4.84 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const build = require("@proerd/buildscript");
4const path_1 = require("path");
5const fs = require("fs");
6const libroot = path_1.resolve(__dirname, "..");
7function buildscript(projectRoot) {
8 const tsPath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, "node_modules", ".bin", "tsc");
9 const serverTsConfigPath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, "server", "tsconfig.json");
10 const relativeTo = (to) => path_1.relative(projectRoot, to);
11 const tasks = {
12 scaffold() {
13 checkNCreate(["server", "tsconfig.json"], () => JSON.stringify(serverTsconfig, null, 2));
14 checkNCreate(["server", "index.ts"], () => loadScaffoldFile("server-index.txt"));
15 checkNCreate(["pages", "index.tsx"], () => loadScaffoldFile("client-index.txt"));
16 checkNCreate(["pages-content", "_common", "main.scss"], () => "");
17 checkNCreate(["static", "hello.txt"], () => "Use this folder to host static assets.");
18 checkNCreate(["static", "robots.txt"], () => "");
19 checkNCreate([".babelrc.js"], () => loadScaffoldFile("babelrc.txt"));
20 checkNCreate(["tsconfig.json"], () => JSON.stringify(clientTsConfig, null, 2));
21 checkNCreate([".gitignore"], () => loadScaffoldFile("gitignore.scaff.txt"));
22 checkNCreate(["pages", "client-global.d.ts"], () => loadScaffoldFile("client-global-types.txt"));
23 checkNCreate(["pages", "_document.tsx"], () => loadScaffoldFile("_document.txt"));
24 checkNCreate([".vscode", "launch.json"], () => loadScaffoldFile("vscode-launch.txt"));
25 checkNCreate(["jest.server.config.js"], () => loadScaffoldFile("jest-config-server.txt"));
26 checkNCreate(["jest.client.config.js"], () => loadScaffoldFile("jest-config-client.txt"));
27 checkNCreate([".prettierrc"], () => loadScaffoldFile("prettier.txt"));
28 checkNCreate(["server", "server-global-types.d.ts"], () => "");
29 const pjspath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, "package.json");
30 const packagejson = require(pjspath);
31 packagejson.scripts = packagejson.scripts || {};
32 packagejson.scripts = Object.assign({}, packagejson.scripts, {
33 compileWithoutErrors: "tsc -p ./server || exit 0",
34 postinstall: "yarn run compileWithoutErrors",
35 dev: "yarn run compileWithoutErrors && node ./.nextpress/index",
36 start: "node ./.nextpress/index",
37 testServer: 'jest -c="jest.server.config.js"',
38 testClient: 'jest -c="jest.client.config.js"',
39 });
40 fs.writeFileSync(pjspath, JSON.stringify(packagejson, null, 2));
41 },
42 async compileServer() {
43 await build.spawn(`${tsPath} -p ${relativeTo(serverTsConfigPath)} -w`);
44 },
45 };
46 return {
47 run() {
48 build.runTask(tasks);
49 },
50 tool: build,
51 tasks,
52 };
53 function checkNCreate(paths, content) {
54 let folders = paths.slice(0, paths.length - 1);
55 let it = 0;
56 let current = projectRoot;
57 while (it < folders.length) {
58 current = path_1.resolve(current, paths[it]);
59 try {
60 fs.statSync(current);
61 }
62 catch (err) {
63 fs.mkdirSync(current);
64 fs.statSync(current);
65 }
66 it++;
67 }
68 let filepath = path_1.resolve(projectRoot, ...paths);
69 try {
70 fs.statSync(filepath);
71 }
72 catch (err) {
73 console.log("Creating", filepath);
74 fs.writeFileSync(filepath, content());
75 }
76 }
77 function loadScaffoldFile(pathInsideScaffoldFolder) {
78 return fs.readFileSync(path_1.resolve(libroot, "scaffolds", pathInsideScaffoldFolder));
79 }
81exports.buildscript = buildscript;
82const serverTsconfig = {
83 compilerOptions: {
84 target: "es2017",
85 module: "commonjs",
86 moduleResolution: "node",
87 outDir: "../.nextpress",
88 strict: true,
89 noUnusedLocals: true,
90 sourceMap: true,
91 pretty: false,
92 },
93 include: ["."],
94 exclude: ["__tests__"],
96const clientTsConfig = {
97 compilerOptions: {
98 target: "esnext",
99 module: "commonjs",
100 moduleResolution: "node",
101 noUnusedLocals: true,
102 skipDefaultLibCheck: true,
103 lib: ["es2015", "dom"],
104 jsx: "react",
105 strict: true,
106 sourceMap: false,
107 esModuleInterop: true,
108 experimentalDecorators: true,
109 downlevelIteration: true,
110 },
111 include: ["pages", "app"],
113//# sourceMappingURL=buildscript.js.map
\No newline at end of file