1 | {
2 | "compilerOptions": {
3 | "allowJs": true,
4 | // `baseUrl` must be placed on the extending configuration in devland, or paths won't be recognized
5 | "esModuleInterop": true,
6 | "module": "esnext",
7 | "moduleResolution": "node",
8 | // Needed to address https://github.com/quasarframework/app-extension-typescript/issues/36
9 | "noEmit": true,
10 | "resolveJsonModule": true,
11 | // Avoid cross-os errors due to inconsistent file casing
12 | "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
13 | "sourceMap": true,
14 | "strict": true,
15 | "target": "esnext",
16 | "isolatedModules": true,
17 | "useDefineForClassFields": true,
18 | // Fix Volar issue https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/issues/1153
19 | "jsx": "preserve",
20 | "lib": ["esnext", "dom"],
21 | "paths": {
22 | "src/*": ["src/*"],
23 | "app/*": ["*"],
24 | "components/*": ["src/components/*"],
25 | "layouts/*": ["src/layouts/*"],
26 | "pages/*": ["src/pages/*"],
27 | "assets/*": ["src/assets/*"],
28 | "boot/*": ["src/boot/*"],
29 | "stores/*": ["src/stores/*"]
30 | }
31 | },
32 | // Needed to avoid files copied into 'dist' folder (e.g. a `.d.ts` file inside `src-ssr` folder)
33 | // to be evaluated by TS when their original files has been updated
34 | "exclude": ["/dist", ".quasar", "node_modules"]
35 | }