1 | {
2 | "type": "component",
3 | "props": {
4 | "type": {
5 | "type": "String",
6 | "desc": "Tells the component which player is to be used",
7 | "default": "video",
8 | "values": [ "video", "audio" ],
9 | "examples": [ "video" ]
10 | },
11 | "color": {
12 | "type": "String",
13 | "desc": "Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette",
14 | "examples": [ "primary", "teal-10" ]
15 | },
16 | "background-color": {
17 | "type": "String",
18 | "desc": "Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette",
19 | "examples": [ "black", "teal-10" ]
20 | },
21 | "mobile-mode": {
22 | "type": "Boolean",
23 | "desc": "Use mobile logic for handling visibility of controls"
24 | },
25 | "sources": {
26 | "type": "Array",
27 | "desc": "The one or more sources for Video or Audio",
28 | "definition": {
29 | "src": {
30 | "type": "String",
31 | "desc": "Path to a source"
32 | },
33 | "type": {
34 | "type": "String",
35 | "desc": "The kind of source",
36 | "examples": [ "video/mp4", "audio/mp3" ]
37 | }
38 | },
39 | "examples": [ "[{ src: 'https://your-server/your-video.mov', type: 'video/mp4' }]", "[{ src: 'https://your-server/your-audio.mp3', type: 'audio/mp3' }]" ]
40 | },
41 | "poster": {
42 | "type": "String",
43 | "desc": "[Video only] The poster image to display before the video is loaded",
44 | "examples": [ "https://path/to/the/image.jpg" ]
45 | },
46 | "tracks": {
47 | "type": "Array",
48 | "desc": "[Video only] The one or more tracks for subtitle, captions, etc",
49 | "definition": {
50 | "src": {
51 | "type": "String",
52 | "desc": "Path to subtitle, caption, etc"
53 | },
54 | "kind": {
55 | "type": "String",
56 | "desc": "The kind of track",
57 | "examples": [ "subtitle", "caption" ]
58 | },
59 | "srclang": {
60 | "type": "String",
61 | "desc": "Language identifier",
62 | "examples": [ "en", "de" ]
63 | },
64 | "label": {
65 | "type": "String",
66 | "desc": "Label to use for selection purposes",
67 | "examples": [ "English", "Deutsche" ]
68 | }
69 | },
70 | "examples": [ "[ { src: 'https://your-server//path/to/subtitles-en.vtt', kind: 'subtitles', srclang: 'en', label: 'English } ]" ]
71 | },
72 | "track-language": {
73 | "type": "String",
74 | "desc": "[Video only] A value that corresponds to the 'label' attribute of the 'tracks' property. This will be the default language",
75 | "examples": [ "English" ]
76 | },
77 | "preload": {
78 | "type": "String",
79 | "desc": "[Video only] Provides a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience",
80 | "default": "metadata",
81 | "values": [ "none", "metadata", "auto" ],
82 | "examples": [ "metadata" ]
83 | },
84 | "dense": {
85 | "type": "Boolean",
86 | "desc": "When true displays controls window on one line"
87 | },
88 | "dark": {
89 | "type": "Boolean",
90 | "desc": "When component is rendered on a dark background"
91 | },
92 | "autoplay": {
93 | "type": "Boolean",
94 | "desc": "Automatically start video/audio when it is ready to play"
95 | },
96 | "cross-origin": {
97 | "type": [ "String", "Null" ],
98 | "desc": "Whether to use CORS for fetching assets",
99 | "values": [ "null", "anonymous", "use-credentials" ],
100 | "examples": [ "anonymous" ]
101 | },
102 | "volume": {
103 | "type": "Number",
104 | "desc": "A value from 0-100 (as a percentage)",
105 | "default": "60",
106 | "examples": [ "50", "75" ]
107 | },
108 | "muted": {
109 | "type": "Boolean",
110 | "desc": "If the player should be muted"
111 | },
112 | "show-big-play-button": {
113 | "type": "Boolean",
114 | "desc": "Show/hide the Big Play Button",
115 | "default": "true"
116 | },
117 | "controls-display-time": {
118 | "type": "Number",
119 | "desc": "The amount of idle time in milliseconds to wait before hiding the controls",
120 | "default": "2000",
121 | "examples": [ "3000" ]
122 | },
123 | "no-controls": {
124 | "type": "Boolean",
125 | "desc": "If set to true, the controls will never be displayed"
126 | },
127 | "playback-rates": {
128 | "type": "Array",
129 | "desc": "[Video only] This is an array of one or more objects for playback rate (speed)",
130 | "definition": {
131 | "label": {
132 | "type": "String",
133 | "desc": "The displayed label for user selection",
134 | "examples": [ ".5X", "Normal" ]
135 | },
136 | "value": {
137 | "type": "Number",
138 | "desc": "The value to use for playback rate",
139 | "examples": [ "0.5", "1.0" ]
140 | }
141 | },
142 |
143 | "default": "[ { label: '.5x', value: 0.5 }, { label: 'Normal', value: 1 }, { label: '1.5x', value: 1.5 }, { label: '2x', value: 2 } ]",
144 | "examples": [ "[ { label: '.5x', value: 0.5 } ]" ]
145 | },
146 | "playback-rate": {
147 | "type": "Number",
148 | "desc": "Corresponds to the value in playback-rates",
149 | "default": "0.5",
150 | "examples": [ "2" ]
151 | }
152 | },
153 | "events": {
154 | "loaded": {
155 | "desc": "Emitted when the media has been loaded"
156 | },
157 | "ready": {
158 | "desc": "Emitted when the media is ready to play. You cannot play/pause or setCurrentTime before this event"
159 | },
160 | "duration": {
161 | "desc": "Emitted when the duration of the media has been determined",
162 | "params": {
163 | "seconds": {
164 | "type": "Number",
165 | "desc": "The duration in seconds"
166 | }
167 | }
168 | },
169 | "ended": {
170 | "desc": "Emitted when the media has finished playing"
171 | },
172 | "error": {
173 | "desc": "Emitted when there is a media error"
174 | },
175 | "paused": {
176 | "desc": "Emitted when the media is paused"
177 | },
178 | "playing": {
179 | "desc": "Emitted when the media starts playing. This will also emit after a pause or a wait"
180 | },
181 | "timeupdate": {
182 | "desc": "Emitted wenever there is a time update (during play)",
183 | "params": {
184 | "curTime": {
185 | "type": "Number",
186 | "desc": "The number play time in seconds"
187 | },
188 | "remaining": {
189 | "type": "Number",
190 | "desc": "The number of seconds remaining"
191 | }
192 | }
193 | },
194 | "fullscreen": {
195 | "desc": "Emitted when entering/exiting fullscreen mode",
196 | "params": {
197 | "showing": {
198 | "type": "Boolean",
199 | "desc": "true/false if in fullscreen or not"
200 | }
201 | }
202 | },
203 | "waiting": {
204 | "desc": "Emitted when the media player goes into a wait state (typically waiting while downloading)"
205 | },
206 | "showControls": {
207 | "desc": "Emitted when the Controls are toggled",
208 | "params": {
209 | "showing": {
210 | "type": "Boolean",
211 | "desc": "true/false if controls are showing or not"
212 | }
213 | }
214 | },
215 | "volume": {
216 | "desc": "Emitted when the volume changes"
217 | },
218 | "muted": {
219 | "desc": "Emitted when the mute changes",
220 | "params": {
221 | "showing": {
222 | "type": "Boolean",
223 | "desc": "true/false if volume is muted or not"
224 | }
225 | }
226 | }
227 | },
228 | "methods": {
229 | "showControls": {
230 | "desc": "Show the controls. Has no effect is already being displayed"
231 | },
232 | "hideControls": {
233 | "desc": "Hide the controls. Has no effect is already being hidden"
234 | },
235 | "toggleControls": {
236 | "desc": "Toggle the controls"
237 | },
238 | "togglePlay": {
239 | "desc": "Toggles between play/pause states"
240 | },
241 | "toggleMuted": {
242 | "desc": "Toggles between mute/unmute states"
243 | },
244 | "toggleFullscreen": {
245 | "desc": "Toggles fullscreen mode"
246 | },
247 | "setCurrentTime": {
248 | "params": {
249 | "seconds": {
250 | "type": "Number",
251 | "required": true,
252 | "desc": "The time in seconds"
253 | }
254 | },
255 | "desc": "Set the current time of the video/audio player (in seconds)"
256 | },
257 | "setVolume": {
258 | "params": {
259 | "percent": {
260 | "type": "Number",
261 | "required": true,
262 | "desc": "The volume in percent"
263 | }
264 | },
265 | "desc": "Sets the volume as a percent (0-100)."
266 | }
267 | },
268 | "slots": {
269 | "old-browser": {
270 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default old browser text"
271 | },
272 | "overlay": {
273 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default overlay"
274 | },
275 | "error-window": {
276 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default error window"
277 | },
278 | "controls": {
279 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default controls can be replaced"
280 | },
281 | "spinner": {
282 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default spinner/loading icon"
283 | },
284 | "big-play-button": {
285 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default big play button icon"
286 | },
287 | "display-time": {
288 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default display time"
289 | },
290 | "position-slider": {
291 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default positioning slider"
292 | },
293 | "duration-time": {
294 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default duration time"
295 | },
296 | "play": {
297 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default play icon"
298 | },
299 | "volume": {
300 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default volume icon"
301 | },
302 | "volume-slider": {
303 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default volume slider"
304 | },
305 | "settings": {
306 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default settings icon"
307 | },
308 | "settings-menu": {
309 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default Settings menu"
310 | },
311 | "fullscreen": {
312 | "desc": "Slot for replacing the default fullscreen icon"
313 | }
314 | }
315 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |