for the icon that is used to represent the specified file
74 *
75 * @param filename The file name. If this parameter is empty, the server returns an empty string
76 * @param size The size of the icon: 16x16 pixels = 0, 32x32 pixels = 1 (default = 0)
77 * @param progId The ProgID of the application that was used to create the file, in the form OLEServerName.ObjectName
78 */
79 mapToIcon(filename: string, size?: number, progId?: string): Promise<string>;
80 /**
81 * Returns the tenant property corresponding to the specified key in the app catalog site
82 *
83 * @param key Id of storage entity to be set
84 */
85 getStorageEntity(key: string): Promise<IStorageEntity>;
86 /**
87 * This will set the storage entity identified by the given key (MUST be called in the context of the app catalog)
88 *
89 * @param key Id of storage entity to be set
90 * @param value Value of storage entity to be set
91 * @param description Description of storage entity to be set
92 * @param comments Comments of storage entity to be set
93 */
94 setStorageEntity(key: string, value: string, description?: string, comments?: string): Promise<void>;
95 /**
96 * This will remove the storage entity identified by the given key
97 *
98 * @param key Id of storage entity to be removed
99 */
100 removeStorageEntity(key: string): Promise<void>;
101 /**
102 * Returns a collection of objects that contain metadata about subsites of the current site in which the current user is a member.
103 *
104 * @param nWebTemplateFilter Specifies the site definition (default = -1)
105 * @param nConfigurationFilter A 16-bit integer that specifies the identifier of a configuration (default = -1)
106 */
107 getSubwebsFilteredForCurrentUser(nWebTemplateFilter?: number, nConfigurationFilter?: number): ISPCollection<IWebInfosData[]>;
108 /**
109 * Returns a collection of site templates available for the site
110 *
111 * @param language The locale id of the site templates to retrieve (default = 1033 [English, US])
112 * @param includeCrossLanguage When true, includes language-neutral site templates; otherwise false (default = true)
113 */
114 availableWebTemplates(language?: number, includeCrossLanugage?: boolean): ISPCollection;
116export interface IWeb extends _Web, IDeleteable {
118export declare const Web: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory<IWeb>;
120 * Result from adding a web
121 *
122 */
123export interface IWebAddResult {
124 data: IWebInfo;
125 web: IWeb;
128 * Result from updating a web
129 *
130 */
131export interface IWebUpdateResult {
132 data: any;
133 web: IWeb;
135export interface IWebInfosData {
136 Configuration: number;
137 Created: string;
138 Description: string;
139 Id: number;
140 Language: number;
141 LastItemModifiedDate: string;
142 LastItemUserModifiedDate: string;
143 ServerRelativeUrl: string;
144 Title: string;
145 WebTemplate: string;
146 WebTemplateId: number;
148export interface IStorageEntity {
149 Value: string | null;
150 Comment: string | null;
151 Description: string | null;
153export interface IWebInfo {
154 AlternateCssUrl: string;
155 AppInstanceId: string;
156 ClassicWelcomePage: string | null;
157 Configuration: number;
158 Created: string;
159 CurrentChangeToken: {
160 StringValue: string;
161 };
162 CustomMasterUrl: string;
163 Description: string;
164 DesignPackageId: string;
165 DocumentLibraryCalloutOfficeWebAppPreviewersDisabled: boolean;
166 EnableMinimalDownload: boolean;
167 FooterEmphasis: number;
168 FooterEnabled: boolean;
169 FooterLayout: number;
170 HeaderEmphasis: number;
171 HeaderLayout: number;
172 HorizontalQuickLaunch: boolean;
173 Id: string;
174 IsHomepageModernized: boolean;
175 IsMultilingual: boolean;
176 IsRevertHomepageLinkHidden: boolean;
177 Language: number;
178 LastItemModifiedDate: string;
179 LastItemUserModifiedDate: string;
180 MasterUrl: string;
181 MegaMenuEnabled: boolean;
182 NavAudienceTargetingEnabled: boolean;
183 NoCrawl: boolean;
184 ObjectCacheEnabled: boolean;
185 OverwriteTranslationsOnChange: boolean;
186 QuickLaunchEnabled: boolean;
187 RecycleBinEnabled: boolean;
188 ResourcePath: {
189 DecodedUrl: string;
190 };
191 SearchScope: number;
192 ServerRelativeUrl: string;
193 SiteLogoUrl: string | null;
194 SyndicationEnabled: boolean;
195 TenantAdminMembersCanShare: number;
196 Title: string;
197 TreeViewEnabled: boolean;
198 UIVersion: number;
199 UIVersionConfigurationEnabled: boolean;
200 Url: string;
201 WebTemplate: string;
202 WelcomePage: string;
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