3.38 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Copyright 2017-2023 @polkadot/types authors & contributors
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4import { u32 } from '@polkadot/types-codec';
5import { BN, bnToBn, isBigInt, isBn, isHex, isNumber, isU8a } from '@polkadot/util';
6import { decodeAddress, encodeAddress } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
7const PREFIX_1BYTE = 0xef;
8const PREFIX_2BYTE = 0xfc;
9const PREFIX_4BYTE = 0xfd;
10const PREFIX_8BYTE = 0xfe;
11const MAX_1BYTE = new BN(PREFIX_1BYTE);
12const MAX_2BYTE = new BN(1).shln(16);
13const MAX_4BYTE = new BN(1).shln(32);
15/** @internal */
16function decodeAccountIndex(value) {
17 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
18 if (value instanceof GenericAccountIndex) {
19 // `value.toBn()` on AccountIndex returns a pure BN (i.e. not an
20 // AccountIndex), which has the initial `toString()` implementation.
21 return value.toBn();
22 } else if (isBn(value) || isNumber(value) || isHex(value) || isU8a(value) || isBigInt(value)) {
23 return value;
24 }
25 return decodeAccountIndex(decodeAddress(value));
29 * @name GenericAccountIndex
30 * @description
31 * A wrapper around an AccountIndex, which is a shortened, variable-length encoding
32 * for an Account. We extends from [[U32]] to provide the number-like properties.
33 */
34export class GenericAccountIndex extends u32 {
35 constructor(registry, value = new BN(0)) {
36 super(registry, decodeAccountIndex(value));
37 }
38 static calcLength(_value) {
39 const value = bnToBn(_value);
40 if (value.lte(MAX_1BYTE)) {
41 return 1;
42 } else if (value.lt(MAX_2BYTE)) {
43 return 2;
44 } else if (value.lt(MAX_4BYTE)) {
45 return 4;
46 }
47 return 8;
48 }
49 static readLength(input) {
50 const first = input[0];
51 if (first === PREFIX_2BYTE) {
52 return [1, 2];
53 } else if (first === PREFIX_4BYTE) {
54 return [1, 4];
55 } else if (first === PREFIX_8BYTE) {
56 return [1, 8];
57 }
58 return [0, 1];
59 }
60 static writeLength(input) {
61 switch (input.length) {
62 case 2:
63 return new Uint8Array([PREFIX_2BYTE]);
64 case 4:
65 return new Uint8Array([PREFIX_4BYTE]);
66 case 8:
67 return new Uint8Array([PREFIX_8BYTE]);
68 default:
69 return new Uint8Array([]);
70 }
71 }
73 /**
74 * @description Compares the value of the input to see if there is a match
75 */
76 eq(other) {
77 // shortcut for BN or Number, don't create an object
78 if (isBn(other) || isNumber(other)) {
79 return super.eq(other);
80 }
82 // convert and compare
83 return super.eq(this.registry.createTypeUnsafe('AccountIndex', [other]));
84 }
86 /**
87 * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information
88 */
89 toHuman() {
90 return this.toJSON();
91 }
93 /**
94 * @description Converts the Object to JSON, typically used for RPC transfers
95 */
96 toJSON() {
97 return this.toString();
98 }
100 /**
101 * @description Converts the value in a best-fit primitive form
102 */
103 toPrimitive() {
104 return this.toJSON();
105 }
107 /**
108 * @description Returns the string representation of the value
109 */
110 toString() {
111 const length = GenericAccountIndex.calcLength(this);
112 return encodeAddress(this.toU8a().subarray(0, length), this.registry.chainSS58);
113 }
115 /**
116 * @description Returns the base runtime type name for this instance
117 */
118 toRawType() {
119 return 'AccountIndex';
120 }
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