1.52 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { RuntimeVersion } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
2import type { ApiDecoration, ApiOptions, ApiTypes, DecorateMethod } from '../types/index.js';
3import type { VersionedRegistry } from './types.js';
4import { Decorate } from './Decorate.js';
5export declare abstract class Init<ApiType extends ApiTypes> extends Decorate<ApiType> {
6 #private;
7 constructor(options: ApiOptions, type: ApiTypes, decorateMethod: DecorateMethod<ApiType>);
8 /**
9 * @description Decorates a registry based on the runtime version
10 */
11 private _initRegistry;
12 /**
13 * @description Returns the default versioned registry
14 */
15 private _getDefaultRegistry;
16 /**
17 * @description Returns a decorated API instance at a specific point in time
18 */
19 at(blockHash: Uint8Array | string, knownVersion?: RuntimeVersion): Promise<ApiDecoration<ApiType>>;
20 private _createBlockRegistry;
21 private _cacheBlockRegistryProgress;
22 private _getBlockRegistryViaVersion;
23 private _getBlockRegistryViaHash;
24 /**
25 * @description Sets up a registry based on the block hash defined
26 */
27 getBlockRegistry(blockHash: Uint8Array, knownVersion?: RuntimeVersion): Promise<VersionedRegistry<ApiType>>;
28 protected _loadMeta(): Promise<boolean>;
29 private _metaFromSource;
30 private _subscribeUpdates;
31 private _metaFromChain;
32 private _initFromMeta;
33 private _subscribeHealth;
34 private _unsubscribeHealth;
35 private _unsubscribeUpdates;
36 protected _unsubscribe(): void;