8.29 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Changelog
2All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
5and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
7<!-- ## [Unreleased] -->
8<!-- Add new, unreleased changes here. -->
10## [1.6.1] - 2019-01-18
11* Fix missing `source-map-support` dependency.
13## [1.6.0] - 2018-12-05
14* Added `--googModules` flag, for generating declarations compatible
15 with `goog.module`-style modules.
16* Added `--hideWarnings` flag, for hiding warning-level severity diagnostics.
17* Generate declarations with tslint disables for relevant rules, like variable
18 names, and no-any.
20## [1.5.1] - 2018-08-25
21* Legacy Polymer function element interfaces are now exported from ES modules.
23## [1.5.0] - 2018-08-15
24* Legacy Polymer function components will no longer have a `_template`
25 property.
26* Functions defined within exported Polymer function calls or exported objects
27 are no longer themselves emitted as top-level functions.
28* `FooBehaviorImpl` style behavior objects (that have been merged into a main
29 `FooBehavior` array) will no longer have a broken `import` or `export`
30 statements emitted for them.
31* Update the URL for this repo put in generated file headers, since it has moved
32 into the Polymer tools monorepo.
33* Added `--verify` command-line flag which will run the generated typings
34 through the TypeScript compiler (3.0) and fail with the log if it fails.
35* The `--deleteExisting` flag will no longer delete `.d.ts` files that are
36 referenced as keys in the `autoImport` config option.
37* Do not `import` or `export` features with `private` visibility.
38* Display warnings generated during the analysis phase.
39* `autoImport` now supports bare-module specifiers. Local files must now
40 begin with `.`.
41* `excludeIdentifiers` option now applies to properties and methods.
42* The pattern `import * as foo from 'foo'; export {foo as bar};` is now
43 supported.
44* Exit with a non-zero code when an analysis error is encountered.
46## [1.4.0] - 2018-07-25
47- Support for ES module imports and exports.
48- Warnings are now printed with file names, line numbers, and code snippets.
49- Add `autoImport` config option to automatically add ES module imports when
50 particular identifiers are referenced.
51- Automatically detect if a project uses NPM or Bower and configure module
52 resolution settings accordingly.
53- Automatically import/export synthetic mixin constructor interfaces.
54- Superclasses and mixins are now emitted for classes.
55- Element super classes are now emitted.
56- Legacy Polymer elements now extend `LegacyElementMixin` and `HTMLElement`
57 instead of `PolymerElement`.
58- Mixin instance interfaces now extend the instance interfaces for the mixins
59 that they automatically apply.
61## [1.3.0] - 2018-06-29
62- Generate typings for class constructors.
63- Add `@ts-ignore` comment if method contains `@suppress {checkTypes}` in jsdoc.
65## [1.2.2] - 2018-03-19
66- Fix bad file path handling which broke Windows support.
68## [1.2.1] - 2018-03-09
69- Fix bug where if a package name was a prefix of one of its dependencies (e.g.
70 `iron-icons` depends on `iron-iconset-svg`), then `<reference>` statements to
71 include that dependency's typings would not be emitted (via
72 https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-analyzer/pull/902).
74## [1.2.0] - 2018-02-15
75- Functions which definitely never return a value will now be automatically
76 inferred as returning `void`.
77- Getters on Polymer elements defined with the legacy Polymer function are now
78 scanned correctly (previously type annotations were missing, and the readonly
79 bit was inverted.
81## [1.1.3] - 2018-02-12
82- Mixin functions now include all of the additional mixins they automatically
83 apply. Previously, only the immediately applied mixins were accounted for, but
84 not ones that were applied transitively.
86## [1.1.2] - 2018-02-08
87- Elements that are constructable (usually a call to the Polymer function whose
88 result is assigned to some variable) can now have behaviors.
89- The `--deleteExisting` command line flag will no longer delete `.d.ts` files
90 that are referenced as values in the `addReferences` config option, since such
91 files are typically hand-written.
93## [1.1.1] - 2018-02-05
94- Fix missing `glob` dependency.
96## [1.1.0] - 2018-02-05
97- Added `excludeIdentifiers` config option. Use this to skip emitting any
98 declarations for some feature by its class name, etc.
99- Renamed `exclude` config option to `excludeFiles` to disambiguate it from
100 `excludeIdentifiers`. `exclude` still works as before for backwards
101 compatibility, but will be removed in the next major version.
102- Polymer behavior interfaces now extend any additional behaviors that they
103 apply. This is done with an array of behavior objects as documented at
104 https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/behaviors#extending.
105- Added `--deleteExisting` command line flag (default false) which recursively
106 deletes all `.d.ts` files in the output directory before writing new typings,
107 excluding `node_modules/` and `bower_components/`.
109## [1.0.1] - 2018-02-01
110- Always parameterize `Promise`. In Closure `Promise` is valid, but in
111 TypeScript this is invalid and must be `Promise<any>` instead.
112- Escape `*\` comment end sequences when formatting comments. These turn up in
113 practice when an HTML comment embeds a JavaScript style block comment, like
114 here:
115 https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-icon-button/blob/master/paper-icon-button.html#L51
116- Hybrid Polymer elements without a LHS assignment now have `Element` appended
117 to their generated interface name, to match the behavior of the Closure
118 Polymer Pass
119 (https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Polymer-Pass#element-type-names-for-1xhybrid-call-syntax).
120 For example, `interface IronRequest` is now `interface IronRequestElement`.
121- Typings are now emitted for all HTML files, even if they contain no script
122 tags. Added `index.html` to the default `exclude` set (alongside the existing
123 `test/**` and `demo/**` globs).
125## [1.0.0] - 2018-01-25
126- [BREAKING] The `--outDir` flag is now required when using the command line
127 tool. Previously it would print all concatenated typings to `stdout`, which
128 doesn't make much sense given that we emit multiple files.
129- Rewrite triple-slash references to Polymer into the `types/` directory so that
130 they resolve correctly. Polymer is a special case where we put the typings in
131 a `types/` subdirectory in order not to clutter the repo.
132- Emit a `const FooBehavior: object` for behaviors. This lets TypeScript know
133 that e.g. `Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior` is a valid symbol that could be
134 passed, for example, to the `Polymer.mixinBehaviors` function.
136## [0.3.6] - 2018-01-09
137- Support parameterized types other than `Array` and `Object`, such as `Foo<T>`.
139## [0.3.5] - 2018-01-02
140- Properties are now emitted as `readonly` when applicable.
141- Bump Analyzer for latest scanning features (getters/setters, static methods,
142 methods/properties on class prototypes).
144## [0.3.4] - 2017-12-20
145- Handle optional and rest parameters in function type expressions.
147## [0.3.3] - 2017-12-18
148- Pin Analyzer version for upcoming major refactor.
150## [0.3.2] - 2017-12-18
151- Static methods are now supported on classes, elements, and mixins.
152- Add `renameTypes` config option, a map of renames to apply to named types that
153 can be configured per-project.
154- Convert Closure `ITemplateArray` type to TypeScript `TemplateStringsArray`.
155- Support object index signatures (e.g. `Object<foo, bar>` maps to `{[key: foo]:
156 bar}`).
158## [0.3.1] - 2017-12-15
159- Convert Closure `Object` to TypeScript `object`.
160- Use glob patterns instead of RegExps to exclude files.
161- Bump Analyzer version to include
162 https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-analyzer/pull/791 which makes Polymer
163 properties possibly `null|undefined`.
165## [0.3.0] - 2017-12-12
166- `void` is not nullable.
167- Support constructor functions (e.g. `function(new:HTMLElement, string)`).
168- Support record types (e.g. `@param {{foo: bar}}`).
169- Include method `@return` descriptions.
171## [0.2.0] - 2017-12-08
172- Many fixes. See
173 https://github.com/Polymer/gen-typescript-declarations/issues/23.
175## [0.1.0] - 2017-11-09
176- Initial release on NPM.