6.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.ApiPromise = void 0;
4const util_1 = require("@polkadot/util");
5const index_js_1 = require("../base/index.js");
6const Combinator_js_1 = require("./Combinator.js");
7const decorateMethod_js_1 = require("./decorateMethod.js");
9 * # @polkadot/api/promise
10 *
11 * ## Overview
12 *
13 * @name ApiPromise
14 * @description
15 * ApiPromise is a standard JavaScript wrapper around the RPC and interfaces on the Polkadot network. As a full Promise-based, all interface calls return Promises, including the static `.create(...)`. Subscription calls utilise `(value) => {}` callbacks to pass through the latest values.
16 *
17 * The API is well suited to real-time applications where either the single-shot state is needed or use is to be made of the subscription-based features of Polkadot (and Substrate) clients.
18 *
19 * @see [[ApiRx]]
20 *
21 * ## Usage
22 *
23 * Making rpc calls -
24 * <BR>
25 *
26 * ```javascript
27 * import ApiPromise from '@polkadot/api/promise';
28 *
29 * // initialise via static create
30 * const api = await ApiPromise.create();
31 *
32 * // make a subscription to the network head
33 * api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads((header) => {
34 * console.log(`Chain is at #${header.number}`);
35 * });
36 * ```
37 * <BR>
38 *
39 * Subscribing to chain state -
40 * <BR>
41 *
42 * ```javascript
43 * import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
44 *
45 * // initialise a provider with a specific endpoint
46 * const provider = new WsProvider('wss://example.com:9944')
47 *
48 * // initialise via isReady & new with specific provider
49 * const api = await new ApiPromise({ provider }).isReady;
50 *
51 * // retrieve the block target time
52 * const blockPeriod = await api.query.timestamp.blockPeriod().toNumber();
53 * let last = 0;
54 *
55 * // subscribe to the current block timestamp, updates automatically (callback provided)
56 * api.query.timestamp.now((timestamp) => {
57 * const elapsed = last
58 * ? `, ${timestamp.toNumber() - last}s since last`
59 * : '';
60 *
61 * last = timestamp.toNumber();
62 * console.log(`timestamp ${timestamp}${elapsed} (${blockPeriod}s target)`);
63 * });
64 * ```
65 * <BR>
66 *
67 * Submitting a transaction -
68 * <BR>
69 *
70 * ```javascript
71 * import ApiPromise from '@polkadot/api/promise';
72 *
73 * ApiPromise.create().then((api) => {
74 * const [nonce] = await api.query.system.account(keyring.alice.address);
75 *
76 * api.tx.balances
77 * // create transfer
78 * transfer(keyring.bob.address, 12345)
79 * // sign the transcation
80 * .sign(keyring.alice, { nonce })
81 * // send the transaction (optional status callback)
82 * .send((status) => {
83 * console.log(`current status ${status.type}`);
84 * })
85 * // retrieve the submitted extrinsic hash
86 * .then((hash) => {
87 * console.log(`submitted with hash ${hash}`);
88 * });
89 * });
90 * ```
91 */
92class ApiPromise extends index_js_1.ApiBase {
93 __internal__isReadyPromise;
94 __internal__isReadyOrErrorPromise;
95 /**
96 * @description Creates an instance of the ApiPromise class
97 * @param options Options to create an instance. This can be either [[ApiOptions]] or
98 * an [[WsProvider]].
99 * @example
100 * <BR>
101 *
102 * ```javascript
103 * import Api from '@polkadot/api/promise';
104 *
105 * new Api().isReady.then((api) => {
106 * api.rpc.subscribeNewHeads((header) => {
107 * console.log(`new block #${header.number.toNumber()}`);
108 * });
109 * });
110 * ```
111 */
112 constructor(options) {
113 super(options, 'promise', decorateMethod_js_1.toPromiseMethod);
114 this.__internal__isReadyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
115 super.once('ready', () => resolve(this));
116 });
117 this.__internal__isReadyOrErrorPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
118 const tracker = (0, decorateMethod_js_1.promiseTracker)(resolve, reject);
119 super.once('ready', () => tracker.resolve(this));
120 super.once('error', (error) => tracker.reject(error));
121 });
122 }
123 /**
124 * @description Creates an ApiPromise instance using the supplied provider. Returns an Promise containing the actual Api instance.
125 * @param options options that is passed to the class contructor. Can be either [[ApiOptions]] or a
126 * provider (see the constructor arguments)
127 * @example
128 * <BR>
129 *
130 * ```javascript
131 * import Api from '@polkadot/api/promise';
132 *
133 * Api.create().then(async (api) => {
134 * const timestamp = await api.query.timestamp.now();
135 *
136 * console.log(`lastest block timestamp ${timestamp}`);
137 * });
138 * ```
139 */
140 static create(options) {
141 const instance = new ApiPromise(options);
142 if (options && options.throwOnConnect) {
143 return instance.isReadyOrError;
144 }
145 // Swallow any rejections on isReadyOrError
146 // (in Node 15.x this creates issues, when not being looked at)
147 instance.isReadyOrError.catch(util_1.noop);
148 return instance.isReady;
149 }
150 /**
151 * @description Promise that resolves the first time we are connected and loaded
152 */
153 get isReady() {
154 return this.__internal__isReadyPromise;
155 }
156 /**
157 * @description Promise that resolves if we can connect, or reject if there is an error
158 */
159 get isReadyOrError() {
160 return this.__internal__isReadyOrErrorPromise;
161 }
162 /**
163 * @description Returns a clone of this ApiPromise instance (new underlying provider connection)
164 */
165 clone() {
166 return new ApiPromise((0, util_1.objectSpread)({}, this._options, { source: this }));
167 }
168 /**
169 * @description Creates a combinator that can be used to combine the latest results from multiple subscriptions
170 * @param fns An array of function to combine, each in the form of `(cb: (value: void)) => void`
171 * @param callback A callback that will return an Array of all the values this combinator has been applied to
172 * @example
173 * <BR>
174 *
175 * ```javascript
176 * const address = '5DTestUPts3kjeXSTMyerHihn1uwMfLj8vU8sqF7qYrFacT7';
177 *
178 * // combines values from balance & nonce as it updates
179 * api.combineLatest([
180 * api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads,
181 * (cb) => api.query.system.account(address, cb)
182 * ], ([head, [balance, nonce]]) => {
183 * console.log(`#${head.number}: You have ${balance.free} units, with ${nonce} transactions sent`);
184 * });
185 * ```
186 */
187 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
188 async combineLatest(fns, callback) {
189 const combinator = new Combinator_js_1.Combinator(fns, callback);
190 return () => {
191 combinator.unsubscribe();
192 };
193 }
195exports.ApiPromise = ApiPromise;