1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.Init = void 0;
4 | const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
5 | const types_1 = require("@polkadot/types");
6 | const types_known_1 = require("@polkadot/types-known");
7 | const util_1 = require("@polkadot/util");
8 | const util_crypto_1 = require("@polkadot/util-crypto");
9 | const Decorate_js_1 = require("./Decorate.js");
10 | const KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 10000;
11 | const WITH_VERSION_SHORTCUT = false;
12 | const l = (0, util_1.logger)('api/init');
13 | function textToString(t) {
14 | return t.toString();
15 | }
16 | class Init extends Decorate_js_1.Decorate {
17 | __internal__atLast = null;
18 | __internal__healthTimer = null;
19 | __internal__registries = [];
20 | __internal__updateSub = null;
21 | __internal__waitingRegistries = {};
22 | constructor(options, type, decorateMethod) {
23 | super(options, type, decorateMethod);
24 |
25 | this.registry.setKnownTypes(options);
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | if (!options.source) {
30 | this.registerTypes(options.types);
31 | }
32 | else {
33 | this.__internal__registries = options.source.__internal__registries;
34 | }
35 | this._rpc = this._decorateRpc(this._rpcCore, this._decorateMethod);
36 | this._rx.rpc = this._decorateRpc(this._rpcCore, this._rxDecorateMethod);
37 | if (this.supportMulti) {
38 | this._queryMulti = this._decorateMulti(this._decorateMethod);
39 | this._rx.queryMulti = this._decorateMulti(this._rxDecorateMethod);
40 | }
41 | this._rx.signer = options.signer;
42 | this._rpcCore.setRegistrySwap((blockHash) => this.getBlockRegistry(blockHash));
43 | this._rpcCore.setResolveBlockHash((blockNumber) => (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.chain.getBlockHash(blockNumber)));
44 | if (this.hasSubscriptions) {
45 | this._rpcCore.provider.on('disconnected', () => this.__internal__onProviderDisconnect());
46 | this._rpcCore.provider.on('error', (e) => this.__internal__onProviderError(e));
47 | this._rpcCore.provider.on('connected', () => this.__internal__onProviderConnect());
48 | }
49 | else if (!this._options.noInitWarn) {
50 | l.warn('Api will be available in a limited mode since the provider does not support subscriptions');
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | if (this._rpcCore.provider.isConnected) {
56 | this.__internal__onProviderConnect().catch(util_1.noop);
57 | }
58 | }
59 | |
60 |
61 |
62 | _initRegistry(registry, chain, version, metadata, chainProps) {
63 | registry.clearCache();
64 | registry.setChainProperties(chainProps || this.registry.getChainProperties());
65 | registry.setKnownTypes(this._options);
66 | registry.register((0, types_known_1.getSpecTypes)(registry, chain, version.specName, version.specVersion));
67 | registry.setHasher((0, types_known_1.getSpecHasher)(registry, chain, version.specName));
68 |
69 | if (registry.knownTypes.typesBundle) {
70 | registry.knownTypes.typesAlias = (0, types_known_1.getSpecAlias)(registry, chain, version.specName);
71 | }
72 | registry.setMetadata(metadata, undefined, (0, util_1.objectSpread)({}, (0, types_known_1.getSpecExtensions)(registry, chain, version.specName), this._options.signedExtensions), this._options.noInitWarn);
73 | }
74 | |
75 |
76 |
77 | _getDefaultRegistry() {
78 | return (0, util_1.assertReturn)(this.__internal__registries.find(({ isDefault }) => isDefault), 'Initialization error, cannot find the default registry');
79 | }
80 | |
81 |
82 |
83 | async at(blockHash, knownVersion) {
84 | const u8aHash = (0, util_1.u8aToU8a)(blockHash);
85 | const u8aHex = (0, util_1.u8aToHex)(u8aHash);
86 | const registry = await this.getBlockRegistry(u8aHash, knownVersion);
87 | if (!this.__internal__atLast || this.__internal__atLast[0] !== u8aHex) {
88 |
89 |
90 | this.__internal__atLast = [u8aHex, this._createDecorated(registry, true, null, u8aHash).decoratedApi];
91 | }
92 | return this.__internal__atLast[1];
93 | }
94 | async _createBlockRegistry(blockHash, header, version) {
95 | const registry = new types_1.TypeRegistry(blockHash);
96 | const metadata = new types_1.Metadata(registry, await (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.state.getMetadata.raw(header.parentHash)));
97 | const runtimeChain = this._runtimeChain;
98 | if (!runtimeChain) {
99 | throw new Error('Invalid initializion order, runtimeChain is not available');
100 | }
101 | this._initRegistry(registry, runtimeChain, version, metadata);
102 |
103 | const result = { counter: 0, lastBlockHash: blockHash, metadata, registry, runtimeVersion: version };
104 | this.__internal__registries.push(result);
105 | return result;
106 | }
107 | _cacheBlockRegistryProgress(key, creator) {
108 |
109 | let waiting = this.__internal__waitingRegistries[key];
110 | if ((0, util_1.isUndefined)(waiting)) {
111 |
112 | waiting = this.__internal__waitingRegistries[key] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
113 | creator()
114 | .then((registry) => {
115 | delete this.__internal__waitingRegistries[key];
116 | resolve(registry);
117 | })
118 | .catch((error) => {
119 | delete this.__internal__waitingRegistries[key];
120 | reject(error);
121 | });
122 | });
123 | }
124 | return waiting;
125 | }
126 | _getBlockRegistryViaVersion(blockHash, version) {
127 | if (version) {
128 |
129 |
130 | const existingViaVersion = this.__internal__registries.find(({ runtimeVersion: { specName, specVersion } }) => specName.eq(version.specName) &&
131 | specVersion.eq(version.specVersion));
132 | if (existingViaVersion) {
133 | existingViaVersion.counter++;
134 | existingViaVersion.lastBlockHash = blockHash;
135 | return existingViaVersion;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | return null;
139 | }
140 | async _getBlockRegistryViaHash(blockHash) {
141 |
142 | if (!this._genesisHash || !this._runtimeVersion) {
143 | throw new Error('Cannot retrieve data on an uninitialized chain');
144 | }
145 |
146 |
147 | const header = this.registry.createType('HeaderPartial', this._genesisHash.eq(blockHash)
148 | ? { number: util_1.BN_ZERO, parentHash: this._genesisHash }
149 | : await (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.chain.getHeader.raw(blockHash)));
150 | if (header.parentHash.isEmpty) {
151 | throw new Error('Unable to retrieve header and parent from supplied hash');
152 | }
153 |
154 | const [firstVersion, lastVersion] = (0, types_known_1.getUpgradeVersion)(this._genesisHash, header.number);
155 | const version = this.registry.createType('RuntimeVersionPartial', WITH_VERSION_SHORTCUT && (firstVersion && (lastVersion ||
156 | firstVersion.specVersion.eq(this._runtimeVersion.specVersion)))
157 | ? { apis: firstVersion.apis, specName: this._runtimeVersion.specName, specVersion: firstVersion.specVersion }
158 | : await (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.state.getRuntimeVersion.raw(header.parentHash)));
159 | return (
160 |
161 | this._getBlockRegistryViaVersion(blockHash, version) ||
162 |
163 | await this._cacheBlockRegistryProgress(version.toHex(), () => this._createBlockRegistry(blockHash, header, version)));
164 | }
165 | |
166 |
167 |
168 | async getBlockRegistry(blockHash, knownVersion) {
169 | return (
170 |
171 | this.__internal__registries.find(({ lastBlockHash }) => lastBlockHash && (0, util_1.u8aEq)(lastBlockHash, blockHash)) ||
172 |
173 | this._getBlockRegistryViaVersion(blockHash, knownVersion) ||
174 |
175 | await this._cacheBlockRegistryProgress((0, util_1.u8aToHex)(blockHash), () => this._getBlockRegistryViaHash(blockHash)));
176 | }
177 | async _loadMeta() {
178 |
179 | if (this._isReady) {
180 | return true;
181 | }
182 | this._unsubscribeUpdates();
183 |
184 |
185 | [this._genesisHash, this._runtimeMetadata] = this._options.source?._isReady
186 | ? await this._metaFromSource(this._options.source)
187 | : await this._metaFromChain(this._options.metadata);
188 | return this._initFromMeta(this._runtimeMetadata);
189 | }
190 |
191 | async _metaFromSource(source) {
192 | this._extrinsicType = source.extrinsicVersion;
193 | this._runtimeChain = source.runtimeChain;
194 | this._runtimeVersion = source.runtimeVersion;
195 |
196 |
197 | const sections = Object.keys(source.rpc);
198 | const rpcs = [];
199 | for (let s = 0, scount = sections.length; s < scount; s++) {
200 | const section = sections[s];
201 | const methods = Object.keys(source.rpc[section]);
202 | for (let m = 0, mcount = methods.length; m < mcount; m++) {
203 | rpcs.push(`${section}_${methods[m]}`);
204 | }
205 | }
206 | this._filterRpc(rpcs, (0, types_known_1.getSpecRpc)(this.registry, source.runtimeChain, source.runtimeVersion.specName));
207 | return [source.genesisHash, source.runtimeMetadata];
208 | }
209 |
210 | _subscribeUpdates() {
211 | if (this.__internal__updateSub || !this.hasSubscriptions) {
212 | return;
213 | }
214 | this.__internal__updateSub = this._rpcCore.state.subscribeRuntimeVersion().pipe((0, rxjs_1.switchMap)((version) =>
215 |
216 | this._runtimeVersion?.specVersion.eq(version.specVersion)
217 | ? (0, rxjs_1.of)(false)
218 | : this._rpcCore.state.getMetadata().pipe((0, rxjs_1.map)((metadata) => {
219 | l.log(`Runtime version updated to spec=${version.specVersion.toString()}, tx=${version.transactionVersion.toString()}`);
220 | this._runtimeMetadata = metadata;
221 | this._runtimeVersion = version;
222 | this._rx.runtimeVersion = version;
223 |
224 | const thisRegistry = this._getDefaultRegistry();
225 | const runtimeChain = this._runtimeChain;
226 | if (!runtimeChain) {
227 | throw new Error('Invalid initializion order, runtimeChain is not available');
228 | }
229 |
230 | thisRegistry.metadata = metadata;
231 | thisRegistry.runtimeVersion = version;
232 | this._initRegistry(this.registry, runtimeChain, version, metadata);
233 | this._injectMetadata(thisRegistry, true);
234 | return true;
235 | })))).subscribe();
236 | }
237 | async _metaFromChain(optMetadata) {
238 | const [genesisHash, runtimeVersion, chain, chainProps, rpcMethods, chainMetadata] = await Promise.all([
239 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.chain.getBlockHash(0)),
240 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.state.getRuntimeVersion()),
241 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.system.chain()),
242 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.system.properties()),
243 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.rpc.methods()),
244 | optMetadata
245 | ? Promise.resolve(null)
246 | : (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.state.getMetadata())
247 | ]);
248 |
249 | this._runtimeChain = chain;
250 | this._runtimeVersion = runtimeVersion;
251 | this._rx.runtimeVersion = runtimeVersion;
252 |
253 | const metadataKey = `${genesisHash.toHex() || '0x'}-${runtimeVersion.specVersion.toString()}`;
254 | const metadata = chainMetadata || (optMetadata?.[metadataKey]
255 | ? new types_1.Metadata(this.registry, optMetadata[metadataKey])
256 | : await (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.state.getMetadata()));
257 |
258 | this._initRegistry(this.registry, chain, runtimeVersion, metadata, chainProps);
259 | this._filterRpc(rpcMethods.methods.map(textToString), (0, types_known_1.getSpecRpc)(this.registry, chain, runtimeVersion.specName));
260 | this._subscribeUpdates();
261 |
262 | if (!this.__internal__registries.length) {
263 | this.__internal__registries.push({ counter: 0, isDefault: true, metadata, registry: this.registry, runtimeVersion });
264 | }
265 |
266 | metadata.getUniqTypes(this._options.throwOnUnknown || false);
267 | return [genesisHash, metadata];
268 | }
269 | _initFromMeta(metadata) {
270 | const runtimeVersion = this._runtimeVersion;
271 | if (!runtimeVersion) {
272 | throw new Error('Invalid initializion order, runtimeVersion is not available');
273 | }
274 | this._extrinsicType = metadata.asLatest.extrinsic.version.toNumber();
275 | this._rx.extrinsicType = this._extrinsicType;
276 | this._rx.genesisHash = this._genesisHash;
277 | this._rx.runtimeVersion = runtimeVersion;
278 |
279 | this._injectMetadata(this._getDefaultRegistry(), true);
280 |
281 | this._rx.derive = this._decorateDeriveRx(this._rxDecorateMethod);
282 | this._derive = this._decorateDerive(this._decorateMethod);
283 | return true;
284 | }
285 | _subscribeHealth() {
286 | this._unsubscribeHealth();
287 |
288 | this.__internal__healthTimer = this.hasSubscriptions
289 | ? setInterval(() => {
290 | (0, rxjs_1.firstValueFrom)(this._rpcCore.system.health.raw()).catch(util_1.noop);
292 | : null;
293 | }
294 | _unsubscribeHealth() {
295 | if (this.__internal__healthTimer) {
296 | clearInterval(this.__internal__healthTimer);
297 | this.__internal__healthTimer = null;
298 | }
299 | }
300 | _unsubscribeUpdates() {
301 | if (this.__internal__updateSub) {
302 | this.__internal__updateSub.unsubscribe();
303 | this.__internal__updateSub = null;
304 | }
305 | }
306 | _unsubscribe() {
307 | this._unsubscribeHealth();
308 | this._unsubscribeUpdates();
309 | }
310 | async __internal__onProviderConnect() {
311 | this._isConnected.next(true);
312 | this.emit('connected');
313 | try {
314 | const cryptoReady = this._options.initWasm === false
315 | ? true
316 | : await (0, util_crypto_1.cryptoWaitReady)();
317 | const hasMeta = await this._loadMeta();
318 | this._subscribeHealth();
319 | if (hasMeta && !this._isReady && cryptoReady) {
320 | this._isReady = true;
321 | this.emit('ready', this);
322 | }
323 | }
324 | catch (_error) {
325 | const error = new Error(`FATAL: Unable to initialize the API: ${_error.message}`);
326 | l.error(error);
327 | this.emit('error', error);
328 | }
329 | }
330 | __internal__onProviderDisconnect() {
331 | this._isConnected.next(false);
332 | this._unsubscribe();
333 | this.emit('disconnected');
334 | }
335 | __internal__onProviderError(error) {
336 | this.emit('error', error);
337 | }
338 | }
339 | exports.Init = Init;