1 | import type { AnyString, Codec, CodecClass, IU8a, LookupString } from '@polkadot/types-codec/types';
2 | import type { CreateOptions, TypeDef } from '@polkadot/types-create/types';
3 | import type { ExtDef } from '../extrinsic/signedExtensions/types.js';
4 | import type { ChainProperties, DispatchErrorModule, DispatchErrorModuleU8, DispatchErrorModuleU8a, Hash, MetadataLatest, SiLookupTypeId } from '../interfaces/types.js';
5 | import type { CallFunction, CodecHasher, DetectCodec, RegisteredTypes, Registry, RegistryError, RegistryTypes } from '../types/index.js';
6 | import { GenericEventData } from '../generic/Event.js';
7 | import { Metadata } from '../metadata/Metadata.js';
8 | import { PortableRegistry } from '../metadata/PortableRegistry/index.js';
9 | export declare class TypeRegistry implements Registry {
10 | #private;
11 | createdAtHash?: Hash;
12 | constructor(createdAtHash?: Hash | Uint8Array | string);
13 | get chainDecimals(): number[];
14 | get chainIsEthereum(): boolean;
15 | get chainSS58(): number | undefined;
16 | get chainTokens(): string[];
17 | get firstCallIndex(): Uint8Array;
18 | /**
19 | * @description Returns true if the type is in a Compat format
20 | */
21 | isLookupType(value: string): value is LookupString;
22 | /**
23 | * @description Creates a lookup string from the supplied id
24 | */
25 | createLookupType(lookupId: SiLookupTypeId | number): LookupString;
26 | get knownTypes(): RegisteredTypes;
27 | get lookup(): PortableRegistry;
28 | get metadata(): MetadataLatest;
29 | get unknownTypes(): string[];
30 | get signedExtensions(): string[];
31 | clearCache(): void;
32 | /**
33 | * @describe Creates an instance of the class
34 | */
35 | createClass<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(type: K): CodecClass<DetectCodec<T, K>>;
36 | /**
37 | * @describe Creates an instance of the class
38 | */
39 | createClassUnsafe<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(type: K): CodecClass<T>;
40 | /**
41 | * @description Creates an instance of a type as registered
42 | */
43 | createType<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(type: K, ...params: unknown[]): DetectCodec<T, K>;
44 | /**
45 | * @description Creates an instance of a type as registered
46 | */
47 | createTypeUnsafe<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(type: K, params: unknown[], options?: CreateOptions): T;
48 | findMetaCall(callIndex: Uint8Array): CallFunction;
49 | findMetaError(errorIndex: Uint8Array | DispatchErrorModule | DispatchErrorModuleU8 | DispatchErrorModuleU8a): RegistryError;
50 | findMetaEvent(eventIndex: Uint8Array): CodecClass<GenericEventData>;
51 | get<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(name: K, withUnknown?: boolean, knownTypeDef?: TypeDef): CodecClass<T> | undefined;
52 | getUnsafe<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string>(name: K, withUnknown?: boolean, knownTypeDef?: TypeDef): CodecClass<T> | undefined;
53 | getChainProperties(): ChainProperties | undefined;
54 | getClassName(Type: CodecClass): string | undefined;
55 | getDefinition(typeName: string): string | undefined;
56 | getModuleInstances(specName: AnyString, moduleName: string): string[] | undefined;
57 | getOrThrow<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string, R = DetectCodec<T, K>>(name: K): CodecClass<R>;
58 | getOrUnknown<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string, R = DetectCodec<T, K>>(name: K): CodecClass<R>;
59 | getTransactionExtensionVersion(): number;
60 | getSignedExtensionExtra(): Record<string, string>;
61 | getSignedExtensionTypes(): Record<string, string>;
62 | hasClass(name: string): boolean;
63 | hasDef(name: string): boolean;
64 | hasType(name: string): boolean;
65 | hash(data: Uint8Array): IU8a;
66 | register(type: CodecClass | RegistryTypes): void;
67 | register(name: string, type: CodecClass): void;
68 | setChainProperties(properties?: ChainProperties): void;
69 | setHasher(hasher?: CodecHasher | null): void;
70 | setKnownTypes(knownTypes: RegisteredTypes): void;
71 | setLookup(lookup: PortableRegistry): void;
72 | setMetadata(metadata: Metadata, signedExtensions?: string[], userExtensions?: ExtDef, noInitWarn?: boolean): void;
73 | setSignedExtensions(signedExtensions?: string[], userExtensions?: ExtDef, noInitWarn?: boolean): void;
74 | }