2.41 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@pnpm/plugin-commands-publishing",
3 "version": "1.0.8",
4 "description": "The pack and publish commands of pnpm",
5 "main": "lib/index.js",
6 "typings": "lib/index.d.ts",
7 "files": [
8 "lib",
9 "!*.map"
10 ],
11 "engines": {
12 "node": ">=10.13"
13 },
14 "scripts": {
15 "lint": "tslint -c ../../tslint.json src/**/*.ts test/**/*.ts",
16 "registry-mock": "registry-mock",
17 "test:tap": "cd ../.. && c8 --reporter lcov --reports-dir packages/plugin-commands-publishing/coverage ts-node packages/plugin-commands-publishing/test --type-check",
18 "test:e2e": "registry-mock prepare && run-p -r registry-mock test:tap",
19 "_test": "cross-env PNPM_REGISTRY_MOCK_PORT=7776 pnpm run test:e2e",
20 "test": "pnpm run compile && pnpm run _test",
21 "prepublishOnly": "pnpm run compile",
22 "compile": "rimraf lib tsconfig.tsbuildinfo && tsc --build"
23 },
24 "repository": "https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/blob/master/packages/plugin-commands-publishing",
25 "keywords": [
26 "pnpm",
27 "pack",
28 "publish"
29 ],
30 "author": "Zoltan Kochan <z@kochan.io> (https://www.kochan.io/)",
31 "license": "MIT",
32 "bugs": {
33 "url": "https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues"
34 },
35 "homepage": "https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/blob/master/packages/plugin-commands-publishing#readme",
36 "devDependencies": {
37 "@pnpm/filter-workspace-packages": "2.0.12",
38 "@pnpm/plugin-commands-publishing": "link:",
39 "@pnpm/prepare": "0.0.0",
40 "@types/cross-spawn": "^6.0.1",
41 "@types/lru-cache": "^5.1.0",
42 "@types/mz": "^2.7.0",
43 "@types/proxyquire": "1.3.28",
44 "@types/ramda": "^0.27.3",
45 "@types/sinon": "9.0.0",
46 "cross-spawn": "7.0.2",
47 "execa": "4.0.0",
48 "path-exists": "4.0.0",
49 "proxyquire": "2.1.3",
50 "sinon": "9.0.2",
51 "tempy": "0.5.0",
52 "write-yaml-file": "4.0.0"
53 },
54 "dependencies": {
55 "@pnpm/cli-utils": "0.4.2",
56 "@pnpm/config": "8.2.1",
57 "@pnpm/error": "1.2.0",
58 "@pnpm/lifecycle": "8.1.1",
59 "@pnpm/npm-resolver": "7.3.9",
60 "@pnpm/pick-registry-for-package": "1.0.0",
61 "@pnpm/read-project-manifest": "1.0.4",
62 "@pnpm/resolver-base": "7.0.0",
63 "@pnpm/run-npm": "2.0.1",
64 "@pnpm/sort-packages": "1.0.8",
65 "@pnpm/store-path": "2.1.1",
66 "@pnpm/types": "5.0.0",
67 "@zkochan/rimraf": "1.0.0",
68 "cp-file": "9.0.0",
69 "enquirer": "2.3.5",
70 "fast-glob": "3.2.2",
71 "lru-cache": "5.1.1",
72 "mz": "2.7.0",
73 "p-filter": "2.1.0",
74 "ramda": "0.27.0",
75 "realpath-missing": "1.0.0",
76 "render-help": "1.0.0",
77 "write-json-file": "4.2.1"
78 }