1 | const GRANDPA_V2_V3 = {
2 | generate_key_ownership_proof: {
3 | description: 'Generates a proof of key ownership for the given authority in the given set.',
4 | params: [
5 | {
6 | name: 'setId',
7 | type: 'SetId'
8 | },
9 | {
10 | name: 'authorityId',
11 | type: 'AuthorityId'
12 | }
13 | ],
14 | type: 'Option<OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof>'
15 | },
16 | grandpa_authorities: {
17 | description: 'Get the current GRANDPA authorities and weights. This should not change except for when changes are scheduled and the corresponding delay has passed.',
18 | params: [],
19 | type: 'AuthorityList'
20 | },
21 | submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic: {
22 | description: 'Submits an unsigned extrinsic to report an equivocation.',
23 | params: [
24 | {
25 | name: 'equivocationProof',
26 | type: 'GrandpaEquivocationProof'
27 | },
28 | {
29 | name: 'keyOwnerProof',
30 | type: 'OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof'
31 | }
32 | ],
33 | type: 'Option<Null>'
34 | }
35 | };
36 | export const runtime = {
37 | GrandpaApi: [
38 | {
39 | methods: {
40 | current_set_id: {
41 | description: 'Get current GRANDPA authority set id.',
42 | params: [],
43 | type: 'SetId'
44 | },
45 | ...GRANDPA_V2_V3
46 | },
47 | version: 3
48 | },
49 | {
50 | methods: GRANDPA_V2_V3,
51 | version: 2
52 | }
53 | ]
54 | };