6.11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found
6 * at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may
7 * be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by
8 * Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP
9 * rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
10 */
11export declare type Node = Document | Namespace | Class | Interface | Mixin | Function | Method | Type | ParamType | Property;
12export declare class Document {
13 readonly kind: string;
14 path: string;
15 members: Array<Namespace | Class | Interface | Mixin | Function>;
16 referencePaths: Set<string>;
17 header: string;
18 constructor(data: {
19 path: string;
20 members?: Array<Namespace | Class | Interface | Mixin | Function>;
21 referencePaths?: Iterable<string>;
22 header?: string;
23 });
24 /**
25 * Iterate over all nodes in the document, depth first. Includes all
26 * recursive ancestors, and the document itself.
27 */
28 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
29 /**
30 * Clean up this AST.
31 */
32 simplify(): void;
33 serialize(): string;
35export declare class Namespace {
36 readonly kind: string;
37 name: string;
38 description: string;
39 members: Array<Namespace | Class | Interface | Mixin | Function>;
40 constructor(data: {
41 name: string;
42 description?: string;
43 members?: Array<Namespace | Class | Interface | Mixin | Function>;
44 });
45 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
46 serialize(depth?: number): string;
48export declare class Class {
49 readonly kind: string;
50 name: string;
51 description: string;
52 extends: string;
53 mixins: string[];
54 properties: Property[];
55 methods: Method[];
56 constructor(data: {
57 name: string;
58 description?: string;
59 extends?: string;
60 mixins?: string[];
61 properties?: Property[];
62 methods?: Method[];
63 });
64 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
65 serialize(depth?: number): string;
67export declare class Interface {
68 readonly kind: string;
69 name: string;
70 description: string;
71 extends: string[];
72 properties: Property[];
73 methods: Method[];
74 constructor(data: {
75 name: string;
76 description?: string;
77 extends?: string[];
78 properties?: Property[];
79 methods?: Method[];
80 });
81 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
82 serialize(depth?: number): string;
84export declare class Mixin {
85 readonly kind: string;
86 name: string;
87 description: string;
88 interfaces: string[];
89 constructor(data: {
90 name: string;
91 description?: string;
92 interfaces?: string[];
93 });
94 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
95 serialize(depth?: number): string;
97export declare abstract class FunctionLike {
98 kind: string;
99 name: string;
100 description: string;
101 params: Param[];
102 templateTypes: string[];
103 returns: Type;
104 returnsDescription: string;
105 constructor(data: {
106 name: string;
107 description?: string;
108 params?: Param[];
109 templateTypes?: string[];
110 returns?: Type;
111 returnsDescription?: string;
112 });
113 serialize(depth?: number): string;
115export declare class Function extends FunctionLike {
116 readonly kind: string;
117 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
119export declare class Method extends FunctionLike {
120 readonly kind: string;
121 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
123export declare class Property {
124 readonly kind: string;
125 name: string;
126 description: string;
127 type: Type;
128 constructor(data: {
129 name: string;
130 description?: string;
131 type?: Type;
132 });
133 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
134 serialize(depth?: number): string;
136export declare class Param {
137 readonly kind: string;
138 name: string;
139 type: Type;
140 optional: boolean;
141 rest: boolean;
142 description: string;
143 constructor(data: {
144 name: string;
145 type: Type;
146 optional?: boolean;
147 rest?: boolean;
148 description?: string;
149 });
150 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
151 serialize(): string;
153export declare type Type = NameType | UnionType | ArrayType | FunctionType | ConstructorType | RecordType;
154export declare class NameType {
155 readonly kind: string;
156 name: string;
157 constructor(name: string);
158 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
159 serialize(): string;
161export declare class UnionType {
162 readonly kind: string;
163 members: Type[];
164 constructor(members: Type[]);
165 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
166 /**
167 * Simplify this union type:
168 *
169 * 1) Flatten nested unions (`foo|(bar|baz)` -> `foo|bar|baz`).
170 * 2) De-duplicate identical members (`foo|bar|foo` -> `foo|bar`).
171 */
172 simplify(): void;
173 serialize(): string;
175export declare class ArrayType {
176 readonly kind: string;
177 itemType: Type;
178 constructor(itemType: Type);
179 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
180 serialize(): string;
182export declare class FunctionType {
183 readonly kind: string;
184 params: ParamType[];
185 returns: Type;
186 constructor(params: ParamType[], returns: Type);
187 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
188 serialize(): string;
190export declare class ConstructorType {
191 readonly kind: string;
192 params: ParamType[];
193 returns: NameType;
194 constructor(params: ParamType[], returns: NameType);
195 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
196 serialize(): string;
198export declare class ParamType {
199 readonly kind: string;
200 name: string;
201 type: Type;
202 optional: boolean;
203 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
204 constructor(name: string, type: Type, optional?: boolean);
205 serialize(): string;
207export declare class RecordType {
208 readonly kind: string;
209 fields: ParamType[];
210 constructor(fields: ParamType[]);
211 traverse(): Iterable<Node>;
212 serialize(): string;
214export declare const anyType: NameType;
215export declare const nullType: NameType;
216export declare const undefinedType: NameType;