1 | import type { SignerPayloadRawBase } from '@polkadot/types/types';
2 | import type { ApiOptions, ApiTypes, DecorateMethod, Signer } from '../types/index.js';
3 | import { Getters } from './Getters.js';
4 | interface KeyringSigner {
5 | sign(message: Uint8Array): Uint8Array;
6 | }
7 | interface SignerRawOptions {
8 | signer?: Signer;
9 | }
10 | export declare abstract class ApiBase<ApiType extends ApiTypes> extends Getters<ApiType> {
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29 | constructor(options: ApiOptions | undefined, type: ApiTypes, decorateMethod: DecorateMethod<ApiType>);
30 | /**
31 | * @description Connect from the underlying provider, halting all network traffic
32 | */
33 | connect(): Promise<void>;
34 | /**
35 | * @description Disconnect from the underlying provider, halting all network traffic
36 | */
37 | disconnect(): Promise<void>;
38 | /**
39 | * @description Set an external signer which will be used to sign extrinsic when account passed in is not KeyringPair
40 | */
41 | setSigner(signer: Signer | undefined): void;
42 | /**
43 | * @description Signs a raw signer payload, string or Uint8Array
44 | */
45 | sign(address: KeyringSigner | string, data: SignerPayloadRawBase, { signer }?: SignerRawOptions): Promise<string>;
46 | }
47 | export {};