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1import type { EncryptedJsonEncoding, KeypairType } from '@polkadot/util-crypto/types';
2import type { KeyringPair, KeyringPair$Meta } from '../types.js';
3import type { PairInfo } from './types.js';
4interface Setup {
5 toSS58: (publicKey: Uint8Array) => string;
6 type: KeypairType;
9 * @name createPair
10 * @summary Creates a keyring pair object
11 * @description Creates a keyring pair object with provided account public key, metadata, and encoded arguments.
12 * The keyring pair stores the account state including the encoded address and associated metadata.
13 *
14 * It has properties whose values are functions that may be called to perform account actions:
15 *
16 * - `address` function retrieves the address associated with the account.
17 * - `decodedPkcs8` function is called with the account passphrase and account encoded public key.
18 * It decodes the encoded public key using the passphrase provided to obtain the decoded account public key
19 * and associated secret key that are then available in memory, and changes the account address stored in the
20 * state of the pair to correspond to the address of the decoded public key.
21 * - `encodePkcs8` function when provided with the correct passphrase associated with the account pair
22 * and when the secret key is in memory (when the account pair is not locked) it returns an encoded
23 * public key of the account.
24 * - `meta` is the metadata that is stored in the state of the pair, either when it was originally
25 * created or set via `setMeta`.
26 * - `publicKey` returns the public key stored in memory for the pair.
27 * - `sign` may be used to return a signature by signing a provided message with the secret
28 * key (if it is in memory) using Nacl.
29 * - `toJson` calls another `toJson` function and provides the state of the pair,
30 * it generates arguments to be passed to the other `toJson` function including an encoded public key of the account
31 * that it generates using the secret key from memory (if it has been made available in memory)
32 * and the optionally provided passphrase argument. It passes a third boolean argument to `toJson`
33 * indicating whether the public key has been encoded or not (if a passphrase argument was provided then it is encoded).
34 * The `toJson` function that it calls returns a JSON object with properties including the `address`
35 * and `meta` that are assigned with the values stored in the corresponding state variables of the account pair,
36 * an `encoded` property that is assigned with the encoded public key in hex format, and an `encoding`
37 * property that indicates whether the public key value of the `encoded` property is encoded or not.
38 */
39export declare function createPair({ toSS58, type }: Setup, { publicKey, secretKey }: PairInfo, meta?: KeyringPair$Meta, encoded?: Uint8Array | null, encTypes?: EncryptedJsonEncoding[]): KeyringPair;
40export {};