1 | // IGNORE IT -->
2 | <p align="center">
3 | <img src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/popperjs/popper-core/8805a5d7599e14619c9e7ac19a3713285d8e5d7f/docs/src/images/popper-logo-outlined.svg" alt="Popper" height="300px"/>
4 | </p>
5 |
6 | <div align="center">
7 | <h1>Tooltip & Popover Positioning Engine</h1>
8 | </div>
9 |
10 | <p align="center">
11 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@popperjs/core">
12 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@popperjs/core?style=for-the-badge" alt="npm version" />
13 | </a>
14 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@popperjs/core">
15 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=for-the-badge&url=https://runkit.io/fezvrasta/combined-npm-downloads/1.0.0?packages=popper.js,@popperjs/core" alt="npm downloads per month (popper.js + @popperjs/core)" />
16 | </a>
17 | <a href="https://rollingversions.com/popperjs/popper-core">
18 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Rolling%20Versions-Enabled-brightgreen?style=for-the-badge" alt="Rolling Versions" />
19 | </a>
20 | </p>
21 |
22 | <br />
24 |
25 | **Positioning tooltips and popovers is difficult. Popper is here to help!**
26 |
27 | Given an element, such as a button, and a tooltip element describing it, Popper
28 | will automatically put the tooltip in the right place near the button.
29 |
30 | It will position _any_ UI element that "pops out" from the flow of your document
31 | and floats near a target element. The most common example is a tooltip, but it
32 | also includes popovers, drop-downs, and more. All of these can be generically
33 | described as a "popper" element.
34 |
35 | ## Demo
36 |
37 | [![Popper visualized](https://i.imgur.com/F7qWsmV.jpg)](https://popper.js.org)
38 |
39 | ## Docs
40 |
41 | - [v2.x (latest)](https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/)
42 | - [v1.x](https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/)
43 |
44 | We've created a
45 | [Migration Guide](https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/migration-guide/) to help you
46 | migrate from Popper 1 to Popper 2.
47 |
48 | To contribute to the Popper website and documentation, please visit the
49 | [dedicated repository](https://github.com/popperjs/website).
50 |
51 | ## Why not use pure CSS?
52 |
53 | - **Clipping and overflow issues**: Pure CSS poppers will not be prevented from
54 | overflowing clipping boundaries, such as the viewport. It will get partially
55 | cut off or overflows if it's near the edge since there is no dynamic
56 | positioning logic. When using Popper, your popper will always be positioned in
57 | the right place without needing manual adjustments.
58 | - **No flipping**: CSS poppers will not flip to a different placement to fit
59 | better in view if necessary. While you can manually adjust for the main axis
60 | overflow, this feature cannot be achieved via CSS alone. Popper automatically
61 | flips the tooltip to make it fit in view as best as possible for the user.
62 | - **No virtual positioning**: CSS poppers cannot follow the mouse cursor or be
63 | used as a context menu. Popper allows you to position your tooltip relative to
64 | any coordinates you desire.
65 | - **Slower development cycle**: When pure CSS is used to position popper
66 | elements, the lack of dynamic positioning means they must be carefully placed
67 | to consider overflow on all screen sizes. In reusable component libraries,
68 | this means a developer can't just add the component anywhere on the page,
69 | because these issues need to be considered and adjusted for every time. With
70 | Popper, you can place your elements anywhere and they will be positioned
71 | correctly, without needing to consider different screen sizes, layouts, etc.
72 | This massively speeds up development time because this work is automatically
73 | offloaded to Popper.
74 | - **Lack of extensibility**: CSS poppers cannot be easily extended to fit any
75 | arbitrary use case you may need to adjust for. Popper is built with
76 | extensibility in mind.
77 |
78 | ## Why Popper?
79 |
80 | With the CSS drawbacks out of the way, we now move on to Popper in the
81 | JavaScript space itself.
82 |
83 | Naive JavaScript tooltip implementations usually have the following problems:
84 |
85 | - **Scrolling containers**: They don't ensure the tooltip stays with the
86 | reference element while scrolling when inside any number of scrolling
87 | containers.
88 | - **DOM context**: They often require the tooltip move outside of its original
89 | DOM context because they don't handle `offsetParent` contexts.
90 | - **Compatibility**: Popper handles an incredible number of edge cases regarding
91 | different browsers and environments (mobile viewports, RTL, scrollbars enabled
92 | or disabled, etc.). Popper is a popular and well-maintained library, so you
93 | can be confident positioning will work for your users on any device.
94 | - **Configurability**: They often lack advanced configurability to suit any
95 | possible use case.
96 | - **Size**: They are usually relatively large in size, or require an ancient
97 | jQuery dependency.
98 | - **Performance**: They often have runtime performance issues and update the
99 | tooltip position too slowly.
100 |
101 | **Popper solves all of these key problems in an elegant, performant manner.** It
102 | is a lightweight ~3 kB library that aims to provide a reliable and extensible
103 | positioning engine you can use to ensure all your popper elements are positioned
104 | in the right place.
105 |
106 | When you start writing your own popper implementation, you'll quickly run into
107 | all of the problems mentioned above. These widgets are incredibly common in our
108 | UIs; we've done the hard work figuring this out so you don't need to spend hours
109 | fixing and handling numerous edge cases that we already ran into while building
110 | the library!
111 |
112 | Popper is used in popular libraries like Bootstrap, Foundation, Material UI, and
113 | more. It's likely you've already used popper elements on the web positioned by
114 | Popper at some point in the past few years.
115 |
116 | Since we write UIs using powerful abstraction libraries such as React or Angular
117 | nowadays, you'll also be glad to know Popper can fully integrate with them and
118 | be a good citizen together with your other components. Check out `react-popper`
119 | for the official Popper wrapper for React.
120 |
121 | ## Installation
122 |
123 | ### 1. Package Manager
124 |
125 | ```bash
126 | # With npm
127 | npm i @popperjs/core
128 |
129 | # With Yarn
130 | yarn add @popperjs/core
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ### 2. CDN
134 |
135 | ```html
136 | <!-- Development version -->
137 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core@2/dist/umd/popper.js"></script>
138 |
139 | <!-- Production version -->
140 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core@2"></script>
141 | ```
142 |
143 | ### 3. Direct Download?
144 |
145 | Managing dependencies by "directly downloading" them and placing them into your
146 | source code is not recommended for a variety of reasons, including missing out
147 | on feat/fix updates easily. Please use a versioning management system like a CDN
148 | or npm/Yarn.
149 |
150 | ## Usage
151 |
152 | The most straightforward way to get started is to import Popper from the `unpkg`
153 | CDN, which includes all of its features. You can call the `Popper.createPopper`
154 | constructor to create new popper instances.
155 |
156 | Here is a complete example:
157 |
158 | ```html
159 | <!DOCTYPE html>
160 | <title>Popper example</title>
161 |
162 | <style>
163 | #tooltip {
164 | background-color: #333;
165 | color: white;
166 | padding: 5px 10px;
167 | border-radius: 4px;
168 | font-size: 13px;
169 | }
170 | </style>
171 |
172 | <button id="button" aria-describedby="tooltip">I'm a button</button>
173 | <div id="tooltip" role="tooltip">I'm a tooltip</div>
174 |
175 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core@^2.0.0"></script>
176 | <script>
177 | const button = document.querySelector('#button');
178 | const tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
179 |
180 | // Pass the button, the tooltip, and some options, and Popper will do the
181 | // magic positioning for you:
182 | Popper.createPopper(button, tooltip, {
183 | placement: 'right',
184 | });
185 | </script>
186 | ```
187 |
188 | Visit the [tutorial](https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/tutorial/) for an example of
189 | how to build your own tooltip from scratch using Popper.
190 |
191 | ### Module bundlers
192 |
193 | You can import the `createPopper` constructor from the fully-featured file:
194 |
195 | ```js
196 | import { createPopper } from '@popperjs/core';
197 |
198 | const button = document.querySelector('#button');
199 | const tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
200 |
201 | // Pass the button, the tooltip, and some options, and Popper will do the
202 | // magic positioning for you:
203 | createPopper(button, tooltip, {
204 | placement: 'right',
205 | });
206 | ```
207 |
208 | All the modifiers listed in the docs menu will be enabled and "just work", so
209 | you don't need to think about setting Popper up. The size of Popper including
210 | all of its features is about 5 kB minzipped, but it may grow a bit in the
211 | future.
212 |
213 | #### Popper Lite (tree-shaking)
214 |
215 | If bundle size is important, you'll want to take advantage of tree-shaking. The
216 | library is built in a modular way to allow to import only the parts you really
217 | need.
218 |
219 | ```js
220 | import { createPopperLite as createPopper } from '@popperjs/core';
221 | ```
222 |
223 | The Lite version includes the most necessary modifiers that will compute the
224 | offsets of the popper, compute and add the positioning styles, and add event
225 | listeners. This is close in bundle size to pure CSS tooltip libraries, and
226 | behaves somewhat similarly.
227 |
228 | However, this does not include the features that makes Popper truly useful.
229 |
230 | The two most useful modifiers not included in Lite are `preventOverflow` and
231 | `flip`:
232 |
233 | ```js
234 | import {
235 | createPopperLite as createPopper,
236 | preventOverflow,
237 | flip,
238 | } from '@popperjs/core';
239 |
240 | const button = document.querySelector('#button');
241 | const tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
242 |
243 | createPopper(button, tooltip, {
244 | modifiers: [preventOverflow, flip],
245 | });
246 | ```
247 |
248 | As you make more poppers, you may be finding yourself needing other modifiers
249 | provided by the library.
250 |
251 | See [tree-shaking](https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/performance/#tree-shaking) for more
252 | information.
253 |
254 | ## Distribution targets
255 |
256 | Popper is distributed in 3 different versions, in 3 different file formats.
257 |
258 | The 3 file formats are:
259 |
260 | - `esm` (works with `import` syntax — **recommended**)
261 | - `umd` (works with `<script>` tags or RequireJS)
262 | - `cjs` (works with `require()` syntax)
263 |
264 | There are two different `esm` builds, one for bundler consumers (e.g. webpack,
265 | Rollup, etc..), which is located under `/lib`, and one for browsers with native
266 | support for ES Modules, under `/dist/esm`. The only difference within the two,
267 | is that the browser-compatible version doesn't make use of
268 | `process.env.NODE_ENV` to run development checks.
269 |
270 | The 3 versions are:
271 |
272 | - `popper`: includes all the modifiers (features) in one file (**default**);
273 | - `popper-lite`: includes only the minimum amount of modifiers to provide the
274 | basic functionality;
275 | - `popper-base`: doesn't include any modifier, you must import them separately;
276 |
277 | Below you can find the size of each version, minified and compressed with the
278 | [Brotli compression algorithm](https://medium.com/groww-engineering/enable-brotli-compression-in-webpack-with-fallback-to-gzip-397a57cf9fc6):
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 | ![](https://badge-size.now.sh/https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core/dist/umd/popper.min.js?compression=brotli&label=popper)
283 | ![](https://badge-size.now.sh/https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core/dist/umd/popper-lite.min.js?compression=brotli&label=popper%20lite)
284 | ![](https://badge-size.now.sh/https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core/dist/umd/popper-base.min.js?compression=brotli&label=popper%20base)
285 |
286 | ## Hacking the library
287 |
288 | If you want to play with the library, implement new features, fix a bug you
289 | found, or simply experiment with it, this section is for you!
290 |
291 | First of all, make sure to have
292 | [Yarn installed](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install).
293 |
294 | Install the development dependencies:
295 |
296 | ```bash
297 | yarn install
298 | ```
299 |
300 | And run the development environment:
301 |
302 | ```bash
303 | yarn dev
304 | ```
305 |
306 | Then, simply open one the development server web page:
307 |
308 | ```bash
309 | # macOS and Linux
310 | open localhost:5000
311 |
312 | # Windows
313 | start localhost:5000
314 | ```
315 |
316 | From there, you can open any of the examples (`.html` files) to fiddle with
317 | them.
318 |
319 | Now any change you will made to the source code, will be automatically compiled,
320 | you just need to refresh the page.
321 |
322 | If the page is not working properly, try to go in _"Developer Tools >
323 | Application > Clear storage"_ and click on "_Clear site data_".
324 | To run the examples you need a browser with
325 | [JavaScript modules via script tag support](https://caniuse.com/#feat=es6-module).
326 |
327 | ## Test Suite
328 |
329 | Popper is currently tested with unit tests, and functional tests. Both of them
330 | are run by Jest.
331 |
332 | ### Unit Tests
333 |
334 | The unit tests use JSDOM to provide a primitive document object API, they are
335 | used to ensure the utility functions behave as expected in isolation.
336 |
337 | ### Functional Tests
338 |
339 | The functional tests run with Puppeteer, to take advantage of a complete browser
340 | environment. They are currently running on Chromium, and Firefox.
341 |
342 | You can run them with `yarn test:functional`. Set the `PUPPETEER_BROWSER`
343 | environment variable to `firefox` to run them on the Mozilla browser.
344 |
345 | The assertions are written in form of image snapshots, so that it's easy to
346 | assert for the correct Popper behavior without having to write a lot of offsets
347 | comparisons manually.
348 |
349 | You can mark a `*.test.js` file to run in the Puppeteer environment by
350 | prepending a `@jest-environment puppeteer` JSDoc comment to the interested file.
351 |
352 | Here's an example of a basic functional test:
353 |
354 | ```js
355 | /**
356 | * @jest-environment puppeteer
357 | * @flow
358 | */
359 | import { screenshot } from '../utils/puppeteer.js';
360 |
361 | it('should position the popper on the right', async () => {
362 | const page = await browser.newPage();
363 | await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/basic.html`);
364 |
365 | expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();
366 | });
367 | ```
368 |
369 | You can find the complete
370 | [`jest-puppeteer` documentation here](https://github.com/smooth-code/jest-puppeteer#api),
371 | and the
372 | [`jest-image-snapshot` documentation here](https://github.com/americanexpress/jest-image-snapshot#%EF%B8%8F-api).
373 |
374 | ## License
375 |
376 | MIT