7.08 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import * as components from '@pres/components';
2export { ANSIImage, BarChart, BigText, Box, Button, Canvas, Carousel, Checkbox, DataTable, DonutChart, FileManager, Form, Gauge, GaugeList, Grid, Image, Input, LCD, Layout, Line, LineChart, List, ListBar, ListTable, Loading, Log, LogList, Map, Markdown, Message, Node, OverlayImage, Picture, ProgressBar, Prompt, Question, RadioButton, RadioSet, Screen, ScrollableBox, ScrollableText, Sparkline, StackedBarChart, Table, Terminal, Text, Textarea, Textbox, Tree, Video } from '@pres/components';
3import { Program } from '@pres/program';
4import { Tput } from '@pres/terminfo-parser';
5import * as colors from '@pres/util-blessed-colors';
6import * as helpers from '@pres/util-helpers';
7import * as unicode from '@pres/util-unicode';
8import url from 'url';
11 // chart
12 * @property {function(Object?):BarChart} barChart
13 * @property {function(Object?):DonutChart} donutChart
14 * @property {function(Object?):Gauge} gauge
15 * @property {function(Object?):GaugeList} gaugeList
16 * @property {function(Object?):LineChart} lineChart
17 * @property {function(Object?):Sparkline} sparkline
18 * @property {function(Object?):StackedBarChart} stackedBarChart
19 // core
20 * @property {function(Object?):Box} box
21 * @property {function(Object?):Element} element
22 * @property {function(Object?):Node} node
23 * @property {function(Object?):Screen} screen
24 * @property {function(Object?):Layout} layout
25 * @property {function(Object?):Line} line
26 * @property {function(Object?):Log} log
27 * @property {function(Object?):ScrollableBox} scrollableBox
28 * @property {function(Object?):ScrollableText} scrollableText
29 * @property {function(Object?):Terminal} terminal
30 // data
31 * @property {function(Object?):DataTable} dataTable
32 * @property {function(Object?):List} list
33 * @property {function(Object?):ListBar} listBar
34 * @property {function(Object?):ListTable} listTable
35 * @property {function(Object?):Table} table
36 * @property {function(Object?):Tree} tree
37 // form
38 * @property {function(Object?):Button} button
39 * @property {function(Object?):Checkbox} checkbox
40 * @property {function(Object?):FileManager} fileManager
41 * @property {function(Object?):Form} form
42 * @property {function(Object?):Input} input
43 * @property {function(Object?):Prompt} prompt
44 * @property {function(Object?):Question} question
45 * @property {function(Object?):RadioButton} radioButton
46 * @property {function(Object?):RadioSet} radioSet
47 * @property {function(Object?):Textbox} textbox
48 * @property {function(Object?):Textarea} textarea
49 // geo
50 * @property {function(Object?):Map} map
51 // inform
52 * @property {function(Object?):LCD} lcd
53 * @property {function(Object?):Loading} loading
54 * @property {function(Object?):Message} message
55 * @property {function(Object?):ProgressBar} progressBar
56 // layout
57 * @property {function(Object?):Canvas} canvas
58 * @property {function(Object?):Carousel} carousel
59 * @property {function(Object?):Grid} grid
60 // text
61 * @property {function(Object?):LogList} logList
62 * @property {function(Object?):Markdown} markdown
63 * @property {function(Object?):Text} text
64 // visual
65 * @property {function(Object?):ANSIImage} ansiImage
66 * @property {function(Object?):BigText} bigText
67 * @property {function(Object?):Image} image
68 * @property {function(Object?):OverlayImage} overlayImage
69 * @property {function(Object?):Picture} picture
70 * @property {function(Object?):PNG} png
71 * @property {function(Object?):Video} video
72 */
74class TI {}
75TI.program = Program.build;
76TI.build = Program.build;
77TI.helpers = helpers;
78TI.unicode = unicode;
79TI.colors = colors;
80TI.Tput = Tput;
81Object.assign(TI, components); // // chart
82// static barChart = barChart
83// static donutChart = donutChart
84// static gauge = gauge
85// static gaugeList = gaugeList
86// static lineChart = lineChart
87// static sparkline = sparkline
88// static stackedBarChart = stackedBarChart
89// // core
90// static box = box
91// static element = element
92// static node = node
93// static screen = screen
94// static layout = layout
95// static line = line
96// static log = log
97// static scrollableBox = scrollableBox
98// static scrollableText = scrollableText
99// static terminal = terminal
100// // data
101// static dataTable = dataTable
102// static list = list
103// static listBar = listBar
104// static listTable = listTable
105// static table = table
106// static tree = tree
107// // form
108// static button = button
109// static checkbox = checkbox
110// static fileManager = fileManager
111// static form = form
112// static input = input
113// static prompt = prompt
114// static question = question
115// static radioButton = radioButton
116// static radioSet = radioSet
117// static textbox = textbox
118// static textarea = textarea
119// // geo
120// static map = map
121// // inform
122// static lcd = lcd
123// static loading = loading
124// static message = message
125// static progressBar = progressBar
126// // layout
127// static canvas = canvas
128// static carousel = carousel
129// static grid = grid
130// // text
131// static logList = logList
132// static markdown = markdown
133// static text = text
134// // visual
135// static ansiImage = ansiImage
136// static bigText = bigText
137// static image = image
138// static overlayImage = overlayImage
139// static picture = picture
140// static png = png
141// static video = video
143function OutputBuffer(options) {
144 this.isTTY = true;
145 this.columns = options.cols;
146 this.rows = options.rows;
148 this.write = function (s) {
149 s = s.replace('\x1b8', ''); //not clear from where in TI this code comes from. It forces the terminal to clear and loose existing content.
151 options.res.write(s);
152 };
154 this.on = function () {};
157function InputBuffer() {
158 this.isTTY = true;
159 this.isRaw = true;
161 this.emit = function () {};
163 this.setRawMode = function () {};
165 this.resume = function () {};
167 this.pause = function () {};
169 this.on = function () {};
172function serverError(req, res, err) {
173 setTimeout(function () {
174 if (!res.headersSent) res.writeHead(500, {
175 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
176 });
177 res.write('\r\n\r\n' + err + '\r\n\r\n'); //restore cursor
179 res.end('\u001b[?25h');
180 }, 0);
181 return true;
184function createScreen(req, res) {
185 const query = url.parse(req.url, true).query;
186 const cols = query.cols || 250;
187 const rows = query.rows || 50;
189 if (cols <= 35 || cols >= 500 || rows <= 5 || rows >= 300) {
190 serverError(req, res, 'cols must be bigger than 35 and rows must be bigger than 5');
191 return null;
192 }
194 res.writeHead(200, {
195 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
196 });
197 const output = new OutputBuffer({
198 res: res,
199 cols: cols,
200 rows: rows
201 });
202 const input = new InputBuffer(); //required to run under forever since it replaces stdin to non-tty
204 const program = TI.program({
205 output: output,
206 input: input
207 });
208 if (query.terminal) program.terminal = query.terminal;
209 if (query.isOSX) program.isOSXTerm = query.isOSX;
210 if (query.isiTerm2) program.isiTerm2 = query.isiTerm2;
211 return TI.screen({
212 program: program
213 });
216export { InputBuffer, OutputBuffer, TI as Pres, TI, TI as TerminalInterface, TI as blessed, TI as contrib, createScreen, serverError };