7.92 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @reach/dialog v0.18.0
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, React Training LLC
5 *
6 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
7 * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree.
8 *
9 * @license MIT
10 */
12import * as React from 'react';
13import { PortalProps } from '@reach/portal';
14import * as Polymorphic from '@reach/polymorphic';
17 * Welcome to @reach/dialog!
18 *
19 * An accessible dialog or "modal" window.
20 *
21 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog
22 * @see Source https://github.com/reach/reach-ui/tree/main/packages/dialog
23 * @see WAI-ARIA https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/#dialog_modal
24 */
27 * DialogWrapper
28 *
29 * Low-level component if you need direct access to the portaled dialog wrapper.
30 *
31 * Note: You must render a `DialogInner` inside.
32 */
33declare function DialogWrapper({ isOpen, children, ...props }: DialogWrapperProps): JSX.Element;
34declare namespace DialogWrapper {
35 var displayName: string;
37interface DialogWrapperProps extends PortalProps {
38 /**
39 * Controls whether or not the dialog is open.
40 */
41 isOpen?: boolean;
44 * DialogInner
45 *
46 * Low-level component if you need direct access to the portaled dialog wrapper.
47 *
48 * Note: Must be rendered inside of a `DialogWrapper`.
49 *
50 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialoginner
51 */
52declare const DialogInner: Polymorphic.ForwardRefComponent<"div", DialogOverlayProps>;
54 * DialogOverlay
55 *
56 * Low-level component if you need more control over the styles or rendering of
57 * the dialog overlay.
58 *
59 * Note: You must render a `DialogContent` inside.
60 *
61 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogoverlay
62 */
63declare const DialogOverlay: Polymorphic.ForwardRefComponent<"div", DialogOverlayProps>;
64interface DialogOverlayProps extends DialogProps {
65 /**
66 * By default the dialog locks the focus inside it. Normally this is what you
67 * want. This prop is provided so that this feature can be disabled. This,
68 * however, is strongly discouraged.
69 *
70 * The reason it is provided is not to disable the focus lock entirely.
71 * Rather, there are certain situations where you may need more control on how
72 * the focus lock works. This should be complemented by setting up a focus
73 * lock yourself that would allow more flexibility for your specific use case.
74 *
75 * If you do set this prop to `true`, make sure you set up your own
76 * `FocusLock` component. You can likely use
77 * `react-focus-lock`, which is what Reach uses internally by default. It has
78 * various settings to allow more customization, but it takes care of a lot of
79 * hard work that you probably don't want or need to do.
80 *
81 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogoverlay-dangerouslybypassfocuslock
82 * @see https://github.com/theKashey/react-focus-lock
83 * @see https://github.com/reach/reach-ui/issues/615
84 */
85 dangerouslyBypassFocusLock?: boolean;
86 /**
87 * By default the dialog locks scrolling with `react-remove-scroll`, which
88 * also injects some styles on the body element to remove the scrollbar while
89 * maintaining its gap to prevent jank when the dialog's open state is
90 * toggled. This is almost always what you want in a dialog, but in some cases
91 * you may have the need to customize this behavior further.
92 *
93 * This prop will disable `react-remove-scroll` and allow you to compose your
94 * own scroll lock component to meet your needs. Like the
95 * `dangerouslyBypassFocusLock` prop, this is generally discouraged and should
96 * only be used if a proper fallback for managing scroll behavior is provided.
97 *
98 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogoverlay-dangerouslybypassscrolllock
99 * @see https://github.com/theKashey/react-remove-scroll
100 */
101 dangerouslyBypassScrollLock?: boolean;
104 * DialogContent
105 *
106 * Low-level component if you need more control over the styles or rendering of
107 * the dialog content.
108 *
109 * Note: Must be a child of `DialogOverlay`.
110 *
111 * Note: You only need to use this when you are also styling `DialogOverlay`,
112 * otherwise you can use the high-level `Dialog` component and pass the props
113 * to it. Any props passed to `Dialog` component (besides `isOpen` and
114 * `onDismiss`) will be spread onto `DialogContent`.
115 *
116 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogcontent
117 */
118declare const DialogContent: Polymorphic.ForwardRefComponent<"div", DialogContentProps>;
120 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogcontent-props
121 */
122interface DialogContentProps {
123 /**
124 * Accepts any renderable content.
125 *
126 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialogcontent-children
127 */
128 children?: React.ReactNode;
131 * Dialog
132 *
133 * High-level component to render a modal dialog window over the top of the page
134 * (or another dialog).
135 *
136 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog
137 */
138declare const Dialog: Polymorphic.ForwardRefComponent<"div", DialogProps>;
140 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-props
141 */
142interface DialogProps {
143 /**
144 * Handle zoom/pinch gestures on iOS devices when scroll locking is enabled.
145 * Defaults to `false`.
146 *
147 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-allowpinchzoom
148 */
149 allowPinchZoom?: boolean;
150 /**
151 * Accepts any renderable content.
152 *
153 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-children
154 */
155 children?: React.ReactNode;
156 /**
157 * By default the first focusable element will receive focus when the dialog
158 * opens but you can provide a ref to focus instead.
159 *
160 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-initialfocusref
161 */
162 initialFocusRef?: React.RefObject<any>;
163 /**
164 * Controls whether or not the dialog is open.
165 *
166 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-isopen
167 */
168 isOpen?: boolean;
169 /**
170 * This function is called whenever the user hits "Escape" or clicks outside
171 * the dialog. _It's important to close the dialog `onDismiss`_.
172 *
173 * The only time you shouldn't close the dialog on dismiss is when the dialog
174 * requires a choice and none of them are "cancel". For example, perhaps two
175 * records need to be merged and the user needs to pick the surviving record.
176 * Neither choice is less destructive than the other, so in these cases you
177 * may want to alert the user they need to a make a choice on dismiss instead
178 * of closing the dialog.
179 *
180 * @see Docs https://reach.tech/dialog#dialog-ondismiss
181 */
182 onDismiss?(event: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent): void;
183 /**
184 * By default, React Focus Lock prevents focus from being moved outside of the
185 * locked element even if the thing trying to take focus is in another frame.
186 * Normally this is what you want, as an iframe is typically going to be a
187 * part of your page content. But in some situations, like when using Code
188 * Sandbox, you can't use any of the controls or the editor in the sandbox
189 * while dialog is open because of the focus lock.
190 *
191 * This prop may have some negative side effects and unintended consequences,
192 * and it opens questions about how we might distinguish frames that *should*
193 * steal focus from those that shouldn't. Perhaps it's best for app devs to
194 * decide, and if they use this prop we should advise them to imperatively
195 * assign a -1 tabIndex to other iframes that are a part of the page content
196 * when the dialog is open.
197 *
198 * https://github.com/reach/reach-ui/issues/536
199 *
200 * @deprecated
201 */
202 unstable_lockFocusAcrossFrames?: boolean;
205export { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogContentProps, DialogInner, DialogOverlayProps as DialogInnerProps, DialogOverlay, DialogOverlayProps, DialogProps, DialogWrapper as unstable_DialogWrapper, DialogWrapperProps as unstable_DialogWrapperProps };