1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.toPromiseMethod = exports.promiseTracker = void 0;
4 | const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
5 | const util_1 = require("@polkadot/util");
6 | function promiseTracker(resolve, reject) {
7 | let isCompleted = false;
8 | return {
9 | reject: (error) => {
10 | if (!isCompleted) {
11 | isCompleted = true;
12 | reject(error);
13 | }
14 | return rxjs_1.EMPTY;
15 | },
16 | resolve: (value) => {
17 | if (!isCompleted) {
18 | isCompleted = true;
19 | resolve(value);
20 | }
21 | }
22 | };
23 | }
24 | exports.promiseTracker = promiseTracker;
25 | function extractArgs(args, needsCallback) {
26 | const actualArgs = args.slice();
27 |
28 |
29 | const callback = (args.length && (0, util_1.isFunction)(args[args.length - 1]))
30 | ? actualArgs.pop()
31 | : undefined;
32 |
33 | if (needsCallback && !(0, util_1.isFunction)(callback)) {
34 | throw new Error('Expected a callback to be passed with subscriptions');
35 | }
36 | return [actualArgs, callback];
37 | }
38 | function decorateCall(method, args) {
39 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
40 |
41 | const tracker = promiseTracker(resolve, reject);
42 |
43 | const subscription = method(...args)
44 | .pipe((0, rxjs_1.catchError)((error) => tracker.reject(error)))
45 | .subscribe((result) => {
46 | tracker.resolve(result);
47 | (0, util_1.nextTick)(() => subscription.unsubscribe());
48 | });
49 | });
50 | }
51 | function decorateSubscribe(method, args, resultCb) {
52 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
53 |
54 | const tracker = promiseTracker(resolve, reject);
55 |
56 | const subscription = method(...args)
57 | .pipe((0, rxjs_1.catchError)((error) => tracker.reject(error)), (0, rxjs_1.tap)(() => tracker.resolve(() => subscription.unsubscribe())))
58 | .subscribe((result) => {
59 |
60 | (0, util_1.nextTick)(() => resultCb(result));
61 | });
62 | });
63 | }
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 | function toPromiseMethod(method, options) {
68 | const needsCallback = !!(options?.methodName && options.methodName.includes('subscribe'));
69 | return function (...args) {
70 | const [actualArgs, resultCb] = extractArgs(args, needsCallback);
71 | return resultCb
72 | ? decorateSubscribe(method, actualArgs, resultCb)
73 | : decorateCall(options?.overrideNoSub || method, actualArgs);
74 | };
75 | }
76 | exports.toPromiseMethod = toPromiseMethod;